Indoor and poisonous? All about white-milked milkweed

White-eared Euphorbia is one of the most common perennial indoor plants. Caring for it does not require special attention, and the appearance of the flower is quite unusual. Despite its proximity to succulents, spurge breeds in several ways and does not need specific conditions. Its natural habitat is the island of Madagascar. It forms extensive, almost impenetrable thickets there. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, this plant has become a resident of greenhouses and botanical gardens, as well as interior decoration.


White-eared Euphorbia (lat. Euphórbia leuconeura, sometimes called white-veined, sometimes white-veined) is an unpretentious houseplant similar at the same time to succulents and a palm tree. The origin of the species contributed to such an interesting combination, because milkweed is the island of Madagascar.

The plant is especially loved by beginners, because, despite the exotic alma mater, the white-veined euphorbia is uncomplicated in its home content and is able to withstand the mistakes or carelessness of beginning gardeners.


Check out the photo that shows the white-eared Euphorbia.

Features and differences from other species

The “white-tail” has a massive, thick base, covered with dense growths, scales, giving the plant a resemblance to a cactus. At the top, the euphorbia has several stems resembling the crown of a palm.

They are crowned with glossy leaves with a rich emerald hue and decorated with white or silver streaks.

White-eared Euphorbia is easily confused with comb. However, it is characterized by streaks of a certain color. Another difference is the arrangement of flowers - in the white-veined inflorescences they are hidden in the axils of the upper leaves, and the combed one arranges its flowers on short stems.

House content

As a houseplant, euphorbia is easy to care for and maintain. At the same time, the white-veined euphorbia does not have special decorative value for home maintenance. On the other hand, the species is often kept because of the possibility of its use for medicinal purposes.

To learn how to care for white-breasted milkweed at home and see how it looks in the photo, click here.

Plant poison

Is it possible to keep a pot of white-veined milkweed at home, is it poisonous or not?
Despite the nondescript appearance and apparent simplicity, it is worth observing a number of precautions when in contact with a flower. It is important not to put the pot with the plant in the nursery and all planting, docking, etc. Wear protective gloves. This is due to the fact that all visible parts of the milkweed excrete juice, which when irritated by the skin or mucous membrane causes irritation and burns.

Carefully place euphorbia next to other plants.. After flowering, a box is left filled with seeds that can be scattered up to 4 meters after ripening.

Benefit and harm

Consider the benefits and harms of the plant contained in the apartment. In conjunction with poisonous juice, unpretentious and long-lasting whitewashed euphorbia has a number of features that can serve in the treatment of various diseases. All parts of a houseplant that are harvested during its flowering period are used.

It is widely used in the form of juice, evaporated to a thick state, for the treatment and prevention of such ailments as headache, dysentery, diseases of the pulmonary and gastric systems, etc. In this case, the concentration of the product should be minimal. Euphorbia is used externally: it successfully helps with eczema, purulent wounds, warts, etc.

The healing properties of the plant can be due to its composition, which includes tannic substances, flavonoids, vitamins C, K, starch, various resins, euphorbion, malic acid and other elements.

Euphorbion contains beta-amyrin, tarakserol, resiniferol, alpha-euphorbol, euphol. The effect of these components on the human body is under study.

They make honey from milkweed, which is very useful for nervous disorders and insomnia. It is valued for its high content of B, C, N vitamins, iodine, iron, amino acids, proteins, beneficial enzymes and glucose.


Before using milkweed as a medicine, consult a specialist. Frequent use will lead to allergies and inflammation of the skin. An overdose can be fatal. You can not use the product for pregnant and lactating mothers.


Science knows about 800 species of milkweed. Allocate the basic principles of plant care, which are applicable for each species, and can be adjusted depending on the characteristics of a particular type of flower.

