Little flower queens - existing varieties of miniature roses with photos and features for caring for these plants

Miniature roses are a real find for those who do not have the opportunity to organize a full-sized rose garden in their garden.

Small bushes are perfectly adjacent to most cultures and give the site an incredible decorative effect.

Further in the article we will tell you what varieties of miniature roses are, you can also see their photos and find out what are the features of caring for them and combating diseases and pests. Read useful information about the use of such colors in landscape design.

What is it - a botanical description

They have the appearance and shape of a classic rose bush, but of a reduced size. Basically, the plant does not exceed a height of 20 cm, but varieties reaching 40-45 cm are found. The buds are collected in inflorescences of 3-5 flowers and can have a wide variety of shapes and colors. The crown is thick, with small leaves of a deep green color.

Breeding History

The history of the appearance of miniature roses goes back to the beginning of the 19th century.when dwarf tea roses were brought from China to Europe. In Switzerland, the Rouletii variety was introduced, which became the prototype of the first modern miniature roses.

They began to engage in large-scale hybridization in 1940. The selection procedure included the crossing of this and other first varieties with polyanthus and other roses. In the process, indicators of growth, uniformity and density of foliage, the size of the flowers, as well as their number, were improved.

Pros and cons of growing


  • high decorativeness;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • frost resistance;
  • disease resistance;
  • long flowering;
  • variety of shapes and colors.


  • due to their size, they do not look advantageous in very large areas;
  • in some varieties, the petals are prone to burnout.

Varieties mini with photo


The variety is intended for both open ground and home potting. They differ in a pleasantly green tone of matte foliage and thin graceful branches. The colors of the flowers can be very diverse.

Wit and Rood Morsdag

Ore is a half-meter variety, reaching a width of 75 cm. The flowers are spherical in shape, 5 cm in diameter, saturated red-crimson. Vit also has a spherical shape of flowers, and is similar to Ore in size. But its inflorescences are white.

Hair curlers

The variety, bred in 2001, got its name thanks to the petals covered with thin strips and twisted outward. The height of the bush is 45 cm, the leaves are large enough, dark green, glossy. Flowers, with a diameter of 5 cm, have red, with yellowish-beige veins petals. Terry inflorescences exude a pleasant aroma.


Bushes 20 cm wide and 30 cm high. Compact and decorative. A characteristic feature of the variety is the absence of thorns on the branches. The inflorescences are lush, snow-white, can include up to 20 flowers, 3 cm in diameter. They have a delicate aroma and are decorative throughout the season.


Shrub does not exceed a height of 30 cm, saturated dark green leaves, leathery. Unusually shaped, bright buds of yellow-orange petals in diameter reach 3 cm.

Green ice

Spreading bush, 30-45 cm high, covered with double, white with a slightly greenish tint flowers, 3 cm in diameter. The leaves are dark green, glossy. The plant exudes a delicate aroma.


Compact bushes, not exceeding a height of 30 cm. The foliage is green, matte. Terry flowers with pink petals of an unusual shape - They are pointed and look like fluffy stars. On one inflorescence collected up to 20 buds.

Golden Symphony

The height of the plant does not exceed 40 cm, the stems are densely covered with leathery green leaves. Terry flowers, large, golden yellow.


Bush, 40 cm high. One to three flowers are located on one stalk pale lavender with lilac and lilac interspersed colors. The diameter of each is 4-5 cm. The foliage is dense, saturated green.


A compact bush with rich green, elongated leathery leaves. Roses are located both singly and in small inflorescences. Terry, five-centimeter buds have a deep red color with a yellowish bottom. The variety is characterized by bending of the petals to the bottom during flowering and slight burnout.

Arrow Folies

A sprawling bush up to 60 cm high, exuding a delicate aroma during flowering. Strong shoots with large spikes. Inflorescences have an unusual purplish-red color with white and pink strokes. Look great in both group and single landings.


  • When and how. With regular watering, the flowering of most varieties continues until the first frosts, some decline occurs in July and August.
  • Care before and after. Before flowering, pruning and dressing is mandatory - this will stimulate a set of buds. After flowering, before preparing the bush for winter, it is imperative to cut off all remaining inflorescences.
  • What to do if it does not bloom. If the rose does not bloom, due to the wrong planting location, where it does not have enough light or the soil does not fit, you need to transplant the bush to a more suitable site. Also, rose blooming can be returned by adjusting the watering mode. You can stimulate flowering by feeding.

