How to make kvass from chicory - 4 step-by-step recipes with video

Chicory in kvass is a breath of fresh air in a classic recipe. With the addition of the ground root of the plant, the drink acquires spicy taste with a slight bitterness and a pleasant nutty hue.

Kvass from chicory, made at home, has healing properties, perfectly quenches thirst in sultry, unbearable heat. Cooking kvass from chicory at home is not a hassle. The main thing is attentiveness, accuracy and quality products.

Consider a few step-by-step kvass recipes, including classic and non-standard with the addition of additional ingredients.

How to cook chicory kvass according to the classic recipe

IngredientsServings: - + 20
  • water 10 l
  • sugar 1000 g
  • chicory (soluble) 2 tbsp. l
  • yeast 20 g
  • citric acid 1 tbsp. l
Calories and BJU per 100 gCalories: 11 kcalProtein: 0 gFat: 0 gCarbohydrates: 3 gSteps2 hours 20 min. Video//
  • I take a large container. I brew yeast in warm water. Add cool filtered water and other products.
  • Thoroughly interfere and rearrange in a warm place, covering with a cloth for several hours. I do not expose to the sun, the risk of getting a mash is great.
  • After 3-4 hours, filter, pour into bottles. I leave a margin of 6-7 cm to the neck. I leave additional space for the gas generation process.
  • I put in the refrigerator to cool and "ripen". Kvass is ready to eat every other day.

How to make red kvass from chicory with lemon

  • Water - 5 L
  • Dry yeast - 100 g
  • Chicory - 2 tablespoons,
  • Peppermint extract - 10 drops,
  • Citric acid - 1 small spoon,
  • Lemon - 1 piece
  • Sugar - 400 g.
  1. My lemon, chopped with a blender. Wrap lemon gruel in gauze. The resulting bag is put in a pan with boiled water, cooled to room temperature.
  2. Pour chicory, yeast into the tank, add granulated sugar and citric acid. Stir, squeeze a bag of lemon puree with my hand, giving sourness to the drink. Add mint extract (to taste).
  3. I pour the kvass into the bottle, leaving a few spare centimeters for the fermentation process. I put it in a warm place. The warmer the room, the faster the kvass will ripen. Do not overdo it!
  4. After 2-3 hours I check the bottle. I click on it. The readiness of kvass is evidenced by a solid bottle, without a slip in external physical action. I put it in the refrigerator and wait 1 day. After a day, the kvass is completely ready. Treat your loved ones and enjoy the healing drink yourself!

Citric acid is an additional ingredient that makes the drink more acidic. It is added depending on the preferences of the hostess and the wishes of the household.

Cooking video

Cooking chicory kvass with citric acid and mint

Kvass, prepared according to this recipe, vaguely resembles mojito without alcohol in the composition.

  • Drinking water - 5 l,
  • Sugar - 400 g
  • Fresh mint (tincture of peppermint),
  • Chicory - 4 large spoons,
  • Dry yeast - 2 small spoons (no slide),
  • Citric acid - 1 teaspoon.
  1. I put the water to boil. I make chicory, dissolve granulated sugar, add citric acid, throw a bunch of mint (pour in peppermint tincture). Leave to cool.
  2. I’m doing yeast. I mix it with a small spoonful of sugar, fill it with water, wait for it to begin to “come up”.
  3. In the cooked broth, cooled to room temperature (you can slightly warmer), pour the diluted yeast.
  4. Thoroughly interfere, leave to roam for 3-4 hours.
  5. After the allotted time I appreciate the taste. With insufficient acidity, I additionally add citric acid.
  6. I pour it in bottles, leave it overnight.
  7. In the morning I put it in the refrigerator, let it cool for several hours in a horizontal position.

Chicory kvass can shoot like champagne when uncorked. Be careful not to shake the bottle and carefully open.

Quick kvass with chicory, lemon and dry yeast

  • Water - 10 L
  • Pressed yeast - 100 g,
  • Chicory extract - 3 tablespoons,
  • Whole lemon (with zest) - 2 pieces,
  • Sugar - 600 g.
  1. I thoroughly grind my fruit, rub the zest on a grater. I wrap the resulting mixture in gauze. I send it to a large tank with warm boiled (filtered) water.
  2. Add other ingredients. For additional acidity, I add citric acid. I squeeze the juice, squeezing the bag in the water, I get it after several procedures.
  3. I pour it on previously prepared bottles. I leave more space on top (8-10 cm) for active gas formation.
  4. I expose to open sunlight (not on the hottest day) for 60-90 minutes. So kvass will be faster than just in a warm place. Be careful, the drink can turn into a drunken mash. Control the process!
  5. I put the bottles in the refrigerator. The next day I get a tasty and healthy chicory kvass with a pinwheel nibbling the tongue.

The benefits and harms of chicory kvass

Chicory is useful and recommended by doctors. It complements the healing properties of kvass, improving the digestive tract and helping with problems with the heart and blood vessels. Chicory kvass has an excellent invigorating effect, gives energy, supports the body in case of loss of strength (for example, after prolonged physical activity). It is recommended for use in moderate amounts by all suffering from gallstone disease.

Harm and contraindications

Drink is contraindicated in people with allergic reactions and personal intolerance to chicory. Regular use of kvass with a medicinal plant is prohibited in case of central nervous system disorders, diabetes mellitus, chronic asthma and bronchitis.

About choosing chicory

You need to choose high-quality chicory for making kvass at home. Powdered extracts procured on an industrial scale may contain active chemicals that adversely affect health. Unscrupulous companies add to the composition of the impurities of ground oats or barley, saving on the healing root.

It is better to take chicory of famous brands from trusted manufacturers. Externally, the extract should resemble a homogeneous brown mass. Color depends on the degree of roasting, may be light or darker.

Watch the video: Don't Throw Away Your Juice Pulp - CHOW Tip (October 2024).

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