Rules for the care of dwarf pelargonium at home with a photo

Nowadays, such varieties of pelargonium as dwarf or miniature are becoming more and more popular.

The secret of the demand for these plants lies in their unpretentiousness, compactness and external decorativeness.

In the article, we consider the features of growing dwarf pelargonium, find out how to plant this plant, how to care for it at home.

Description and history

Reference! Dwarf pelargonium is a variety artificially bred by targeted selection. As a result of breeding, a compact, ornamental plant was obtained that does not require molding trimming.

Note that, along with the external decorativeness, dwarf pelargoniums are also distinguished by enviable healing properties, and a wonderful delicate aroma. The smell coming from the flowers of the plant improves mood and also purifies the room air from pathogenic microbes. The average price of this kind of pelargonium is 125-150 rubles for a bag of five seeds, and you will have to pay between 300 and 700 rubles for a stalk.


Dwarf pelargoniums are a special kind: graceful and miniature, they can be located on one window sill by a picturesque group. To grow a plant, a very small pot is enough - the height of this pelargonium does not usually exceed 15 cm.

But, despite its small size, dwarf pelargonium blooms very beautifully, quite fully. Inflorescences are arranged in groups, forming characteristic caps. The color of the petals is different - it depends on the variety, but the foliage almost always has a dark, emerald green hue.


We will get acquainted with the most spectacular and popular varieties of this miniature species.

Ludwigsburger flair

Decorative variety, decorated with delicate pinkish-orange flowers. With external beauty, the variety is rather capricious, and demanding to care for. If the plant does not like leaving, pelargonium begins to drop foliage.

Watch a video about pelargonium varieties Ludwigsburger Flair:

Spital dam

A beautiful and yet unpretentious variety. The flowers in this case have a delicate pale pink hue, the petals are quite large for a miniature look. Inflorescences are collected in decorative lush rosettes.

Francis parrett

Petals of bright pink, "candy" shade. The plant itself is very compact even for a dwarf species of pelargonium. The variety is quite delicate, the flower must be protected from drafts and sudden temperature changes.


Check out the photo of dwarf pelargonium:

Landing rules

We will get acquainted with the basic rules regarding the planting of dwarf pelargonium.

Lighting and seat selection

Important! For dwarf pelargonium to bloom beautifully and for a long time, it needs to grow in a well-lit place. With enough sunlight, the plants have brighter petals and greens. If pelargonium lacks light, its decorativeness will fade: inflorescences will become smaller, and the leaves will turn pale.

However, the plant does not tolerate direct rays: in the afternoon, therefore, it is recommended to shade pelargonium. In winter, so that the flower does not lose its decorative effect, it needs to provide additional artificial lighting.

In order for the crown of the plant to form compactly, it is recommended to periodically turn the pot to the window in different directions. Thus, the sun's rays will be able to get to all parts of the plant, and pelargonium will stretch evenly.


In summer, pelargonium should be in conditions of moderate temperature: + 17 + 23 degrees will be ideal. Overheating of the plant should not be allowed. It is better to winter the flower at a temperature of + 12-13 degrees, not higher, since the plant at this time should slow down all its vegetative processes, rest.

The soil

Note that dwarf pelargonium is not too demanding on the composition of the soil. The main thing in this case is to provide the plant with good drainage so that the moisture in the pot does not stagnate.

Soils with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction are best suited for the plant. If the soil is acidic, it is recommended to neutralize it with ash. The recommended composition of the substrate is as follows:

  • part of the humus;
  • part of the sheet land;
  • part of the turf;
  • part of river sand.

Home Care

Consider the main recommendations for caring for this miniature plant.


It is necessary to provide moisture to this plant regularly and in sufficient quantities. In summer it is better to water every other day, and in winter the number of waterings should be reduced to once a week. Excessive wetting is not recommended: the soil must be dried before the next watering.

Loosen the soil thoroughly after each watering., since for dwarf pelargonium regular and sufficient access of oxygen to the roots is very important.

