How to learn how to dance break dance at home

Many people are fond of dancing. This lesson helps to acquire skills of harmonious and free movement, to learn how to control the body. Breakdance teaches a sense of rhythm and free expression. Therefore, I will tell you how to learn to dance break dance at home for children, adolescents and adults.

Break dance - a successful merger of dance styles and styles. This skillful improvisation to the sounds of rhythmic music clearly demonstrates human thoughts. It looks unusual and beautiful and easily gives rebuff to club dancing and hip-hop.

Despite the apparent simplicity, mastering the dance is not easy. If you look closely, we note that a professional dancer has to perform many movements of varying difficulty to create a complete picture.

The birthplace of dance is New York. Breakdance was born in the Bronx. In the 70s, people appeared in this area of ​​the American metropolis who moved in a peculiar way to the sounds of dance music. The dance was called "Good Foot".

During the dance, performers often fell to the floor. They did not writhe in pain, but performed beautiful elements of rotation. Thanks to the efforts of the RockSteadyCrew team, the dance has become unsurpassed. The band members made the dance elements individual and attractive.

Puerto Ricans later managed to take the dance to a new level. They succeeded in achieving such a result by applying a large number of acrobatic tricks and new dance elements. In those days, films dedicated to martial arts were popular. As a result, the dancers included elements of the fight in break dance.

Breakdance's popularity steadily grew until 1997, when young people stopped paying much attention to dance. Nevertheless, some people who remained faithful to the dance continued their training.

Step-by-Step Action Plan

Nowadays, a huge number of dance movements, which are not easy to master. Only a person who can overcome fear and believe in his own strength can succeed.

  • First of all, pay attention to the physical form of your body. Maximize flexibility, endurance, and strength. Push up, pull yourself up, swing your arms and legs. Exercise all muscle groups.
  • Start with simple movements, gradually increasing the level of difficulty. Such an approach will help to prepare the body and gradually build up skill.
  • Pay special attention to studying the technique of tricks and movements. Repeat them until you get the perfect result. Do not forget, break dancing is based on constant training.
  • In the process of mastering the next movement, pay attention to general features and small details. Switching to new movements is recommended after a thorough study of the previous ones.
  • A headstand is an essential element of breakdance. At the first stage, do it against the wall. The help of an outsider who can support will not hurt.
  • Train in a spacious room. Before training, free up as much room as possible in the room. Otherwise, the movements will turn out constrained and constrained.

Video tutorial for beginners

I recommend to get a self-study guide that will help you learn the basics of dance and prepare for serious training.

How to dance break dance for children

Break dance is a dance that is potentially dangerous for children. It provides for the implementation of various tricks and complex movements. The risk of falling and getting unpleasant injury is high. If you want the child to become an expert in the field of this dance direction, write him to a special school.

  1. Beginners consider a warm-up a waste of time. As a result, this often leads to sprains and tears. Break dance involves performing complex dance elements. Be sure to warm up and prepare the muscles and ligaments.
  2. Do not allow your child to work in public. Trying to demonstrate mastery can make an unsuccessful attempt. This is fraught with ridicule, which can cause a loss of desire to learn further.
  3. Teach your child to inspect an unfamiliar place to train and evaluate the quality of the surface. You can not immediately rush to perform complex movements. It is hazardous to health.
  4. Excessive enthusiasm does not lead to good. If the child is tired, it is time to stop the lesson. Otherwise, fatigue can cause injury. The intensity of classes should be moderate.
  5. Everyone is afraid of something, because fear is a manifestation of the instinct of self-preservation. If the child is afraid to perform a certain dance element, do not push. Over time, the baby will gain experience and overcome the barrier.
  6. Uncertainty impedes performance of tricks and movements. Often it leads to serious consequences and appears in the process of execution of a certain element. The dancer begins to doubt his strength for various reasons. Among them are trauma, a long pause in classes and others. Therefore, to begin with, help the child recover and restore confidence.
  7. If a child is training outside, do not allow it in the heat. Intense physical activity at high temperature negatively affects the work of the heart. Plus, such an activity can cause dehydration.
  8. For dancing, proper equipment is required. First of all, buy a child comfortable shoes, which are well fixed on the legs and can withstand a heavy load. It is worthwhile to get elbow pieces, knee pads, a special hat and an elastic bandage. All this will come in handy while studying elements of high complexity.
  9. The child needs clothes that do not restrict movement. When choosing, be guided not by image and fashion, but by convenience and safety.

I did not focus on exercises, movements and tricks. Information on this subject can be found in various sources, including books, CDs and the Internet.

Video tips

In the presence of some diseases, doctors do not recommend dancing break dance. We are talking about diabetes, injuries that limit the mobility of joints, diseases of the heart, spine and respiratory organs.

Adult Break Dance Training

Videos are constantly shown on television in which young people perform a variety of tricks. After watching, many guys and girls have a desire to acquire the same skills.

Achieve results in break dance without constant practice and regular training will not work. My story will tell you where to start and how to act to achieve the goal.

People with a poorly developed body and weak muscles will not be able to dance break dance. Only a strong, flexible and hardy person can do it. To get started, get in shape.

  • Do strength exercises at home or outdoors. Do push-ups at home, train your abs and pull yourself up. Pay particular attention to pull-ups. This exercise will strengthen the muscles of the arms and chest, pump up the shoulders. Exercise outdoors in sports fields.
  • After strengthening the muscles, master the stand on the hands and head. At first use a support. Over time, the stand will work without it. Do not disregard vertical push-ups.
  • Be sure to work on flexibility. Simple exercises that provide for all kinds of inclinations, extensions and sagging will help. The bridge exercise is great.
  • After gaining strength and flexibility, learn tricks. Watch instructional videos. If you like a certain trick, carefully study the technique of its implementation and act gradually.
  • Start with the basic elements. The execution technique on the network is described in sufficient detail. Therefore, I do not paint it. I will only introduce you to a few basic breakdance figures.

The main elements of break dance

  • "Crab". One of the main elements of break-dance. It represents rotation on the arm. Performing involves pumping the muscles of the arms. At first, learn to stand on the arm bent at the elbow, using the other hand as insurance. Having improved your skills, do spins and jumps.
  • "Gelik". Another important element. Technique may seem very difficult for a beginner. But, without this element, it will not be possible to learn spectacular and complex tricks. “Gelik” - a complex rotation through the back from the “crab” position, accompanied by swinging legs.
  • "Web". When you master "Gelik", there will be no problems with this "Web". Represents an intricate rotation in which both hands participate.

Tips will help you master the basic elements, then switch to complex tricks. Before active training, be sure to review more than a dozen videos.

Many people dance break dance, and new opportunities provided by musical compositions contributed to its development. I note that break dance is the only style where the dancer moves in two different planes.

Each dancer can choose what type of dance to give preference to. But, to master the style requires good physical preparation. All muscle groups are used in the dance. Therefore, pumping muscles before training is required.

To look good on the dance floor, it is not enough to move correctly to the music. You will need to come up with your own unique style. Thanks to this quality, the dancer can loudly declare himself and achieve success.

Video tutorial for beginners

Many dance schools teach breakdance. It will take only a desire and mood. However, they are engaged in dance at home. The only thing that can hinder the fulfillment of a dream is health problems.

Watch the video: 3 Simple Dance Moves for Beginners Hip Hop Dance Moves Tutorial. Mihran Kirakosian (October 2024).

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