Rules and means of combating Jerusalem artichoke - how to remove an earthen pear from the garden? Preventive measures

Jerusalem artichoke is a pretty beautiful and beneficial plant, which is known to all experienced gardeners and gardeners. However, if this pretty plant captures the entire area of ​​the garden, you probably have a question how to get rid of it now.

Some people do not attach much importance to overgrown Jerusalem artichoke. It can be used as a hedge, added to food. But they simply cannot imagine how persistent this conqueror is and how difficult it is to cope with him. But it can actually take up most of the area of ​​your garden or cottage.

Features of the growth of earthen pear

The main problem contained in Jerusalem artichoke (also called “earthen pear”) is precisely that it very quickly captures the territory, that is, grows. If you once planted Jerusalem artichoke just to close yourself from your neighbors, literally two years later, it will occupy several times more space, and no other cultures will hinder it.

Controlling this process is no longer quite easy, and getting rid of Jerusalem artichoke after long months of struggle at all seems at all unrealistic. If you do not control Jerusalem artichoke, then soon there will be no room for other plants that you planned to grow on your site.

Besides, the roots of an earthen pear go deep into the soil about a meterand if you don’t destroy them all, literally a year later everything will be covered again by our obsessive green friend.

Is it worth it to remove the root crop from the garden?

Before you arm yourself with all the means of struggle existing in the world, you should weigh the advantages and disadvantages of Jerusalem artichoke, because despite its aggressive essence, it is a very useful plant.

  • Firstly, if you are worried that in the place where Jerusalem artichoke used to grow, you can’t plant anything for many years, then relax. This is not true. After you bring it out, you can immediately plant something new if you wish.
  • Secondly, the earthen pear tastes very good, in addition, there are diseases in which its use is indispensable. You can keep a small bed of Jerusalem artichoke if you like to eat it.
  • Thirdly, Jerusalem artichoke is indispensable for healthy people. It can remove nausea, increase immunity to viral diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and removes toxins from the body.

However, if the earthen pear did not appeal to you from any of its positive sides, then, of course, get ready for difficult battles with it.

What methods of struggle will definitely fail?

So that you do not step on the same rake as numerous gardeners, in attempts to get rid of Jerusalem artichoke, let's talk about what exactly does not help you in this situation. An inexperienced “wrestler” may try to destroy only the part of the plant visible above the ground, and pluck the small shoots with some tool like a plane cutter and stop there, but this does not give any results for a long time.

A bad way to get rid of Jerusalem artichoke is a shallow digging. Therefore, you cannot remove all the tubers.

And the destruction of the spring overgrowth of the plant during the year will give the result only along with other methods of struggle.

Step-by-step instruction: how to withdraw from the site?

Well, now let's look at ways to get rid of Jerusalem artichoke that will give their result, and pretty soon.

Deep digging

The roots of our annoying plants can be found even at a depth of more than half a meter. This is the reason that Jerusalem artichoke will say “hello” to you a year later, after a shallow digseemingly all roots.

For this method to bring you real success, you will have to remove all the trunks, and then dig a hole under the “former” Jerusalem artichoke at least a meter deep, and then to the sides at the same distance. It seems to me that you no longer like this idea if you do not hire a tractor or ask for help ten to fifteen people.


There is a curious way to get rid of an earthen pear with zucchini.. I believe that he interested you from the very title of this part of the text. He was shared with us by one gardener - a specialist. In the fall, he got rid of one bed of earthen pear, took out all the tubers from the ground, six months later he completed a couple of digging and planted zucchini in this place.

Soon, they released their magnificent large leaves above the surface of the soil, and the annoying Jerusalem artichoke showed only a couple of stems that were removed. On this war ended with the victory of man.


Everyone knows about the existence of various poisonous agents that help us kill weeds in the summer cottage. The most effective against Jerusalem artichoke are considered "Hurricane" and "Roundup". The solution should not be diluted with anything, just apply it gently with a brush on the aerial part of the earthen pear.

