Aichrison care at home. Features of reproduction and methods of combating diseases

Women pick up canvas, bright threads and sharp needles to embroider roses, poppies, chrysanthemums and peonies and lure love. Why put so much effort? Isn’t it easier to buy and decorate the window sill in your room with an amazingly beautiful flower, whose name is Aichrison. After all, it is him in common people called the "tree of love."

This article describes in detail the care of Aichrison at home, discusses the features of reproduction and methods of combating diseases.

How to care for the tree of love and happiness?

What kind of care is needed for this plant at home and will those who buy aichrizone face difficulties? No, but you need to know what kind of lighting he likes, what temperature must be maintained in the room so that it blooms and how to water, so as not to fill in short, sensitive roots.

Seat selection

The pot is placed away from the air conditioner and prevent quick drying of the soil in it. Otherwise, foliage cannot be avoided.

Attention! In winter, it is better to take the pot with Aichrison to a glazed balcony or loggia. If this is not possible, you can leave it on the windowsill, but put a piece of polystyrene under the pot. This will prevent the roots from drying out from the heat coming from the battery.


When choosing a place for a plant, it is taken into account that it loves not too bright, diffused light. Many gardeners have problems creating such lighting, but it's simple: you just need to cover it from the light with a cardboard.


The optimal daytime temperature in summer for aichrison is no higher than + 25 ° C, and in winter + 10 ° C.

Watering a flower

In the spring-summer period, the flower needs regular watering. In the autumn-winter period they reduce it, but at the same time they do not allow lethargy and wrinkling of leaves.

There is an easy way to find out it's time to water the flower. Go to the pot with the plant and slightly press on the crown. If the leaves spring, it is too early to water it. If they wilted, it is better not to hesitate with watering.

Many flowers do not disappear if the grower forgot about their existence and poured a little more liquid when he remembered. Aichrison is not one of them. The introduction of a large amount of moisture after its long absence contributes to the decay of the roots.

Air humidity

Dry air will never harm this plant, but it loves when caring flower growers look after its leaves in the spring and summer, wiping it with a damp cloth. This procedure is absolutely not needed in the fall and winter.

The soil

Aichrison grows in any soil in composition, but still it is better to buy a substrate, prefer it from turf mixed with one piece of sand. Some gardeners successfully grow it in a substrate composed of sand, humus, leaf and turf soil in compliance with a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 4.

So that the roots do not rot due to random abundant watering and receive a sufficient amount of oxygen, holes are made in the bottom of the pot and a drainage layer is laid (crumbs of brick, pieces of charcoal and pottery).

Fertilizer and fertilizer

A plant is bought fertilizer for succulents, in which the nitrogen content is low (Gilea, Bona Forte, POKON). With the onset of autumn and until the end of winter they do not make it, and in spring and summer they feed it with a frequency of 2 times a month.


The tree of love has small roots. Because of this, when choosing a pot for transplant, they prefer those containers that are shallow. Only when the roots of the old pot are filled, the flower is transplanted.

Attention! You can transplant the plant all year round, but it better tolerates the spring transplant.


To form a beautiful crown, the indoor flower is trimmed. Pruning is a painless procedure for him. Some gardeners recommend doing it even after a warm winter, to leave only strong shoots.

Watch a video on how to properly care for Aichrison at home:


Next, you can see a photo of this plant:


Aichrison does not always bloom, but if this happens, then only in the summer.

Attention! To achieve flowering, you have to work hard. The pot in which it grows should not be spacious, watering sparse, and wintering cool. It’s not so difficult, but they begin to adhere to these rules six months before the onset of summer.

When there are no flowers left on the peduncles, they are cut off, as are weak shoots. It is better to do this when the plant drops over 50% of its foliage. After that, watering is increased so that it recovers faster.

House crown formation

Aichrison in nature looks like a sprawling shrub. At home, you can avoid this by doing regular pruning. The crown is formed when the tops grow intensively. They pinch on two or three centimeters. In this case, it is desirable to cut off all the branches that prevent the formation of the crown as you want.

