Decorative and garden gardenia: description and photo of varieties, nuances of care

Gardenia is a decorative and garden plant, the peculiarity of which is the ability to grow it outdoors and at home. Florists distinguish its perfection and create unique in its beauty bouquets and compositions.

There is a wide variety of varieties, each of which is characterized by differences in appearance and in terms of care.

In the article, we consider the varieties of indoor and garden gardenia from the genus of peonies and present their description and photo of this flower.

What is this plant?

What is gardenia? Gardenia is an evergreen shrub that has about 250 species thermophilic plants.

These are mostly bushes, although trees can also be seen in nature.

They grow in hot and humid climates - in India, Asia, China and Africa.

Description of occurrence history

Gardenia was first discussed during the reign of the Chinese emperors, who belonged to the Song Dynasty. It was then that the gardener by all efforts tried to achieve even more voluminous flowering, preventing the growth of the crown. In Europe, the plant appeared in the 18th century., after which it became the most popular and sought after.

General appearance

Cape jasmine (gardenia) is an evergreen shrub with a minimum height of 1.5 m. The bush is compact in size, round in shape.

Leaves are oval or broadly lanceolate. They are dense and glossy, dark green in color. The location is alternate or single. Due to the spectacular leaf plate, gardenia looks impressive even in the absence of flowering.

The diameter of the flower is 8-13 cm, they are single. They can be terry or semi-double. The color of the freshly blossomed flower is white, but after a while it becomes golden.

A variety of types and photos


This type of gardenia includes the following varieties:


Snow-white terry inflorescences with an incredible aroma. The sheet plate is dark green, glossy. It can bloom not only in summer but also in winter.


The variety is distinguished by white double flowers with a pleasant aroma.


View with large camelliform branches. They are terry, and their diameter is 10 cm.

First love

The plant has large flowers, the diameter of which is 13 cm. They are terry, whitish-cream in color and have a pleasant aroma. The bush begins to bloom in early spring, and this period lasts throughout the summer.

Flore Pleno

It differs in voluminous terry flowers.

Kleim's hardy

The flowers are small in size with a snow-white waxy color. Flowering lasts throughout the spring and summer.

Gardenia jasminoides

It features whitish-yellow spots on a leaf well as white terry flowers. More information about jasmine gardenia can be found here.


This type of gardenia can bloom in white or yellow. The variety is quite common in home floriculture. The buds can be terry, and begin to bloom in early August. They produce a delicate and sweet aroma. But for this it is important to provide the flower with proper care.


This species belongs to the dwarf. Differs in dark green leaves of the small size. Inflorescences are white in color, and their shape is similar to a star. With proper care, the bush will bloom for a long time and abundantly.

You will find a description, photo and features of caring for other varieties of gardenia in our article.


The fruits of the plant are presented in the form of a pear or cylinder. Contain a lot of seeds, have a brown color.

Fruits contain substances that can lower blood pressure.


Indoor flower varieties have terry inflorescences. They are small in size and resemble a rose in beauty and shape. The color of the inflorescence can be white or yellow-cream. Single flowers are located in the corners of leaves and rarely on the tips of branches.

Smell of flowers

What and how does this flower smell? In addition to the beauty of the bush during its flowering, it still delights with a delicate and pleasant aroma. It is very similar to the smell that jasmine or rose emits. The aroma intensifies at night.

Beneficial features

Gardenia is incredibly beneficial for the human body:

  1. Local plant-based medicines are used to heal wounds. Even crushed gardenia fruits can be applied to burns, bruises and tumors.
  2. Cure diseases of the oral cavity and herpes on the fur coats will wash the decoction of the roots and fruits. It is also effective for bloody vomiting, mastitis, inflammation of the kidneys, nosebleeds.
  3. Gardenia is known for its antiseptic properties. Thanks to them, the plant is effective in the treatment of inflammation of the biliary tract, headaches, diseases of the digestive tract and respiratory system.
  4. The plant has a diuretic effect in diseases of the kidneys and has proven itself in stress, impaired sleep and overwork.
  5. No less effective plant in the presence of sexual problems. His presence in the house improves mood and calms all household members. Only gardenia is located in the living room, so that all family members could enjoy its aroma.

Read more about the beneficial properties of gardenia and its use in traditional medicine here.

Care Rules

Let us dwell on the basic rules of gardening care at home.


Gardenia is a heat-loving culture, so in winter it should be grown at a temperature of 17-18 degrees, the minimum values ​​will be 16 degrees. but in summer, these figures should not exceed 22 degrees.

If the temperature is high, you will have to maintain air humidity. Also avoid sudden temperature spikes.