When caring for white-milked milkweed, several important conditions should be observed:

  • The air temperature in the room where the plant is kept should be between 15-23 C.
  • In the summer months, euphorbia requires abundant watering several times a week. In winter, they are limited once a month, and the pot with the plant is rearranged in a cool place.
  • "Belozhilka" perfectly tolerates diffused daylight. Avoid direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves will become burned.
  • Greenery on the crown of the base grows rapidly and, if it is not trimmed, the plant may not withstand such a load. The stems are stopped with a sharp knife, subsequently disinfecting the place of cutting with powder from coal. Before winter, all shoots should be shortened by 13-15 cm.
  • As a top dressing, a mixture for succulents is ideal. They nourish the plant from March to September in small doses 2-3 times a month. It is ideal to add crushed sea pebbles to the substrate for planting milkweed.
  • The roots of milkweed are rather weak, the rhizome grows more in breadth than in depth. A wide, flat pot is perfect.
  • Young plants need to be replanted once a year. Adults, on the other hand, manage well by changing the soil once every 2-3 years.


The white-veined euphorbia is propagated both by seeds and vegetatively.. The first method is simple to implement and boils down to several important steps:

  1. Seeds are harvested in the fall, stored in a warm, well-ventilated place.
  2. In early spring, the seeds are prepared for planting: it is necessary to grate the seed slightly, so that it is easier to shoot to break the thick shell and germinate.
  3. Euphorbia is planted in loosened soil to a depth of 4-5 mm or laid on the surface of the soil and sprinkled with a thin layer of substrate or sand.
  4. For a couple of weeks, they create a greenhouse effect using covering material. At this time, the plantings are kept in a cool place and periodically sprayed from the spray gun.
  5. In the third week, the plant sprouts, it must be regularly ventilated.
  6. Strong shoots dive and sit in individual pots.

    When purchasing a substrate, it is worth paying attention to the level of its acidity - a pH in the range of 5-6 units is suitable.

Propagation by cuttings is also suitable for white-milk milk.:

  1. In early summer, lateral processes appear on the base of the plant. They are cut as close to the trunk as possible, sprinkled with wood ash or chopped activated carbon.
  2. The cut off parts are left alone for several days or kept in warm water. During this time, most of the poisonous juice will stand out.
  3. After a couple of days, the cuttings are planted in soil containing sand and peat. The substrate for succulents is best suited.
  4. When planting, observe the temperature regime of 20-24 C. The first month the plant should be at rest.

Another method of vegetative propagation of milkweed is called dividing the bush. The procedure is performed in early spring or autumn.

  1. The plant is taken from the pot, the rhizome is divided into parts. It is important that each part has 1-2 kidneys.
  2. Rot on the plant is unacceptable, depositing material is inspected and damaged tissue is removed.
  3. It is important to let the juice drain, and then treat the slices with chopped coal or wood ash.
  4. Euphorbia easily takes root with this method of cultivation, it can immediately be planted in pots or a flower garden.

In the first year, the new bush will lag behind in growth, but in a couple of years it will please with abundant flowering and strong appearance. Do not divide the plant more often than once every 2-3 years.

Diseases and Pests

The most common diseases and pests of the flower are rot and insect ball: tick, scab, mealybug.

The first is manifested in conditions of constant drafts, low temperatures and overflow of soil. It is necessary to cut off the damaged parts and sprinkle them with wood ash, temporarily stop watering and rearrange the plant in a dry place with optimal air temperature.

Insects are avoided by periodically treating the plant with insecticides.. Due to ticks, yellow spots appear on the leaves, greening begins to wither. These places must be washed with warm water and treated with fungicides (three times a month). The worm leaves a white coating. The foliage extends with an alcohol solution, the topsoil is changed, processing is carried out by appropriate means.

Useful video

We offer you to watch a video about white-milked milkweed and methods of caring for it:


The euphorbia family is rather unpretentious in maintenance and care, therefore, many indoor gardeners appreciate it and keep it in their house. The plant propagates in several simple ways, and to combat pests and diseases there is a complex of simple but very effective measures.

Do not forget about the poisonous juice secreted by the plant: Handle the flower carefully, keep away from children and pets.

Watch the video: Monarch butterflies mating. (October 2024).

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