Description of the rhododendron of Yakusemansky and its varieties. Rules for caring for this type of plant

A flowering shrub is a real find for decorating any garden or garden.

One of the most beautiful decorative cultures remains the rhododendron Yakushimansky. It is also called "rosewood."

With full care of it, flowering will be plentiful and long. In this article, we consider varieties with a detailed description and photo.

Brief definition

Yakushiman rhododendron is a natural form of Degron's rhododendron. But some gardeners consider it a separate species.


The root system of the surface type, so that the plant will not tolerate loosening, digging and flooding. The leaves are narrow, thick and leathery. They have a glossy surface. The color is dark green, brown on the inside with a slight pubescence.

The diameter of the flowers is 7 cm, all of them are in inflorescences of 5-7 pieces. At the beginning, the flowering petals are a pale pink color, and in the end, snow-white. Flowering begins in May and ends in June. An adult plant reaches a height of 1 m, the crown span is 1.5 m. Each year, these figures increase by 10 cm, so that the shrub is recognized as slow-growing.

Rhododendron Yakushimansky is an evergreen tree that even after flowering delights with its dark emerald foliage, both in summer and winter.

History of occurrence

The birthplace of the plant is the small island of Yakushima in southern Japan. It grows mainly on the highest point of the island. For the first time about the bush became known in the 20s of the last century. And already in the UK he was brought in 1934.

What is the use of the plant?

Rhododendron Yakushimansky is an indispensable plant in the treatment of heart disease, blood vessels. Thanks to him, the strength of heart contractions increases, blood flow increases. Infusion from the leaves of the plant is in great demand in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • rheumatism;
  • chronic colitis;
  • autonomic neurosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • cold;
  • reception of infusion is useful for infertility and inflammation of the uterus.

Difference from other species

The main difference between the rhododendron of Yakushimansky and the rest of the varieties of this culture in abundant and bright flowering. Besides, There is a wide selection of varieties, each of which is distinguished by external characteristics. This allows you to plant several types of culture and make your garden original and vibrant. There are no special differences in terms of care, but the Yakushimansky rhododendron is more resistant to diseases and pests.

If you choose the right place to grow and follow all agrotechnical methods, the plant will never get sick and suffer from pests.

Description and photo of varieties


The Blurett or Blurettia variety in the 80s of the last century was awarded the silver medal at exhibitions in Belgium and Dusseldorf. The bush is low, with a rounded crown. The leaves are long - 15 cm, leathery and dark green. The inflorescences are purple-pink, the edge is corrugated, and a dark edging runs along it.

Percy Weisman

A compact bush, its diameter is 1.3 m per year, growth and height is 10-15 cm, which distinguishes the variety from its other counterparts. Variety Percy Wiseman (Percy Weisman) is perfect for planting in a heather garden. Inflorescences are white with a pink blush on the edges. At the end of flowering, they become golden white.

Mist Maiden

Flowering occurs in June, the color of inflorescences is bright pink. The villi present on the inside increase resistance to lack of moisture. The variety is presented in the form of a dense, slowly growing bush. Over 10 years, its height reaches 1 m.

Carolina Albrook

An adult plant grows to the level of 1 m. Shoots grow intensively. The bushes are dense, spherical in shape. The inflorescences are pale lilac, but as they bloom, they become lighter. On the corrugated edges traced golden brown edging. It is necessary to grow a bush in cool, fresh and drained soil.


The height of the bush is 110 cm. Flowering lasts from May to mid-June. The variety is winter hardy (up to -28 degrees). A sophisticated look with contrasting flowers. Petals are dense, resistant to weather.


Squat and evergreen bush, the height of which is 90 cm. Inflorescences are spherical, corrugated edges. It blooms profusely from May to June. The sheet plate is dark green, matte. The variety is resistant to disease, its decorative appearance and the brightness of flowers.


Rhododendron Dock is an evergreen bush with a height and diameter of 1.2 m. The shape of the leaves is oval, the leaf plate is dense and leathery. The flowering is magnificent and beautiful. The size of the inflorescences is large, the color is pink. All of them are collected in inflorescences of 8-10 pieces.


Rhododendron yakushimanum kalinka (Kalinka rhododendron) is an evergreen plant that is unique in vitality and frost resistance (you will learn about evergreen rhododendrons here, and we wrote about frost-resistant varieties here). It perfectly brings heat and a sunny location. Differs in excess of plentiful blossoming. Inflorescences are ruby-pink, with a white center. Their diameter is 6.5-7.5 cm.


Small domed and dense bush. Differs in slow growth. Inflorescences can be from pale pink to white-golden color. The edges are corrugated, and along them is a brown edging. The leaf plate is dense, green, leathery, has a slightly elongated shape.


It is represented by blue, white and pink flowers. The height of the bush reaches 2.2 m. During flowering, it looks incredibly beautiful. All flowers are collected in inflorescences of 5-7 pieces. Their edges are corrugated, and the petals themselves are tender. The leaves are dark green, leathery, on the inside there is a slight fluff.

Silver lady

This variety has light pink buds, which, after blooming, turn white with yellow blotches. Inflorescences are conical in shape, and flowering is plentiful even at a young age. The leaves are dense, dark green in color, elongated.


When and how does this happen?

Rhododendron Yakushimansky blooms beautifully and abundantly. It lasts from May to June.

What needs to be done during this process?

During flowering, care should be maximized. Water the plant as the earthen coma dries. Fertilizing make mineral complex with a predominance of potassium, phosphorus before flowering. When making their dosage, reduce by 2 times. Remove all wilted flowers, as this will allow not only to prolong flowering, but also not to disturb the decorative bush.

What to do if it does not bloom?

