What to do when gloxinia has faded? Home pruning and care

Gloxinia is an indoor ornamental plant, loved by many for its lush and bright flowering.

Species of the genus Gloxinia are terrestrial plants that grow in small or large colonies on rocks, on river banks, or in shady, moist places in the forest. In winter, plants are at rest.

This is an unpretentious fast-growing house plant of medium difficulty growing (storage of gloxinia tubers is of some difficulty).

It turns out that it is necessary to take care of the flower not only during its growing season, but also after, when it leaves the stage of "rest". This will allow him to fully "relax" for repeated flowering.

What is this plant?

Gloxinia is a tuberous culture belonging to the genus Gesnerievs. It differs in fleshy leaves, concentrated on short stems. Flowers and leaves are characterized by a velvety surface, bright color.

Flowers are presented in the form of a bell. Their size is 7 cm in diameter and 5 cm in length. In nature, there are about 25 species of this amazing culture, but breeding work was carried out with only two representatives of the species - the gloxinia beautiful and royal.

Inflorescences can take the next color:

  • white;
  • red;
  • pink;
  • mottled;
  • Violet;
  • two-tone flowers.

Royal gloxinia is characterized by high growth - 5 cm, omitted by the wide oval shape of leaves with pronounced veins. The inside of the leaves is purple with red. Drooping lilac inflorescences, elongated peduncles, bells have a pronounced shape.

Beautiful gloxinia is characterized by a variety of shapes and shades of flowers, which can even be two-tone. Flowers with a snow-white border around the edges look very impressive.

When and how many blooms?

Gloxinia flowering begins in March-April. The laying of buds is carried out as a result of observing the rules of agricultural technology. The buds begin to form immediately after the number of pairs of leaves on it is 3-4. The number of buds depends on the conditions in which the plant was contained (lighting, temperature, humidity). The duration of flowering is 5 months, that is, ends in July.


Flowering is the most beautiful stage of the plant’s annual cycle. At this time, the buds are gaining strength and blooming. Each gardener can enjoy the results of his work. But even in this period it is important to continue caring for the buds. During watering, try not to get water on delicate petals.

Repeatedly gloxinia blooms, provided that the first flowering was not too late. There are situations when gloxinia blooms all summer. The first rosettes do not have time to bloom, when new ones are already growing in the axils of the lower leaves.

You just need to remove the faded parts along with the stem, then the new bushes will straighten their leaves instead of the faded ones. Preparation for the next flowering is not required. Apparently, gloxinia is comfortable for you, and it will delight you with its lush and bright flowering for a long time.

What to do next with dried parts?

As soon as the flowers have faded, you need to immediately prune the stemleaving only 1-2 pairs of lower leaves. After some time, stepsons will come out at the junction of the leaves. They will grow and produce new flowers.

What is needed during the rest period?

After flowering, the plant begins a dormant period. At this time, the aerial elements of gloxinia die off. Feed the plant with fertilizers for growth (Epin, Zircon), moderate to water. In the near future, stepsons will grow in the axils of the remaining leaves. Of these, leave the 2-3 strongest, and cut off the remaining ones.

In this state, remove the flower pot from the light. You can choose a cabinet for this, only periodically moisten the soil to maintain the vital functions of the tuber. When new buds form on a plant, these are signs of awakening.. So gloxinia has gained strength and is ready for a new flowering.

Attention! Cut stepsons can be used to breed gloxinia.


To activate repeated flowering, you need to prune the plant. It is carried out in June-July, immediately after the cessation of flowering. The aerial part is cut off (leaves and stem) and an shoot is left, the length of which is 2 cm. After this, a second flower growth occurs, as a result of which side shoots are formed.

It is not necessary to leave all the side branches, 1-2 of the strongest are enough. Cut the rest so as not to weaken the plants. In a month, new buds will develop on them.

Home Care

Even after flowering plants need to take care of it. This will allow the flower to fully "relax" and form the buds again.
Nursing a rest period is simple and includes the following activities:

  1. Compliance with the temperature regime. Gloxinia is a thermophilic culture, so that the optimum temperature for its cultivation is 18-22 degrees. During the germination of the tuber, the temperature indicators should be increased to 25 degrees.

    This will allow young shoots to grow quickly. If the temperature is too low, then this is fraught with decay of the root system.

  2. Feeding. For the last time, feed the flower with fertilizers that do not contain nitrogen (for example, potassium monophosphate). After this, you do not need to add nutritional compounds until you wake up in the spring. Dramatically reduce watering and wait for the leaves to turn yellow and dry.
  3. Wait for the process of dying off the aerial parts of the plant to occur independently. At this time, the tuber is preparing for a rest period and is gaining strength for a long rest.

    The period of going to bed lasts until mid-September. After that, you can begin to trim the ground elements. Leave only the stump above the tuber, the height of which is 1-2 cm.

  4. Moisten this stump for 2-3 weeks, but do not feed anymore. Gloxinia until spring should be in a state of complete rest, only the tuber of the flower is alive and healthy.

Gloxinia needs constant care, even during rest. If you do not follow these simple, but such important rules, then there will be no re-flowering, and the plant itself will simply die. But there is no need to overdo it. Everything should be in moderation, since even too careful "custody" of the flower can have unpleasant consequences.

Watch the video: How to Trim Dead Blossoms From an African Violet : Gardening & Flowers (October 2024).

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