Use in landscape design

Miniature roses are widely used in decorating territories; they can be planted both in open ground and in pots, decorating flower beds, borders, alpine slides, arbors or verandas.


Location selection

Planting miniature roses is best in slightly shaded areas that are not prone to flooding. Despite the fact that the plant is photophilous, a small shadow will help to slightly slow down the speed of opening the buds, thereby extending the period of decorative bush.

The soil

Low acid loamy soil is best suited for comfortable growth.. If not, you need to optimize the existing one. You can do this as follows:

  1. Dig dry sandy soil with several buckets of clay and humus.
  2. Into damp and clay soils add a mixture of sand with humus.
  3. Pour 400 grams of lime, 500 grams of dolomite flour, 50 grams of superphosphate and 200 grams of wood ash into the planting hole.
Important! The soil near the bushes should always be well-ripped and not clogged with weeds.


It is best to plant seeds in peat tablets - this will facilitate the movement of sprouts with a delicate root system into the ground. Plantings need to be watered regularly; seedlings will appear in about two weeks.

Seedlings need to be kept at a temperature of 20 degrees and continue to observe the irrigation regime.

Light access to sprouts should be at least 10 hours a day. In open ground, the plant is planted in May.


The optimum temperature for miniature roses is 23 degrees. With carefully monitored irrigation, they can safely survive the heat up to +35 degrees. The minimum indicator of the thermometer for a comfortable state of roses should not fall below 0 degrees.


The plant is sensitive to overflows, therefore, excessive moistening of the root system should be avoided. Roses are watered morning and evening by sprinkling. In wet weather, watering is not necessary.

Top dressing

  1. In the spring, immediately after trimming, urea is added.
  2. During the period of active vegetation, top dressing is repeated.
  3. When the first buds appear, complex mineral fertilizers are used.
  4. At the end of summer, superphosphate or potassium nitrate is added.


The procedure is carried out in early spring, immediately after removal of the insulation. All frozen, diseased and damaged branches are cut.

If necessary, to shape the plant, the slice is made at an angle so that at least three buds are preserved on the stem.

We offer you to watch a useful video about spring pruning of a miniature rose:


The best method for a miniature rose is the transshipment method. The plant is dug up together with an earthen lump, transferred to a new place and placed in a prepared landing pit. After transplanting, the rose must be abundantly watered.

Preparation for winter

So that the miniature rose wintered without problems, you need to build a shelter:

  1. Begin the procedure with the preparation of the bush: remove all remaining flowers and peduncles.
  2. They cover the bushes with fir spruce branches.
  3. From a thick wire or thin boards construct a box, which should be 20-30 cm above the plant.
  4. Insulation is laid on the frame, the structure is wrapped with a film on top.


This species is propagated exclusively by cuttings.. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Choose strong healthy stems with 3-4 buds.
  2. Two sections are made - at an angle of 45 degrees under the kidney from below and at a right angle above the upper kidney.
  3. Planting material is very difficult to root, so the cuttings are kept in the Epin solution before planting.
  4. Drainage, fertile soil and a thin layer of sand are poured into the prepared tank.
  5. Cuttings are placed one at a time in the tank in the center. Planting is abundantly moistened and covered with a film.
  6. A month later, when the first roots appear, young plants can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Diseases and Pests

  • Spider mite - a small insect, detecting its presence with small bright spots on the leaves of the rose. It can very quickly destroy the whole plant. Pest control is carried out using insecticidal drugs.
  • Powdery mildew - manifests itself in the form of a white coating on the leaves and stems. The cause of the occurrence is excess moisture, a fungal disease. If the lesion does not have time to spread much, the bush is sprayed with a solution of soda for a week, if the plant is massively damaged - it is necessary to carry out treatment with fungicides.

Growing miniature roses is a fascinating process. Compliance with simple rules will allow you to admire this true jewel of the garden throughout the season.

Watch the video: How To Grow Philodendron - Growing Guide (October 2024).

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