The use of fragrant geranium in folk medicine: medicinal properties and contraindications

Many indoor plants possess not only a beautiful appearance, but also useful properties that allow their use in medicine and other fields. Scented geranium also belongs to such useful representatives of the flora.

Fragrant, or odorous geranium is a perennial plant belonging to the geranium family. It can grow both in indoor and garden conditions. The initial homeland of such geraniums is considered South Africa. Outwardly, it is a branched bush with nodular rhizome and carved leaves. There are villi on the leaves of this plant. The flowers are small in size, collected in umbrellas. The color scheme of colors may vary depending on the variety.

In this article we will consider the use of fragrant geranium in traditional medicine, its medicinal properties and contraindications.

Grade Features

A distinctive feature of fragrant geraniums is the strong smell that leaves, not flowers, exude. The aroma of this plant may vary depending on the variety. Also a distinctive feature of this type of geranium is beautiful leaves with carved edges. Fragrant geranium blooms, unlike other varieties, quite rarely. In addition, the characteristics of this variety include the rapid growth of the plant. Under natural conditions, such a bush can grow up to 1 meter high.

Chemical composition

This perennial flowering plant is distinguished not only by a peculiar aroma, but also by a unique chemical composition, which includes more than 300 different substances.

This flower contains a large enough amount of elements:

  • vitamins;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • coumarins;
  • phenolic acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • minerals.

Healing qualities

Due to its rich chemical composition, this plant is actively used in traditional and traditional medicine. Fragrant geranium has the following useful characteristics.:

  • kills viruses, pathogens and harmful bacteria;
  • is a good antiseptic;
  • stops bleeding;
  • relieves pain;
  • helps to heal wounds;
  • It has a tonic effect;
  • relieves swelling;
  • possesses antidiabetic properties;
  • normalizes the digestive tract, liver and kidneys;
  • helps strengthen the heart muscle.

Application methods

In order to experience the healing properties of fragrant geranium on yourself, you must be able to properly use this plant. The methods of its application directly depend on the ailment against which it is used.

  1. With a cold. To get rid of colds, you need to take fresh leaves and wrap your big toes with them so that you get three layers. You can fix them with strips of fabric. Then you need to wear socks, leaving such a bandage for the night.
  2. With osteochondrosis. A compress should be made from crushed leaves and applied to a sore spot all night. In the morning, the place where the compress was needed should be washed with warm water.
  3. For toothache. To eliminate pain, you need to attach a sheet to a diseased tooth until the pain subsides.
  4. With a cold. It is necessary to survive the juice from the leaves and instill a few drops into each nostril 3 times a day. Such a tool is good for nasal congestion, relieving swelling.
  5. For ear pain. It is necessary to put a fresh leaf in the ear canal. It will help relieve pain and reduce inflammation.
  6. At high pressure. It is necessary to fix a fresh leaf of the plant for half an hour on the wrist.
  7. For depression and headache. Rub the geranium leaf and inhale its aroma. For the same purpose, you can use essential oil.
  8. For sore throat and cough: To get rid of such symptoms, you need to make a tincture. For its preparation, it is necessary to pour 20 g of chopped geranium leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave the product to infuse for 8 hours. Ready tincture should be gargled every 3 hours.
  9. With internal bleeding. It is recommended to drink 25 drops of fragrant geranium juice every 2 hours.
  10. With angina pectoris. During an attack, you need to take tincture. To prepare it, you need 5 tablespoons of dry geranium pour a liter of boiling water and let it brew for 2 hours.
  11. For nosebleeds. To stop the blood, you need to moisten a cotton swab with the juice of the plant and put in the nostril for 20-30 minutes.
  12. In oncology. It is necessary to pour 1 tablespoon of geranium leaves with a glass of cold water and leave overnight. Such an infusion should be used instead of water.
  13. With gastrointestinal diseases. You need to add a dessert spoon of crushed geranium to boiling water and boil for 6-7 minutes in a water bath. You need to drink this remedy one tablespoon before a meal.
  14. With kidney stones. You need to boil a spoonful of geranium in a glass of water and take this solution inside a tablespoon 2 times a day.
  15. With eczema. You need to add a handful of plant leaves to half a liter of boiling water and simmer for 1 hour over low heat. The resulting mixture can be used both in the form of baths and lotions.

How can it hurt?

The composition of geraniums contains substances that can bring not only benefits, but also harm. The harmful properties of this plant are mainly its allergenicity, therefore, before using it for medicinal purposes, an allergy test should be performed.

Also dangerous is the use of undiluted juice of fragrant geranium, since it is poisonous.


Due to the fact that this plant has harmful properties, it must be used with caution and know certain contraindications. Scented geranium is not recommended for medicinal purposes.:

  • small children;
  • elderly people;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people suffering from peptic ulcers and chronic constipation;
  • persons with bronchial asthma.

General care rules

In order to grow fragrant geraniums at home, you need to know how to properly care for it. Although it is worth noting that such a plant is not particularly demanding. For good growth of geraniums of this species, it is necessary to provide the following conditions:

  1. Loose soil. It is best that the flower grows in a mixture of ordinary earth, humus and earth. All components must be in the same quantity.
  2. Right pot. The capacity for geraniums should not be too small, but not too large, otherwise the flower will hurt.
  3. Good light. Fragrant geraniums need light, otherwise the plant will stretch, and will give thin shoots with a small number of leaves.
  4. Proper watering. The flower needs to be watered immediately after the earth begins to dry out. It is not worth transfusing it, otherwise the roots may rot.
  5. Regular cropping. Geranium shoots need to be pinched in a timely manner, so that the plant does not stretch, gives lateral branches.

This plant can be propagated by cuttings that remain after trimming the bush. Slices of such shoots must be treated with crushed wood or activated carbon before planting.

Geranium has many useful elements in its composition, so if this plant is used correctly, it can replace many medicines. The main thing is to familiarize yourself with all contraindications.

Watch the video: 5 Reasons You Need A Bottle Of Geranium Essential Oil In Your Home (October 2024).

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