Now you only have to wait about a week, however, there is still no absolute guarantee that it will completely die. It is desirable to apply this method together with other methods, then the effect will be the best. Do not forget that using herbicides you should protect yourself with a mask and gloves, avoid contact with the skin.


This method is aimed at essentially strangling the plant, not giving it access to sunlight and oxygen. To do this, get rid of all tubers as much as possible, firmly compress the ground by pressing boards into it and cover with a dark film on top. Most likely, this method will help you with a very high guarantee.

The result should be checked exactly one year later (it is desirable to carry out the procedure in the spring and check in the spring). However, you should also use the method in a complex with others, since there are cases when an earthen pear made its way even through .... concrete.


Here, the method should lead to the decay of an earthen pear in the soil, so that after a year new shoots will not make themselves felt.

  1. In late summer - early autumn, it is necessary to remove part of the land above the Jerusalem artichoke by about a bayonet of a shovel. All soil, including the soil you removed, must be thoroughly cleaned of roots.
  2. The pit received by your labors must be abundantly poured with liquid to ripen the compost.
  3. The dug up earth should be returned to place and again with compost from above.
This is actually a great way, because in addition to getting rid of Jerusalem artichoke, in a year you will have well-fertilized soil in place of the earthen pear.

With the help of pigs

Perhaps this is the most interesting method of all of the above, because for it you will need ordinary pigs. It makes no sense to say that this is a fairly effective option, it all depends on the case, but there are stories where he really helped.

Firstly access to the roots of Jerusalem artichoke should be simplified by the pigs. To do this, you need to deeply dig the soil and remove all root crops, leaving only a couple sticking out on the surface. Next, protect other crops so that pigs do not trample your cucumbers - tomatoes. It is believed that they are able to eat the whole Jerusalem artichoke, as they like it very much.

The biggest problem with the method is to get pigs. But if you have them, then this is not a problem.

Comprehensive measures

Comprehensive measures to combat Jerusalem artichoke, of course, the most successful. The bottom line is to apply many methods to get rid of an earthen pear throughout the year. It is not as difficult as it seems, but it will certainly bring its positive results.

We offer two options to choose from.

  • Option number one:

    1. Dig the earth, sort the earth. In general, get rid of Jerusalem artichoke roots as much as possible.
    2. Pour everything with compost ripening liquid, cover with board and film. However, keep in mind that you cannot tamp the soil too tightly here, since at least a small amount of oxygen is required for compost.
  • Option number two:

    1. In the same way as in the first version, dig the soil and remove the roots from it.
    2. Run the pigs into the open, and then cover everything with boards, cardboard and a dark film. If after a year, in the spring, any sprouts nevertheless appear, they should be treated with herbicides.

Of course, you can develop ways to combat Jerusalem artichoke yourself, but here we have given the most effective options. Most importantly, you can’t let out guinea pigs to eat Jerusalem artichoke after they have treated the plants with herbicides, this can destroy the animals.

Prevention of Overgrowth

After a long struggle with the annoying Jerusalem artichoke, of course, no one wants that all operations unexpectedly - unexpectedly go down the drain. therefore certain non-complex actions should be performed as a preventive measure for re-filling the Jerusalem artichoke with the site:

  1. If new stalks of earthen pear are found, treat them with herbicides and dig them up.
  2. If you do not plan to grow anything in place of an earthen pear, then it should be kept covered with a film.
  3. You can grow zucchini at the place of Jerusalem artichoke for several years.
  4. It is advisable to dig up the earth annually and remove previously unnoticed roots of Jerusalem artichoke.

Yes, despite the many useful qualities that are contained in Jerusalem artichoke, not many people like it, and often summer residents, gardeners and gardeners wage desperate wars with him. Remember that it is advisable to fight with an earthen pear comprehensively and throughout all twelve months of the year so that it brings good results.

Watch the video: Preventive measures for high blood pressure (October 2024).

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