All about male happiness, or Anthurium: photo, description and cultivation at home

Anthurium is very popular among flower lovers because of its bright and unusual appearance.

The plant is not very cheap, but most home flower lovers want to buy it.

Further in the article: what kind of flower is it, how it is properly called scientifically and how another name appeared, as well as a photo in which Anthurium is especially good. We also learn how the anthurium differs from spathiphyllum and how to multiply it correctly.

What is it: title and description

Anthurium (Anthúrium) - an evergreen flower from the Aronik family (Araceae). This is one of the largest families: it numbers from 500 to 900 species.

What does anthurium look like:

  • The stems of the flower are dense and short.
  • Foliage of various shapes. The sheet surface has a different texture, it is glossy, semi-gloss and matte.
  • The length of an adult plant reaches up to 118 cm (species Anthurium acutissimum).
Reference! In a rainforest, leaves turn toward the sun. In dry terrain, the leaves have the appearance of a rosette similar to a nest where dead parts of the plant are collected. This part also retains moisture, serves as fertilizer.

The best part of the atrium is the flowers. They have a velvety surface. Ears are conical, spherical, and also in the form of a spring or mace. The color scheme is rich: white, red, green, pink.

Due to its attractive appearance and exoticness, the plant is expensive. But, acquiring this flower, the owner will enjoy the beauty both in summer and in winter.

Now about how the Anthurium is called differently, what does this plant mean and what is the meaning of the name “flower of love”. His other name is male happiness.. Its significance is explained by the ancient Colombian belief in a girl who burned herself in a fire in the name of love, not wanting to be a slave to the leader. The girl burned down, but the gods turned her into an anthurium flower. People believe that this plant protects young families from quarrels and mistakes, and also brings prosperity. Also called the flower of love.

What does he look like - photo

Here you can see a photo of anthurium:

History, geography and habitat

All species of Anthurium have one homeland - the tropics of South and Central America. Anthurium grows in the wild from Mexico (Central America) to Paraguay (South America). The mountains do not scare the plant. Many species of anthurium are found in the Cordillera and the Andes. Flowers grow there at an altitude of up to 3400 m. Also, plants can be seen in the savannahs, rocks, tropics. There is even a symbiosis with ant colonies.

Can I keep it in a pot at home?

Anthurium is a specific plant. Its leaves contain toxic substances that can cause irritation of the mucous membranes. For adults, this is not dangerous. But, if the pet or child touches the tongue or bites off part of the plant, allergies can begin. Therefore, pots with anthurium must be placed outside their reach.

If family members are sensitive to odors, you can pick up an odorless look. In any case, anthurium cannot poison a person. On the contrary, it is of great benefit:

  1. Removes unpleasant odors emanating from plastic surfaces.
  2. Humidifies the air, which is also good for people.
  3. If necessary, you can make a bouquet of it. Flowers will stand in water, without losing the beauty of their appearance, up to 1 month.

Read more about the benefits and harms of Anthurium, as well as whether it can be kept at home, read here.

What is the difference from spathiphyllum?

The happiness of a woman without a man is impossible. These plants, spathiphyllum (female happiness) and anthurium (male happiness), together create happiness for the family. So a successful addition for anthurium will be spathiphyllum. In their combination, these plants will decorate any room. The white color of spathiphyllum and the red color of anthurium in combination with green leaves will create a delicate beauty.

You can distinguish plants by the color and shape of the flower bedspread. In spathiphyllum, it is white, oval or lanceolate. Anthurium has bright red (the most common color), which has a wide-heart shape.

Other differences:

  • the shape of the petal follows the shape of the leaf (spathiphyllum), but they are different in anthurium;
  • spathiphyllum does not have a stem on which leaves grow;
  • Anthurium has a small stem.

