Useful properties, contraindications and the scope of lime and lemon. What is the difference between these fruits?

Many people enjoy the specific fresh aroma of citrus fruits. Lemon is added to pastries, various culinary dishes and drink tea with it.

Not everyone knows what lime is and how it differs from usual lemons. Many even believe that such a fruit is only an unripe fruit of a lemon.

From the article you will find out what is the difference between these citruses, why they are confused, as well as what are the beneficial properties of both fruits, are there any harm from them and contraindications to use, which is stored longer.

Is it the same or not?

Lemon and lime are the fruits of different trees.. The birthplace of lemon is considered to be India, China and the islands in the Pacific Ocean. Lemon is an evergreen tree that can reach a maximum of eight meters in height.

The birthplace of lime is the peninsula of Malacca. It is a shrub, most often reaching two meters in height, but sometimes its growth can be five meters.


Further on the photo you can see how lime and lemon look:



Why are they confused?

The fruits of lemon and lime are often confused, as they have much in common. Both fruits have a characteristic citrus aroma and sour taste. However, many believe that lime is an unripe lemon.

What is the difference in appearance?

They are similar in appearance to the shape of the fruit, which resembles an egg with rounded ends. However, the fruits of lemon are yellow in color, and in lime they are green. In addition, lime fruits are slightly smaller in size. The pulp of the fruit also has a different color. In lime, it is green, as is the color of the fruit itself, while in lemon it is yellow.

What is the difference in taste, which is more acidic?

Lime and lemon are almost identical in taste. Both fruits have a sour taste, but lime is still more acidic, and it also has a slight bitterness. Lime is so sour that it is impossible to eat even with sugar. Unlike lemon, it is not eaten in its pure form, but is used in cooking recipes.

Useful and healing properties

The fetus contains a large amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It is slightly less in lemon than in lime. Vitami C is necessary for health, it plays an important role in the body, as it is involved in many vital processes:

  1. he takes part in the synthesis of hormones, as well as in oxidative and reducing processes;
  2. helps to lower blood pressure;
  3. participates in the process of hematopoiesis;
  4. improves the permeability of the walls of the capillaries;
  5. and also has many other useful properties.
If you use citrus in its raw form, you can fully enrich the body with useful vitamin, but more than half of ascorbic acid is lost during heat treatment. The peel and seeds of citrus fruits contain special substances that prevent the formation of cancer cells and help lower blood cholesterol.

Both citrus fruits have the following beneficial and healing properties.:

  • Strengthen the immune system.
  • Help in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Contribute to the removal of toxins from the body.
  • Strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  • Prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
  • They have a sedative effect.

Chemical composition

Lemon and lime have an almost identical composition, the difference is only in the amount of vitamin C which in lime is more than in lemon.

All other components are contained in almost the same amount. These are proteins, fats, plant fibers and organic acids. The composition of citrus fruits also has mono - and disaccharides, as well as vitamins, micro - and macrocells.


  • A - 2 mcg.
  • C - 40 mg.
  • E - 0.2 mg.
  • B1 - 0.04 mg.
  • B2 - 0.02mg.
  • B5 - 0.2 mg.
  • B6 - 0.06 mg.
  • B9 - 9mkg.
  • PP - 0.1 mg.

Trace elements:

  • Calcium - 40 mg.
  • Sodium - 11 mg.
  • Magnesium - 12 mg.
  • Phosphorus - 21 mg.
  • Potassium - 160 mg.
  • Sulfur - 10 mg.
  • Chlorine - 5 mg.


  • Iron - 0.6 mg.
  • Boron - 175 mcg.
  • Zinc - 0.125mg.
  • Molybdenum - 1 mcg.
  • Copper - 240 mcg.
  • Manganese - 0.04 mg.
  • Fluoride - 10mkg.

What is the difference in properties?

Lime has the same beneficial properties as lemon.. Perhaps the only difference between lime and lemon is that it contains folic acid, which is not in the composition of lemon.

This substance is necessary for pregnant women, as it helps in laying the body systems of the child, and also helps the proper course of pregnancy. Folic acid also contributes to the good functioning of the immune and circulatory systems.

Unlike lime, lemon contains volatile products - substances useful to the body that have the ability to suppress pathogens and fungal diseases.

Lemon used:

  • In the treatment of colds, as well as for their prevention.
  • It improves the digestive system, and also helps with metabolic disorders.
  • It is often used in cosmetology to lighten skin pigmentation, as well as to treat cracks in the skin.
  • It is also used to strengthen hair.

What common?

Lime and lemon have a very similar composition and taste. The main feature is the high content of ascorbic acid.

What is more useful?

Lemon is considered healthier. Lime, which is used fresh, can often be perceived by the immune system as a hazardous substance. Therefore, the body produces antibodies that are used to combat harmful substances. This entails the production of histamine, which leads to edema and the development of inflammatory processes that make breathing difficult.

Lime juice is used only for the preparation of various culinary dishes or as part of cocktails that are significantly diluted with water.

Harm and contraindications

  1. Citrus is contraindicated in exacerbation of gastritis, pancreatitis, as well as with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
  2. You can not use them in the acute form of jade and enteritis.
  3. With increased acidity of the stomach, they can also not be consumed, as they can significantly enhance the production of juice in the stomach.

Application area

  • Both citrus fruits are used as a flavoring supplement to fish and meat.
  • They are also used for the preparation of various sauces and marinades.
  • They are also added in the preparation of drinks and desserts.

However, not everyone likes the taste of lime in drinks, since there is a clear bitterness in it.

Is it possible to replace one fruit with another?

Lime and lemon can be replaced in recipes. However, in the event that a special shade of taste is important, the fruit that is indicated in the recipe should be used. As for cocktail recipes, such as Mojito, it is just impossible to replace lime with lemon, because it is thanks to lime that the cocktail has a special taste.

Lime has a too intense taste that can drown out the rest of the ingredients, so it’s better to use lemon in baking, because if you don’t like the taste of one of the citruses, you can replace it with another.

However, it is worth remembering that lemon and lime can not always replace each other. It should be borne in mind that lime has a more concentrated juice and it will need less, otherwise you can spoil the taste of the dish.

Differences in cultivation

Lemon and lime can be grown as a method of germinating seeds, and by the method of cuttings. There is almost no difference in the care of citrus plants. Both plants need good lighting for at least ten hours a day. They must not be exposed to low temperatures, as well as draft.

Lemons have a lack of seed reproduction, which consists in the fact that in order to obtain fruits, the plant must be grafted. This is done when the lemon grows to twenty centimeters.

What is stored longer?

Lemon can be stored significantly longer than lime.. Due to the fact that lime has a thin peel having a smooth surface, it can be stored for no more than two weeks at a temperature of no higher than four degrees. Lemon can be stored for more than three months without losing its taste and appearance.

Lemon and lime are healthy fruits, which in some cases can be replaced by each other, however, not in all recipes. Both fruits are healthy and have almost the same composition. But you should always remember about contraindications for use.

Watch the video: 5 best foods to eat for Ulcer Relief (October 2024).

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