How to clean your heels quickly and efficiently

The legs need the same thorough care as the face, hair or nails. However, practice shows that many girls forget about this before the start of the open shoe season. How to clean heels at home? What tools help to quickly and effectively solve the problem? This is today's article.

With the advent of summer, coarse heels for many girls and women become a huge problem. Closed shoes give way to flip flops and sandals, in which the heels are always in sight. And the coarse skin in this place looks unattractive, giving the outsider the impression that the legs of the young lady are deprived of care and attention.

Folk remedies against rough skin on the heels

Undoubtedly, the master of the beauty salon will fix the problem in a short time, because professional help provides the maximum effect. But the salon service cannot be called affordable, which makes this option unacceptable to many young ladies.

Fortunately, it’s not necessary to run to the nearest beauty salon; you can clean your heels on your own at home. Folk remedies that are available and as safe as possible for health will help in this. The main thing is to understand the intricacies of their application, and to study the algorithm for conducting a home procedure.

  • Hydrogen peroxide. Make a solution by mixing one part of hydrogen peroxide with six parts of warm water. Moisten a solution of gauze with a gauze swab, heel for 5 minutes, then clean the softened skin with a pumice stone.
  • Soda. Soda solution is ideal for steaming legs. Pour hot water into the basin, add soda at the rate of 1 tablespoon per liter of liquid. Dip the feet in the liquid for about 15 minutes, then remove the layer of keratinized skin with a nail file or brush. After the procedure, treat the heels with a moisturizer and put on warm socks.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid. Mash 10 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid into powder, add a glass of vodka and mix. Pour the mixture into a vial, cork tightly and leave for 3 days. Before going to bed, soak a piece of gauze in the ready-made solution, attach to the heels, put on your socks and go to bed. Remove, clean and moisten everything in the morning.
  • Vinegar. It will help remove a layer of rough skin and restore acid-base balance. Attach a cotton pad soaked in vinegar to the heels, fix with cling film and put on your socks. After 3 hours, remove lotions, and treat the heels with a pumice and moisturize.
  • Pumice. Pour warm water into the basin, add a little liquid soap and mix. Dip your feet in the liquid for 15 minutes. When the heels are steamed, treat the problem areas with a pumice stone, making light movements. If a burning sensation occurs, complete the procedure. Moisturize your skin with cream and put on your socks.
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The recipes reviewed have repeatedly proven effective in practice. In spite of this,

Before use, make sure that components prescribed by folk recipes do not cause allergies.


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If heels do not get optimal hydration, they become dry and hard. And since this part of the leg plays the role of a shock absorber, with regular loads, the skin first peels off, then crackes. As a result, walking becomes painful.

Indispensable help in solving the problem can not only folk remedies, but also pharmaceutical preparations, which are mainly represented by ointments.

  1. Scholl. To get the expected effect of using the Scholl file, wash and dry your legs before the procedure. Treat with smooth movements. After cleaning, remove dust from the surface of the heels with a brush and treat the skin with a moisturizer. To keep your heels always soft and soft, use this roller file regularly.
  2. Glycerol. To soften the heels, prepare the working mixture. To do this, first mix 30 grams of oak and chamomile bark and pour a glass of boiling water. Add a tablespoon of glycerin to the broth and mix. Rub the product into the feet, put on cotton socks and go to bed. Rinse with warm water in the morning.
  3. Radevit. This ointment provides an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates the recovery process. Additionally relieves itching, reduces keratinization, moisturizes and softens the skin.
  4. Flexitol. The drug provides a multilateral action: makes the skin supple, eliminates irritation, provides an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates the healing of deep cracks.
  5. Gevol. The cream nourishes, moisturizes and heals the skin on the heels. Additionally eliminates the unpleasant odor of the feet in fungal diseases and provides an analgesic effect.

I note that the Scholl roller file is recommended to be used with extreme caution by people with diabetes. Their vessels are located too close to the surface of the skin, therefore, before using the device, it is better to consult a doctor. Also, the device is contraindicated for persons who have injured heel skin or have fungal diseases.

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If the systematic care for your heels does not solve the problem of rough skin, visit a dermatologist. Perhaps this cosmetic defect is an echo of a serious internal disease.

Why does the heel skin dry and crack

Even in normal condition, the skin on the heels is inferior to the skin on the face and palms in terms of softness. When it begins to become coarse, this not only affects the beauty of the legs, but also brings discomfort.

Do not worry too much about this. Better give your feet a little attention, and after a few weeks the heels will again become soft and beautiful. To speed up this point, it is extremely important to determine the root cause of the problem.

  1. Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency. If few useful substances enter the body, this slows down the regeneration process. As a result, the heels become dry and crack. In this case, it is recommended to review the diet and enrich it with vitamin food.
  2. Overweight. The problem is often faced by people who are overweight. It is not surprising, because the heels, feet and fingers receive an excessively high load. Therefore, you have to work on the body and lose a few extra pounds.
  3. Field of activity. Often the problem is professional in nature. We are talking about people who are on their feet all day. These are postmen, sellers, sales representatives and other professions.
  4. Inconvenient shoes. In pursuit of beauty, girls often wear fashionable high-heeled shoes, then dry and cracked heels are a side effect. The heels also look ugly in people who like to walk barefoot.
  5. Fungal diseases. They themselves bring a lot of discomfort, and the rough skin on the heels and the unkempt appearance are far from a complete list of inconveniences.
  6. Various diseases. Often a problem is caused by impaired functioning of the kidneys or endocrine system.

As you can see, there are many reasons. In order for the procedure to restore the appearance and health of the heels to complete successfully, solve the problem by determining its cause. If you ignore this stage, the relapse will not take long.

How to prevent coarsening of the skin on the heels

If you managed to put your feet in order, make sure that they always remain so. And remember, the key to success is timely and proper care of an integrated nature, consisting of several stages.

  • Cleansing. Remove dirt, dust, and sweat from the heel surface to prepare for further procedures.
  • Steaming. Dry and hard skin is not easy to remove. What can we say about the high risk of damage to the epidermis. Steaming the heels is better in warm water with the addition of essential oil.
  • Exfoliation. During this step, remove all skin roughness from the heels. This will help grinding files, folk remedies and purchased cosmetics.
  • Extra care. After getting rid of defects, strengthen the epidermis with a compress, mask or special cream.

Regularly conduct home treatments for best results. To clean the top layer of the skin is advised daily using mild detergents. Steaming legs and removing dead scales is better twice a week.

And be sure to consult a nutritionist. It will help to adjust the nutrition. It is important that the diet includes more protein foods, vegetables and fruits, which are easily absorbed by the body and are saturated with vitamins. This will not help completely eliminate dead skin on the heels, but it will significantly reduce its manifestation and accelerate healing.

Watch the video: HOW TO GET SOFT FEET. DRY FEET, CRACKED HEELS (October 2024).

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