Dwarf pelargonium does not need spraying: this procedure can only damage its foliage and flowers.

Top dressing

The plant needs regular additional nutrition throughout the growing season from March-April to October-November. In winter, dwarf pelargonium is not fed, giving her time to relax.

The plant especially needs phosphorus and potassium, but with nitrogen you need to be careful: with an overabundance of this trace element in dwarf pelargonium, the green mass actively grows, but the flowers are in no hurry to form.

Advice! It is recommended to use complex fertilizer for pelargonium: all components in this composition are selected in the best and most optimal way. The frequency of fertilizer application is once every couple of weeks.


In order for the bush to please the eye with its splendor, it is necessary to pinch young shoots regularly. This measure allows the plant to form a larger number of lateral branches, and its general decorative effect will thus only benefit. In addition, we note that in order to form a dense compact bush of good shape, it is recommended to grow dwarf pelargonium in spacious containers, although it will be better to bloom in close ones.

It happens that during the winter some shoots are quite strong, in comparison with the others, are elongated. Such "brisk" specimens with the onset of spring are recommended to be shortened by a third of their growth. If the cuttings cut during molding are healthy and strong, they can well be rooted. Thus, your farm will add even more beautiful graceful pelargonium.

Diseases and Pests

We learn what diseases and harmful parasite insects can threaten this plant.

So, of the pests the aphids, spider mites and whiteflies are the most dangerous. Special formulations with fungicides are able to cope with these harmful insects.

Dwarf pelargonium is susceptible to a disease such as the black leg. This is root rot, affecting the plant as a result of excessively moist soil and not high enough at this air temperature. Note that the black leg is not treated: the diseased plant needs to be disposed of. The land remaining in the pot after disposal of the plant can no longer be used in floriculture: it must also be disposed of.

Excessive watering can also lead to the appearance of edema on the leaves, their decay. A too low temperature can lead to reddening of the foliage. To prevent this, on frosty cold days, move the pot away from the window glass.

With a lack of light, the stems of the plant are stretched, exposed. To solve this problem is simple: you just need to place the pot with pelargonium in a well-lit place appropriate for it. If the plant does not bloom, the cause may be too high air temperature during wintering of the plant.


Note that the bush is able to maintain its decorativeness for two to five years, after which it is recommended to replace it with a more recent instance. A full-fledged plant from the cuttings will grow in about a year - so take care of the "growing shift" in advance.

The plant propagates by cuttings. To correctly implement this procedure, it is recommended to cut the stem in February-March: use the apical part of the mother plant.

Tip: cut the cuttings from the most powerful and healthy bushes: their offspring will be the most lively. The size of the cuttings should be approximately 2.5-3 cm.

Then, the cut must be dried for several minutes and, without lowering it into water, immediately put into the prepared loose nutrient soil. Do not cover anything from above, so as not to create the effect of a greenhouse and not to wet the plant. The container must be placed in a sunny, bright place - and after about a month you will already have a young dwarf pelargonium. In the best way cuttings root at a temperature of + 20 + 22 degrees and with regular watering

After the flower has taken root, and 8-10 leaves have formed on it, the first pinching is carried out. The procedure will help the plant grow in breadth and become compact. The following pinching is carried out already lateral shoots, when, in turn, they will be 8-10 leaves. And, even though cuttings planted in spring can bloom that summer, in the first year, experienced gardeners recommend that all efforts be directed to the formation of the right compact bush - and then next year the flowering will be just amazing.

Pelargonium should not be propagated in winter, since at this time the plant is in hibernation, all processes in it are inactive, the stem may not take root at all.


So, dwarf pelargonium can become a real decoration of any apartment, including a small one - after all, the plant itself is very compact. Take care of the pelargonium with love and responsibility - and it will often delight you with its spectacular decorative flowering.

Watch the video: How to Propagate Geraniums from Cuttings (October 2024).

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