Home Care

Anthurium does not like a lot of light. He prefers diffused light. In summer, you need to often water it, but pay attention to the soil, it must have time to absorb moisture. In winter, you need to reduce watering, control the soil to avoid dryness. In this case, the air around the plant should be well moistened. It requires a lot and often sprayed, and sometimes wipe the foliage with a damp cloth. To strengthen and develop the growth of the subordinate roots, you need to overlay the stems with moss.

What else do you need to know:

  1. The temperature in the summer for good growth and flowering plants should be 20-28 ° C. In winter - 15-16 ° C.
  2. To ensure continuous flowering in early spring, the temperature should be between 16-18 ° C.
  3. If you comply with all the requirements, anthurium will bloom all summer.
  4. In the spring and summer, the flower grows, it must be fed. Every 15 days to feed, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers.
  5. When transplanting, there is no need to feed.
  6. A flower is transplanted annually in the spring (if the base of the flower is more than 25 cm wide, the transplant is done once every six months).

You can find more information about caring for anthurium in this article.

All about reproduction

Anthurium reproduces in 3 main ways:

  • roots
  • division;
  • cuttings.

To carry out propagation by division, stems with roots are gently separated from the main plantthey are planted in another pot. To carry out propagation by cuttings, the upper part of the plant stem is cut off, and it also sits in a new pot. If the plant has aerial roots, reproduction can be carried out with their help. They must be cut and planted in a pot.

Important! All parts of the plant contain toxic substances, therefore, when ingested, they can cause poisoning, and if it comes into contact with the skin, it can cause irritation. Take care of the anthurium carefully.


The most prominent part of the plant is the flowers of various colors. They can even be colorful or black.

Flowers are arranged densely to each other, visually resemble squares. Moreover, the flavor of each species is different. There is a light airy aroma, but there is a rich and even fetid.

If the plant is properly maintained, it can bloom all year long. The flowers themselves can last up to 6 weeks. If you pollinate them, you can get fruits as a result (berries of 2 colors - orange and yellow).

Anthurium looks stylish and colorful., which is why it is often used in the decoration of premises.

In more detail about the flowering of Anthurium, as well as when to wait for it and how to extend it, we talked here.

Diseases and Pests

The reason for the absence of flowers or new leaves can be diseases and parasites. Most often, they appear due to inadequate flower care. Pests that can infect Anthurium:

  • scale shield;
  • aphid;
  • spider mite.

The following problems with anthurium may also occur:

  1. With a high content of calcium in the soil, the tips of the leaves may turn black.
  2. If the plant receives too much light or not enough moisture in the air, the foliage will curl.
  3. The appearance of spots on the foliage is the fault of parasitic mushrooms.
  4. Aphids accumulate on young inflorescences and shoots. Every month in the summer, it is necessary to spray the flower with solutions from the appearance and activity of aphids. It is necessary to protect it from scale insects and thrips.
  5. Thrips are dangerous in that they multiply quickly, and it takes a lot of effort to destroy them.

Similar houseplants

  • Calla - This is a perennial herb that came to us from southern Africa. The plant blooms in winter and spring. Flowers on elongated peduncles. An inflorescence is a cob that is covered with a leaf and folded.
  • Begonia has neat flowers, some of them bloom in the fall, others in the spring. Individual varieties can bloom all year.
  • Amorphophallus - a flower that belongs to the aroid family. He comes from Indochina. The name from the Greek language, literally translated - formless escape.
  • Hyacinth - This is a plant from the asparagus family, blooms in the spring. The name is ancient Greek, literally translated as a rainy flower. Originally from the Mediterranean and Southeast Asia.
  • Brunfelsia. The plant has a pleasant smell. In daylight, it is almost inaudible, and at night it is felt very strongly. A flower can grow with virtually no lighting and smell constantly.

In order for the anthurium to please the eye all year round, to be healthy and beautiful, it needs to be provided with proper care. A good indoor climate, lighting and temperature control - this is what must be observed for the good growth and flowering of this plant.

Watch the video: Ep 031: Prayer Plant Marantaceae Care - Plant One On Me (October 2024).

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