Rhododendron Yakushimansky does not bloom if:

  1. The soil has become alkaline. To solve the problem, add peat and pine bark to the soil mixture.
  2. Lack of sun. The plant prefers partial shade, but in the shade it stops flowering, and leaves burn in the sun. To solve the problem, add superphosphate. It stimulates the flowering of the bush.
  3. Fungal diseases: rot, late blight. Treat infected plants immediately with preparations, and remove affected shoots.

Use in design

Rhododendron Yakushimansky is widely used in landscape design. The following applications are possible:

  • Single landing. They perfectly complement the tapeworms against the background of a green lawn.
  • Use in Japanese gardens. Looks great in combination with green trees and bushes.
  • Garden compositions. Rhododendrons look incredibly beautiful in combination with other flowering bushes, for example, with spirea and hydrangea.
  • Group landings. Choose varieties according to the height of the bush and the color of the flowers.


Seat selection

When choosing a place, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Direct sunlight should not fall on the plant.
  2. The place should be protected from the wind.
  3. For rhododendron, light penumbra is necessary, since in the shade the growth and development of culture stops.
  4. Groundwater level should not be higher than 1 m.

What should be the soil?

This plant prefers loose, sour, nutritious soil. You can cook it at home. To do this, take the following components:

  • peat land - 2 parts;
  • coniferous land - 2 parts;
  • river sand - 1 part.
When landing at the bottom of the pit, lay the drainage. Expanded clay, pebbles and sand will do. This will prevent stagnation of water.


Usually planted in open ground at the end of April, when the earth is completely warmed up by the sun.

Also, planting work is carried out in the fall - in early September, before the onset of frost.

When planting, do not deepen the neck of the root. Otherwise, the seedling will rot.

It is important to ensure that the root system is 3-4 cm above the soil. Between the seedlings, observe an interval of 1-2 m. After planting, water the plant.


Rhododendron Yakushimansky is a frost-resistant culture. It is able to withstand cold up to -30 degrees in winter. But young seedlings will have to be covered for the winter.


The plant is hygrophilous, so you will have to monitor the amount of watering. Soil moistening is carried out 2-3 times a week. If the weather is dry, then spray.

Top dressing

For full growth, fertilize the plant 3 times per season:

  1. The first time - before flowering (20 g composition per 1 liter of water).
  2. The second time - after flowering.
  3. The third time - at the end of August (25 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium sulfate).
Important! A third top dressing is necessary to mature the bark and prevent the formation of young shoots.


Rhododendron Yakushimansky does not need special pruning. But there may be situations when these measures are important, for example, to remove dead wood and dry branches.

How to prepare for winter?

Rhododendron Yakushimansky perfectly tolerate low temperaturesso it’s not worth sheltering for the winter. But young shoots will have to be covered for 2-3 years. For this, lapnik or dry foliage is used.

In autumn, plant care includes the following recommendations:

  • Watering is carried out until the first severe frosts. This will prevent dehydration of the root system.
  • Pour the mulching layer in autumn. Its thickness is 10-15 cm. You can use peat, needles, dry foliage. This will protect the small roots from the cold.

Video on the preparation of rhododendron for wintering:


Plant transplantation is painless at any age. But it is only important not to disturb the earthen lump, otherwise the root system can be injured. The best time for transplanting is spring and autumn.

Watch a video on the topic of plant care:


This plant propagates in several ways:

  1. Layering. In the spring, select the lower branch, slightly cut it and install it in the ground. Layering water and add nutrient soil. In mid-July, the cuttings will give roots, after which it is cut off from the mother plant and transplanted to another place.
  2. The seeds. Drop them in January-February. Sowing is superficial, use nutritious soil. The first shoots appear in 7 days. In a permanent place to plant seedlings in a year.
  3. Cuttings. To obtain planting material, cut a branch 5 cm long. Also, there should be 3-4 internodes on it. Place the cuttings in peaty sandy soil. Rooting takes place throughout the month and new shoots, leaves are formed.
  4. Division. Remove the adult bush from the ground and divide into 2 parts. Plant each part separately. After 2-3 years, the plant will fully recover and acquire a decorative look.

Diseases and Pests

Among the disease, the danger is provided by:

  • Late blight. The leaves turn yellow and fall, the root system rots, and the bush itself fades. For treatment, use a solution of Bordeaux fluid.
  • Gray rot. Dark spots are formed on the leaves, branches and buds. For treatment, treat the bush and soil with 0.2% Fundazole solution.
  • Fusarium The leaves turn yellow, the trunk begins to rot. To fight, spray a bush of 0.2% Fundazole solution.

Of the pests, the following species are dangerous:

  1. Bug. Yellowish dots form on the leaf plate. The leaves themselves fall off. To fight use Diazinon.
  2. Worm. It settles on young buds, stems and buds. The parasite sucks the juice from the plant, as a result of which it lags behind in development and discards the leaves. To fight, spray the bush with Karbofos.
  3. Spider mite. He defeats the leaves by drinking juice from them. For treatment, treat the plant with a 0.35% Keltan emulsion every 6 days.

Prevention of various problems

When growing Yakushimansky rhododendron, the following problems are possible:

  1. Falling buds. The main reason is insufficient soil moisture. For prevention, carry out regular watering, avoiding the drying of the earth.
  2. Weak flowering and small leaves. This is a symptom of a lack of nutrients. For prevention, make a subcortex in the form of potassium nitrate.
  3. Small and yellow leaves, slow growth. This is the result of the bay, so you have to normalize the irrigation system.

Rhododendron Yakushimansky is a decorative culture that is used in the design of the garden and flower beds. You can plant bushes singly or in groups. And although caring for them is incredibly simple, there should be no mistakes, as this is fraught with such consequences: lack of flowering, stunting, falling leaves.

Watch the video: plant care guide for BEGINNERS. how to keep your plants alive (October 2024).

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