All that vegetable growers from different regions of Russia need to know about the timing of planting daikon radish in open ground and in a greenhouse

If you want to grow a good harvest of daikon or white radish and do not know how to achieve this, then you need to take into account not only the warm months of the year, but also the location of such areas as the Urals, Siberia, Krasnodar Territory, Moscow Region, Leningrad Region.

You will learn from this article about the exact time frame for planting daikon in Russian regions.

It also tells what the time of planting the seeds depends on and the difference in planting time in the greenhouse and open ground.

Why is it important to plant a white radish in a timely manner?

Weather conditions in different areas are very different from each other, so the sowing time will be different. Otherwise, the seeds planted at the wrong time will lead to the fact that the vegetable does not develop, starts up the arrow and blooms.

Essential for the formation of the fetus is the length of daylight. It is important to observe the temperature regime. In areas where the temperature is below 10 ° C, daikon will not grow in open ground; in areas with a hot climate, premature flowering of the plant occurs.

Depending on the region, the planting time of the daikon varies from early July to mid-August. It should be noted that sowing is best done after rain.

If you do not follow the landing rules, there will be the following consequences:

  1. Due to the wrong planting period, there will be no harvest (late spring, early summer) - the culture starts up the arrow.
  2. Due to hot weather, the fruits will be coarse and inedible.
  3. Non-compliance with regular watering leads to coarsened, bitter root crops.

What determines the time of planting seeds?

In order to collect two daikon crops per season, there are 2 planting dates:

  • in early spring - for harvesting in the first half of summer;
  • the second half of summer - suitable for winter supplies.

Difference in planting in open ground and in a greenhouse

Cultivation at home is as follows: if you choose the right variety, you can achieve a good harvest, even with a high clay content in the soil. To facilitate growth in such a soil, it is desirable:

  1. dig deep;
  2. fertilize;
  3. to loosen.

Soaking seeds before sowing will enrich them with oxygen and facilitate swelling.. When planting seeds in the soil, it is recommended to plant 2 seeds in the soil at intervals of 5-6 cm, and then tamp.

To properly grow daikon in open ground, it is planted with seedlings with two full leaves. This method of cultivation is associated with climate conditions and the duration of daylight hours. The optimum temperature when planting a daikon is more than 10⁰ C in humid, sunny weather.

Daikon can be grown in a greenhouse even in winter. To grow early seedlings, greenhouses are also used. Seeds are sown in greenhouse beds from mid-March to the second decade of April.

When to plant radish in different regions?

The climate in which you live is the first thing you need to pay attention to. The planting time of the radish will depend on climatic conditions. It is necessary to study the characteristics of culture, the peculiarity of cultivation in different regions of Russia, otherwise the plant will not adapt.

In the middle zone of Russia (in the suburbs)

In the Moscow region there is a changeable climate, this limits the time of planting Daikon in the ground.

  • The best period for planting seedlings is June - July: during this period, the sun is most active throughout the day. This is important for white radish. He does not need excess moisture. For high yields, it is this period that is considered the best, which contributes to the development of large fruits and a large yield.
  • For sowing seeds, it is better to choose March-April. For this, the greenhouse must be in good condition, equipped with additional lighting, heating, a strong, heat-holding, ventilation coating. This allows you to grow crops all year round. For early spring crops, it is better to use early ripening varieties.
  • At home in the suburbs, you can harvest a daikon crop, if planted in early August.

In the Urals

In the Urals, Daikon is grown only in greenhouses, otherwise root crops will freeze in cold land. Conditions, landing time, care is no different from other areas.

The length of a sunny day affects the time of planting in the soil, so you need to choose the day of planting with caution. It is better to sow in July, from 10 to 15. Excessive moisture is fatal in these harsh climatic conditions.

In Siberia

For planting Daikon in Siberia, it is better to choose a summer period from mid-June, so that the length of the day is already waning. For the plant will be the best conditions for development. In Siberia, sweet radish is planted in the ground in early July. Early, as well as mid-ripening varieties are the best way to get root crops.

If you are knowledgeable in growing Daikon, which has delicious fruits, you can achieve the largest and most delicious crop. The main thing is to observe the peculiarities of the culture, to properly care for and choose a convenient method of growing.

Watch the video: Vegetables You Can Grow in the Winter Edible Garden (January 2025).

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