Characteristic varieties of radish Celeste F1. Features of growing, care, harvesting and storage of crops

Radish is the earliest vegetable, one of the first in the year to keep up. It contains a large amount of vitamins, which is useful after a long winter. It contains the same amount of vitamin C as in citrus fruits, as well as ascorbic acid, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and phosphorus. In Russia, they began to grow radishes at the beginning of the 20th century. The article provides detailed characteristics of the variety, as well as a detailed guide to growing Celeste radish.

Characterization and description of the variety

The leaf rosette is compact, dark green oval leaves up to 11 cm long. The root crop is round with a diameter of 4-6 cm, weight 18-24 grams, with a thin tail. The skin is smooth, bright red, and inside the fruit is white, tastes juicy, crispy, slightly bitter, which gives piquancy.

Unpleasant bitterness appears in overgrown fruits. Celeste does not crack, no voids appear inside her, which gives her excellent commodity qualities. Celeste’s radish is eaten fresh, in salads. Due to the lack of bitterness, even children love him.

Harvesting 24-25 days after sowing, up to 3.5 kg per square meter. but if you want to increase productivity, then the easiest way is to reduce the distance between the rows. With this grade, this is acceptable, because leafy sockets are not wide.


  1. Not demanding on lighting.
  2. Resistant to tsvetochnosti and shooting.
  3. It is immune to fungal and viral infections, resistant to heat and temperature extremes, loves light.
  4. It is stored for a long time, has a beautiful appearance, and easily transfers transportation even over long distances.

Of the minuses - difficulties with watering.

Preparing seeds for planting

Before planting, prepare the seeds:

  1. Put the seeds in a gauze bag, soak for 20 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or in hot water - this will disinfect the seeds.
  2. To speed up germination, you can leave wet seeds in a bag for a couple of days.

If you bought seeds in original packaging from the manufacturer, then you do not need to soak them.


Sowing is carried out indoors in early March, in the open - in early April. Pre-moisten the soil. Plant to a depth of 1-2cm, at a distance of 5cm from each other, the distance between the rows of 6-10 cm. If the soil is heavy, then the depth should be minimal. If the sprouts rise densely - it is necessary to thin out.

As an autumn vegetable, Celeste is planted in open ground in July or August, depending on climatic conditions. Radish Celeste F1 sprouts at a temperature of 18-20, so with early sowing it is recommended to cover with a film.

The soil

Soil for planting radish Celeste should be light, loose, acidity 6.5-6.8 Ph; not saline, preferably fertilized. Do not plant in the soil where cabbage, beets, carrots and other cruciferous (cabbage) grew. Suitable soil where previously grown tomatoes, potatoes or legumes.


  1. Watering is moderate, timely. It is better to use water heated by the sun for watering.
  2. 10 days after germination, it is recommended to fertilize the radish. For this, slurry, mulching the soil with dry humus or compost is ideal. Mineral fertilizers are also suitable. For 1 square meter, you will need 20 g of superphosphate, 100 g of potassium sulfate, 30 g of potassium magnesia, 0.2 g of boron.
  3. Regular spraying from aphids and cruciferous fleas is useful. Also an excellent cure for parasites is wood ash, ideally birch. It is useful to sprinkle tops with her.

Features of watering in the greenhouse

  • In the heat and drought, watered daily, 5-7 liters per square meter.
  • In cloudy and humid weather it is enough to water once every 2-3 days.

Breeding History

Radish Celeste F1 is a hybrid developed by Dutch scientists and put on sale since 2009.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • tasty, not bitter or pungent;
  • it keeps up early;
  • large crop;
  • root crops ripen almost simultaneously;
  • not prone to shooting and flowering;
  • stored for a long time;
  • excellent resistance to diseases and pests;
  • easily transfers transportation;
  • Suitable for growing both in the greenhouse and on the street.


  • poorly tolerates saline and dense soil;
  • does not tolerate high humidity;
  • does not tolerate drought.

Why and where is the radish used?

Radish is eaten raw and in salads; its tops are added to okroshka and soups. In addition, radishes can be planted in order to mark the lines of other crops. The first leaves of the radish appear after 2-3 days, before the appearance of weeds. This allows you to process the aisle even before germination of other crops.

Harvesting and storage

If you followed all the rules of planting, then you can pick up Celeste F1 radish in 24 days. But in order to improve the quality and appearance, it is better to wait up to 30 days, so each root crop will reach a weight of 30 grams. It is recommended to transport root vegetables along with tops, so they will last longer. On average, the attractiveness and freshness of the product lasts up to 4 days.

Diseases and Pests

Hybrid Celeste F1 perfectly resists many diseases. If the plant is filled, then it may be subject to rot. It is recommended to check the dryness of the soil before watering. Of the pests, the main enemy of Celeste’s radish is aphid. For prevention, you need to sprinkle tops and ground between the rows of wood ash.

Similar varieties

  • Tarzan F1. Fruits with a diameter of up to 7 cm, the surface is bright red, the flesh is white, slightly islet. Easily resists known diseases. Matures approximately 35 days.
  • Duro. The variety is resistant to shooting, cracking, its fruits are round, bright red, with a diameter of up to 9 cm. The pulp is elastic, white, sweetish. Tops with good fertilizer grow up to 25 cm in length. Like Celeste, it can grow both in the greenhouse and on the street all spring and most of the summer. Harvest is ready 25 days after sowing.
  • Heat. It has a high yield - up to 3.5 kg per square meter. Matures quickly - 18-28 days. Unlike Celeste, the tops are sprawling. The fruit is similar to Celeste - a diameter of 3-4 cm, a smooth red-raspberry surface, the flesh is white, sometimes with a pinkish tinge, juicy, sweetish, crunchy, moderately sharp.
  • Rudolph F1. Like Celeste, the size of the fruit is small - up to 5 cm, red skin, white juicy pulp with a light speck. Resistant to diseases and pests. Matures in 20 days.
  • Dungan 12/8. The fruits reach a diameter of 7 cm, the surface is smooth, red, the pulp is juicy and elastic. The variety is high-yielding, stored for a long time without loss of taste and external data. Unlike Celeste, it ripens longer - in 45-50 days.

The radish variety Celeste F1 is a very convenient, easy-to-grow vegetable. It is great for growing for sale due to its long storage properties and easy transportation.

Its ability to quickly ripen and grow in a greenhouse in March makes it possible to collect 2-3 crops per year, which can be increased by reducing the distance between the rows.

A soft, juicy taste with a piquant point has pleased summer residents since the beginning of April, helping to fight vitamin deficiency.

Watch the video: Growing Beans from Sowing to Harvest (January 2025).

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