It will not be possible to return decorativeness if during the dormant period the plant grew under inappropriate conditions. In this case, simple pruning will not help. It is better to cut and root the cuttings, and again achieve the previous appearance for the flower, and in the future abandon experiments with wintering.


There are several ways to propagate aichrison.
The first is seed propagation, and the second is propagation by cuttings or leaves.

Leaves and cuttings

  1. Choose a healthy stalk or leaf for propagation.
  2. After cutting the appropriate material and leave it for 2-3 hours in a dark room.
  3. After the leaf withers, it is planted in a pre-prepared pot with holes in the bottom, as well as a layer of drainage, wet sand and a substrate for succulents with added sand.
  4. How to root the cuttings? This is done in a glass of water to get good vegetative material. In this case, add a few pieces of charcoal to the glass. After the roots appear, the stalk is planted in a pot of earth.

Watch a video about how Aichrison propagates by leaves and cuttings:


  1. First of all, a container is prepared, in which seeds are subsequently sown. Sand and sheet soil are poured into it (1: 2).
  2. After preparing the soil, seeds are sown, and after that they cover the box with plastic wrap or glass to create a greenhouse effect.
  3. After planting, regularly air the box, removing the film for 20-30 minutes or removing the glass. Seedlings also need daily spraying.
  4. The box is placed on a well-lit window sill and the temperature on it is maintained in the region of + 18 ° C.
  5. As soon as the seedlings sprout well, each of them is transplanted into a separate pot.

Problems and ways to deal with them

Important! Aichrison will not disappear if it is not properly looked after. He until the last will cling to life even if the roots begin to rot.

If you do not create ideal conditions for its growth, Aichrison will lose its decorative effect. and will have to restore it, putting a lot of effort.

Falling leaves

There are two cases when leaves fall.

  1. If the lower leaves fall, and the shoots do not look as attractive as before, then the plant suffers from high temperature. To correct the situation, cut it off, root the cuttings and put in a darker place.
  2. The second case is falling of yellow leaves. They do nothing with this, since the yellow leaves are evidence of the end of flowering.

    In rare cases, if the plant does not bloom, and the leaves turn yellow, it is necessary to rearrange the pot in another place, as it is fried in bright sun.

Sluggish and shriveled leaves

Noticing that the leaves have wilted and wrinkled, watered aichrison gently, with a small amount of water.

Elongated stems

Seeing that the succulents have sprouted and thinned shoots, and the leaves are small and pale, urgently rearrange the pot to another place, closer to the sun.

Stunt growth

If the grower does not monitor the temperature in the summer months, and it is above + 30 ° C, there is a risk that the aichrison will fall into a state of rest. He will slow down his growth, his metabolic rate will decrease. To prevent stunting, it is necessary to water aichrison more often. Also, if possible, you need to rearrange the pot in a cooler place.

Blackening of the bases of shoots and petioles

Another problem that flower growers face is the blackening of the bases of shoots and petioles. It appears due to abundant watering and low temperature, and indicates that rot has already developed.

Important! Having noticed the problem in time, they manage to save the plant. To do this, stop watering it until the soil dries well.

In the future, make sure that watering is timely and not abundant. The flower is not afraid of pests, but even if in the heat it was attacked by scale insects and spider mites, simple treatment with Actellik or Aktar insecticides will help.


If a couple was given a tree of love, then the relationship between a man and a woman will become harmonious, and their home will never leave peace and prosperity and happiness. Rumor has it that if it blooms profusely and grows rapidly, then marriage is for love. Some believe in these signs, while others do not.


Aichrison is a houseplant from the family Crassulaceae and is native to the island of Corsica. This bush, which has fleshy and miniature leaves, is a welcome guest for those who dream of love, prosperity and peace in the family. Among the domestic species of this plant, such are popular - aichrison is open, stony-leaved, punctate and sinuous. For flower growers, even for beginners, there are no problems with caring for himbut it blooms not at all, but at those who created suitable conditions for it during the winter.

Watch the video: Antibiotics, Antivirals, and Vaccines (January 2025).

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