The plant responds positively to light, so for full development and flowering it is necessary to take care of full lighting with shading so that direct rays do not penetrate the bush in the hot season. Otherwise, the leaves will become pale yellow, and brown spots will appear on their surface. In winter, the bush can be kept in the brightest place, since the direct influence of the sun is no longer harmful to him.


In spring and summer, moisten the soil abundantly, as it must be moist. In winter, moderate watering. Gardenia does not tolerate the drying out of the earth coma, but stagnation of water is also unacceptable, since the roots will begin to rot. Suitable for irrigation is standing room temperature water.

Top dressing

Fertilizer humidification should be carried out during the period of active growth (from March to August). To apply them every 2 weeks, using liquid fertilizers for flowering plants. The dosage should be 2 times less than that indicated in the instructions. In spring and summer, use iron-containing preparations 2 times over the entire period. They lower the pH level in the soil.

Air humidity

Gardenia belongs to those crops that need constant spraying. Use soft and warm water. In this case, the liquid should not fall on the petals. It is best to place a flower pot on a water tray.


Conduct similar events in the spring, every 2 years. Soil containing lime is not suitable for the plant. Gardenia flower requires an acidic soil mixture with a pH of 4.5-5.5. To prepare the substrate, use 1 part of such components:

  • turf land;
  • coniferous land;
  • leaf soil;
  • peat land;
  • sand.
Quality drainage is also important. If you buy a ready-made substrate, then use the soil for azaleas.

You can familiarize yourself with the nuances of gardenia transplantation here, and from this article you will learn how to choose the soil for the plant, fertilizer and pot.

Breeding methods

Gardenia is propagated by cuttings. Cut them in February-March. Root using phytohormones and when heating the soil to 25 degrees. Spray cuttings from time to time. They take root for quite some time. If rooting in water is carried out, then planting material can be placed in a weak root formation solution using such preparations:

  • Epin.
  • Kornevin.
  • Heteroauxin.

But such a solution is effective no longer than 3 days. Before rooting, the tip of the stem can be dipped in the powder of the stimulant, and then it can already be planted in the prepared soil.

Read more about gardenia propagation at home here, and from this article you will learn about growing a flower from seeds.

Diseases and problems

When growing gardenia, the following problems may occur:

  1. Pale, old leaves, poor plant growth and lack of flowering. This is a sign of insufficient lighting. For gardenia, you need to choose a well-lit window sill or area where there is protection from direct sunlight. You also need to make nutrients in a timely manner throughout the spring-summer period.
  2. On the leaves, mesylchic chlorosis or yellowing may occur. This is the result of soil alkalization. The plant likes to grow in an acidic substrate. If you transplant it after 2-3 years, then the topsoil should be removed, since it accumulates calcium salts in the form of a white crust.
  3. The leaves wither, the bush wilts, and the buds and flowers showered. The reason is in a cool climate. Indoors, grow a flower at a temperature of at least 15 degrees.
  4. The leaves turn yellow and begin to fall, before they even turn yellow. This is the result of insufficient watering. The soil should be slightly moist, and also not use cold water. We talked about other problems with gardenia leaves and how to solve them in this article.
  5. Poor flowering or lack thereof. The reason for using for planting soil containing lime. Such a problem can occur when watering the bush with hard water, too low a temperature, insufficient lighting and lack of nutrient components.
  6. Quite often gardenias are attacked by parasites. These include aphids, thrips, scutes and spider mites. The plant affected by them does not grow well, does not bloom, the leaves turn yellow and fall.
    • If thrips attacked, then on the outside of the leaf plate, you can find light grayish dots. This is a gray parasite injections.
    • Aphid affects the top of shoots, buds, forming sticky secretions.
    • When a spider mite has attacked the flower, the leaves dry out and a spider web forms under them, and the parasites themselves are difficult to detect.
    • If the scabies affects the inside and outside of the leaf, brown plaques are noticeable. They can be oval or round.

    Once pests have been detected, immediately treat the plant with an insecticide:

    • Fitoverm.
    • Decis.
    • Actelic.
    • Intavir.

    With a slight lesion, it is enough to conduct a one-time treatment, but with strong progression of the pest, spraying should be repeated up to 3 times with an interval of 7 days.

About other pests and diseases of gardenia, as well as about methods of combating them, read our article.

Gardenia is a popular ornamental culture that can be planted in a pot and grown on the windowsill, but enjoy its flowering and aroma in the garden. She is not picky about leaving, rarely gets sick and blooms profusely. BUT A wide selection of varieties will allow you to equip your garden in an original and interesting way.

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