How to quickly remove the second chin - exercises and video

Each girl wishes that there are no wrinkles, wrinkles and age spots on her neck. Over the years, the chin loses its shape and sags. The appearance of a problem spoils the life of even a slender and thin girl. For the sake of preserving beauty and youth, you need to know how to remove a second chin at home in a short time.

Not every girl will agree to surgery to solve the problem. It is not surprising, because some beauties are not psychologically ready for such a solution to the problem, while others have no money. And surgical intervention is not a guarantee that the problem will not appear in the future.

You can not resort to such measures, eliminate the drawback just at home. I’ll talk about this in an article. It will not be possible to deal with the problem in a week, but in two or three months it is possible to solve the problem.

Why does the second chin appear?

From an anatomical point of view, the second chin is an excessive accumulation of soft tissues in the chin area. The accumulation of fat at this point is facilitated by numerous factors:

  • Genetic predisposition. The root cause of the problem. If close relatives have a second chin, most likely you have inherited it at the gene level.
  • Age changes. With age, the skin loses its elasticity, and the muscles weaken. This leads to a "crawl" of the face and the appearance of a second chin.
  • Anatomical structure of the face. Often, the second chin appears in girls, the contour of the lower jaw in which is weakly expressed.
  • Excess weight. If a person is obese, then fat deposits also appear on the chin. Even after a successful struggle with weight, the second chin does not disappear, because the weakened and stretched skin forms a fold under the jaw.
  • Diet and Posture. Eating junk food along with poor posture and inappropriate pillow. Spicy, salty and fatty foods in tandem with a high pillow sleep increase the likelihood of a problem.
Video tips

If this happens, the woman seeks to eliminate the second chin as soon as possible. To ensure fast results in a short time, only surgery helps. Since we are not interested in surgical intervention, we will initially set ourselves up for continuous work on ourselves.

4 steps to get rid of the second chin

Home methods are very effective provided that the work on yourself is constant and regular. Therefore, I recommend forgetting about high-speed methods and tune in to daily work.

  1. Honey massage. I advise you to start the fight with the second chin with a massage using honey. Apply a small amount of natural product to the problem area and massage. It is important that the skin does not stretch during the procedure. Continue the massage until the skin redden, rinse off the honey, and cover the skin with a layer of anti-aging cream.Honey massage has contraindications. The method is not suitable for people who have fragile vessels and an allergy to honey in the chin area.
  2. Lemon Juice Compresses. Moisten a small piece of gauze in lemon juice and attach to the problem area for half an hour. Then apply oily cream to the skin. Lemon juice will saturate the skin with vitamins and improve blood circulation. I advise you to put a lemon compress before bedtime every other day for a month.
  3. Masks and creams. Always look after your chin skin with masks and creams with a tightening effect.
  4. Clapping. Clap your chin with quick, but light movements throughout the day. I advise you to clap with a damp and rolled up towel. This simple technique will help tighten the skin, make it radiant, healthy and beautiful.

5 effective exercises

An effective way to quickly eliminate the second chin is considered exercise. I recommend to start their implementation after the above procedures. Daily classes will provide results in the shortest possible time.

  1. Lie on a sofa with a solid base or floor and slowly raise your head.Remember, exercise is contraindicated for people who have spinal problems.
  2. The following exercise is simpler. Raise and lower the chin with effort, imagining that it is heavy.
  3. Tilts the head to the sides. Perform at a convenient time. The main thing is to make unsharp movements, otherwise the efficiency will decrease.
  4. Stretch your neck up while trying to lower your shoulders.
  5. With your fists, rest your chin, and then open your mouth, resisting the lower jaw. Determine the amount of effort yourself.

If you persevere and achieve the goal in a short time, do not stop working on yourself. Only in this case the neck and chin will be in excellent condition. An integrated approach to the implementation of the proposed exercises will help to ensure a lasting result.

Video exercises at home

If you are not sure that you will cope with the task, do exercises with loved ones. Even if they have no problem, prevention will not hurt. Do not forget about the music. It will make training fun, harmonious and effective. Player in hand and go!

Watch the video: How To Get Rid Of DOUBLE CHIN. Jawline Exercise To Reduce Face Fat (October 2024).

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