How to wash hair dye at home - 7 ways

Girls like to conduct bold experiments with their appearance. In pursuit of beauty, they use non-standard makeup, make bold haircuts, change hair color. Not always the end result meets expectations. As a result, the question arises of how to wash off hair dye at home.

An irresistible desire to be charming and irresistible pushes the girl to bold steps. Usually the victims of such experiments are hair, which is subjected to regular dyeing, cutting and styling.

Unfortunately, this situation is unpleasant. This is especially true for young ladies who dye their hair on their own. Even salon employees will not provide a one hundred percent guarantee that the result will absolutely meet the requirements.

What if the new hair color is not like? You can cut your hair short, try to grow your hair or purchase a wig. You can do without such extremes. There are effective ways to wash hair dye off at home. Before carrying out the procedure for washing off the paint does not hurt to get acquainted with some of the nuances.

  • The wash offered by beauty salons is extremely aggressive and can cause harm to hair. Therefore, it is better to wash off the paint using home remedies that are more gentle.
  • Home remedies are extremely soft. To obtain a good result, it may be necessary to repeatedly carry out the procedure. You need to be patient.
  • Dark paint is very difficult to wash off. Often you have to use several methods at the same time and carry out a series of sequential procedures. In general, in one go, you can really wash off just a few tones of paint.
  • Usually, at the end of the procedure, the hair color does not match the natural shade. However, a wash will prepare the basis for the next hair coloring, but with the right means and the help of an expert.

In cosmetic stores, a professional hair wash is sold that is suitable for use at home. In such products, there is no ammonia and no bleaching components. The removal of the wrong color is done delicately and does not harm the natural hair pigment and cuticle.

Specialized products draw artificial pigment from the hair. This is due to a break in the bond between the molecules of the paint and the structure of the hair, as a result of which the dye is easily washed out.

To wash off the old color requires several techniques. One procedure removes no more than three tones. Five or more procedures are required to completely remove the coloring matter.

The most popular and most effective washings Remake Color, Color Off, Backtrack.

How to quickly wash off hair dye with folk remedies

Many beauties after an unsuccessful change in the shade of hair go to a beauty salon. They have to pay for the services of professionals. In addition, salon procedures provide extremely aggressive means.

Folk remedies are more gentle and affordable.

  1. Honey. The effect of this beekeeping product on hair resembles hydrogen peroxide, only honey is more gentle. Heated with natural honey, cover the curls and leave until morning. Before washing off the honey mask, rinse your hair with a composition of two glasses of water and two tablespoons of soda. This folk recipe provides for several procedures that do not injure the hair, contribute to a uniform flow of paint and fill the curls with strength and shine.
  2. Vegetable oil. To wash off the paint, combine a large glass of sunflower oil with 30 grams of margarine. Heat the mixture a little, and when it cools down, apply to hair. Then wrap the head with foil and carefully wrap it with a thick towel. After waiting two hours, rinse with shampoo. The technique is perfect for washing off paint with red and blond hair.
  3. Kefir. The composition of this dairy product includes acid, which destroys the chemical compounds in the paint. Smear hair with kefir and wrap your head with foil for two hours. One treatment brightens the tone. Repeated recipe does not harm hair.
  4. Laundry soap. A girlfriend shared this paint wash technology with me. During the tests, she showed an excellent result. To wash off the paint, wash your hair with laundry soap in several approaches, rinse thoroughly with water. After the procedure, treat hair with balsam. If this is not done, they will become tough and tarnish.
  5. Mayonnaise. Four teaspoons of mayonnaise are steamed and combined with a spoon of vegetable oil. Then cover the hair with the composition and leave for two hours, wrapping your head in a film and a scarf. Rinse off with shampoo, then rinse with water and fresh lemon juice.
  6. Coca Cola. A popular drink will be useful in a situation where the tint after staining is extremely saturated. To partially wash off the paint, apply Coca-Cola to the strands for 20 minutes and rinse under a stream of warm water.
  7. Soda. The methods described above do not work with dark paint. Baking soda will solve the problem. Combine one hundred grams of soda with a pinch of salt and dilute in a glass of heated water. Using a sponge or cotton pad, apply the wash to the strands and, wrapping your head in a towel, wait 40 minutes. Then thoroughly wash your head and apply a restoring mask.

Before using household washes, I recommend making sure that their components do not cause allergies. To do this, apply a couple of drops of the product on the forearm and wait 2 hours. If there is a burning sensation or redness, it is better to refuse to use the product.

Video tips

The effectiveness of the procedure largely depends on diligence, compliance with the technology of preparation for washing and the condition of hair. The owner of a thick hair for washing off the paint will have to spend several sessions. On damaged and weakened hair, the dye stays weaker.

Undoubtedly, washing away the house will take more time than in the salon. But, folk remedies are completely safe, do not leave burnt curls and yellowness. Homemade masks nourish, make hair shiny and healthy.

Watch the video: HOW TO: 8 Ways to Keep Hair Dye from BLEEDINGFADING OUT (October 2024).

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