How to open a bottle of wine quickly and easily

A bottle of good wine is an integral element of the event, whether it's a New Year's feast, a picnic or a get-together with friends. But before proceeding to the tasting of the intoxicated drink, the bottle has to be opened.

Wine sealed with screw cork is not uncommon, but the quality of this product is often not up to par, so few people buy it. Conscientious manufacturers traditionally clog bottles with balsa wood products. And for their opening is intended a corkscrew. This easy-to-use device is not always at hand. In the article, I will share the intricacies of opening a wine bottle with a corkscrew and consider improvised tools that will help solve the problem when it is absent at home.

How to remove a cork from a bottle using improvised means

There are frequent cases when guests are already at the table, delicious and fragrant treats are served and only a closed bottle of wine prevents the start of the celebration. A corkscrew would help in solving the problem, but he was lost, out of order, or completely absent. How to be?

It turns out that you can open the container with improvised means:

  • Push in. Men can use their fingers, having previously covered the cork with a small coin. Women are better off armed with lipstick or high heel shoes.
  • Book and towel. Wrap the bottom of the bottle with a towel, tap the bottom of the container on the book attached to the wall. Do not overdo it with the force of the blow, so as not to be left without a drink.
  • Water bottle. Fill a plastic bottle with water and tap the middle part on the bottom. An alternative to such an instrument would be a regular boot.
  • Screw and pliers. Screw a screw into the cork and open the bottle with pliers. Instead, two pencils are used, grasping the tip of the screw on both sides.
  • Knife. Insert the knife into the cork and, using rotational movements, uncork the drink. For this purpose, a tool that has notches on the blade is suitable.
  • Nails and hammer. Cork a few nails so that they form a line. Using claws on a hammer to open a bottle.
  • Paper clips and pencil. Straighten two paper clips. Make hooks at the end of each wire. Insert the workpieces with the hooks down into the space between the neck and the cork on both sides, rotate them to the center. Twist the ends of the staples, pick them up with a pencil and pull out the cork.
  • The way of the hussars. Open the drink will help a knife, saber or blade. Take the bottle with your hand, wrap the bottom of the bottle with a towel and beat off the neck with a sharp movement. This method is unsafe and requires skill. For beginners, I do not recommend using it.

These options have passed the test of time and have proven effective. But I would advise you to buy a corkscrew or multi-function knife. These devices will ease your fate.

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How to open wine with a corkscrew

In ancient times, people stored the drink in wooden barrels or clay jugs, covering the neck with a rag or smearing with resin. At the end of the 18th century, when wine trade reached a peak, the problem of preserving an expensive drink during prolonged transportation arose. The cork tree bark came to the rescue, which coped with the "excellent" task.

In 1795, a priest from England, Samuel Hanshall, patented the first corkscrew. The design of the "steel worm" resembled a fawn - a device used to remove a malfunctioning projectile from the barrel of a firearm. Over time, the tool was improved and modernized. Today, a variety of corkscrews are sold. We will talk about the intricacies of their use below.

Classic corkscrew

The design of the classic corkscrew, which is popularly called the "steel worm", is very simple - the handle and screw. Such a corker is reliable and inexpensive.

Instructions for use:

  1. Visually determine the center of the plug, gently screw the device. Do not overdo it, otherwise crumbs from the lid will spoil the taste of the drink.
  2. Having fixed the bottle, carefully pull out the cork, making shaking and twisting movements.

Corkscrew lever

Thanks to two mechanical levers that rise and fall in a vertical plane, the device was called the “butterfly”. A corkscrew with minimal effort on the part of the user easily copes with the task of removing the blockage from the neck. Tightly seated plugs sometimes cause problems.

Instructions for use:

  1. Install the screw in the center of the plug. Make sure the corkscrew levers are lowered. Holding the structure with your hand, rotate the handle clockwise. As the blade deepens, the levers begin to rise.
  2. When the "butterfly wings" reach their maximum highs, lock the bottle and lower the levers. The cork slides easily out of the neck.

Screw corkscrew

The mechanical device makes opening the bottle of wine as easy as possible. Ideal for girls, as it requires little effort.

Instructions for use:

  1. Put the screw in the center of the plug. Make sure the corkscrew body fits snugly against the neck.
  2. While rotating, twist the spiral until the cork is completely out of the bottle.

Pneumatic corkscrew

This original design, rarely found in Russia, is a bit like a medical syringe. The device is easy to use and easily uncorks wine, but is not suitable for thin-walled bottles.

Instructions for use:

  1. Pierce the plug with a pneumatic corkscrew needle. After making sure that it has gone through, press the lever and pump air according to the principle of a bicycle pump.
  2. In just a few seconds, the pressure in the vessel rises and the cork slides easily.

Regardless of the type of corkscrew used, uncork the bottle carefully, otherwise a splashed drink will stain clothes, a tablecloth or carpet. And to remove the wine is problematic.

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How to keep an open bottle of wine

With age, the taste and aromatic qualities of the wine improve, but this does not apply to the printed bottle. Under the influence of external factors, the drink loses its pristine charm. Professionals recommend drinking wine immediately after opening. If it was not possible to empty the bottle, it is important to ensure the correct storage conditions.

In order for the wine to leave taste and aroma after opening, it is necessary to protect the drink from factors that adversely affect it: oxygen, light and heat.

  1. When exposed to room temperature, the schnapps deteriorates and loses its charm. To avoid this, immediately after the feast, hide the bottle in the refrigerator. Keep the wine on the shelf, not on the door.
  2. The refrigerator will protect the drink from exposure to light. And so that the air does not spoil your favorite wine, do not forget to tightly clog the bottle. Sometimes the native plug does not go back into the neck. I advise you to buy a special plug in the store that will simplify the task.

Now let's talk about the shelf life. Sparkling wine lives least of all - the disappearance of bubbles deprives him of the main secret. White and pink - stored longer (subject to the correct conditions - up to three days). Fortified and sweet wines that live for a week are considered champions in their suitability for consumption.

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Useful Tips

If the idea of ​​storing wine after opening the bottle is not to your liking, I suggest options for using the remnants of your favorite drink.

  • Cook aromatic mulled wine that will warm you on a cold winter evening. There will also be an occasion to call friends.
  • Use the rest of the drink to prepare culinary masterpieces. Wine perfectly complements the taste of meat. Make a stew sauce or aromatic marinade from it. Wine will also suit for the preparation of complex desserts and jelly-like treats.
  • Freeze the rest of the drink in a special mold to preserve its taste for a long time. In the future, use the cubes for making cocktails.

Now you know the popular and effective ways to open bottles and the intricacies of storing unfinished wine. I hope these tips and tricks will make your leisure time more comfortable. Well, about the factory corkscrew - do not delay with the purchase. Such an inexpensive little thing is indispensable in everyday life and on vacation.

Watch the video: How to Open Bottle of Wine with a Spoon (October 2024).

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