How to re-register IP and why do you need to do this?

Hello, I was told by the “Tax” that I need to re-register the IP. Tell me, what is re-registration of an individual entrepreneur and how to re-register an individual entrepreneur?

Upon occurrence need to make any changes to the unified state register - re-registration of an individual entrepreneur. This process is not particularly complicated, but the most important fact is the execution of the necessary documents.

1. Under what conditions does re-registration of IP become mandatory

Situations when you need to reissue documents occur quite often. For notification of the IP, the registration authority has a term of 3 (three) of the day with changes. During this period, it is necessary to write a statement on amendments to the USRIP.

Re-issuance of IP in some cases, when changing:

  1. Passport data (name or registration);
  2. Gender (by surgery);
  3. Living place;
  4. Dates of registration of an individual in the role of individual entrepreneur and the data indicated in the document, which confirms the information specified in the Unified State Register of Information and Entrepreneurship;
  5. Citizenship;
  6. Places and dates of birth (in case of clarification of the information presented earlier);
  7. The method or date of termination of activity as an individual entrepreneur;

The provision of the amended data, as well as the re-registration itself takes place if there are documents accompanying the situation, a list of which is presented in Article 22.2 of Law No. 129-FZ of August 8, 2001.

In addition to the originals, IE must have copies of all papers. When presenting documents personally, they need notarize them personally, but when an outsider submits them, copies must first be certified.

Phased instructions for re-registering IP in 3 stages

2. The algorithm for re-registration of IP - 4 stages

An individual may start re-registering on their own. The whole procedure can be divided into 4 stages, among which the first will be the most difficult. It carries out the assembly and preparation of documents, and this takes a lot of time.

An individual entrepreneur must individually go through this procedure, having received the necessary papers, assuring their copies and filling them out in accordance with the requirements. In general, the entire re-registration algorithm is similar to the opening of IP. About the IP registration procedure, we described in detail in the article.

Let us consider in more detail each stage of re-registration.

1. The preparatory phase, which is the collection of all documents

First you need to decide which information is subject to correction relative to previously recorded information. Then you can start preparing papers. As follows, they can be divided into such components: application, certificates and certificates that can confirm the change of information.

2. Submission of application and necessary documents

Applications and accompanying papers must be submitted, at the place of registration, to the department of the Federal Tax Service, where within 5 days they will be reviewed and checked for compliance with the requested requirements. Then the necessary amendments are made to the USRIP. If inconsistencies are found during registration or in the case of an incomplete set of papers, the provision of services will be refused.

3. The USRIP issues a record sheet or other documents formally confirming the conversion of information

The record sheet is issued to the IP only in case of a successful resolution of the case. It will record the changes made.

Until July 4, 2013 a certificate was issued, but now it is issued only in case of registration. If there is a definite need, then you need to get new codes.

IP may receive other securities: notifications, certificates or extracts - it all depends on the reasons for re-registration.

For example:

  • TIN, which can be issued when changing passport data;
  • Document about tax deregistration, when changing the place of residence;
  • Certificate of registration with the tax authority when changing residence.

4. Alert the bank and funds

This stage is carried out after the completion of the fixation of changes and involves the notification of extrabudgetary funds about current changes. If an individual entrepreneur has valid bank accounts, the latter also need to be notified. It is also worth remembering the counterparties and those long-term contracts that can be concluded with them. Therefore, they must be notified. Then re-registration can be called completed.

3. What package of documents is needed for re-registration of an individual entrepreneur?

The list of documents that must be submitted to the tax authority at the place of residence:

  1. Application for the established model;
  2. A copy of the passport, as well as the identification code (in the absence of the latter, due to religious beliefs, it is necessary to have proof of belonging to a certain denomination);
  3. Documents fixing the planned activity;
  4. Papers indicating the current tax system;
  5. Receipt, which confirms the payment of state fees;

Considering that upon successful completion of paperwork, contributions to the pension fund will be deducted, this type of work will be counted towards the length of service, with further receipt of the pension. We wrote more about IP taxation in a separate article.

Many companies are actively helping with the re-registration of individual entrepreneurs, which means that you have a unique opportunity to receive free advice on boiling legal issues.

4. What is a turnkey IP re-registration?

A list of bureaucratic procedures will always accompany those who decide to take up entrepreneurial activity. The first thing that gets in your way is the legally correct preparation of documents.

You can try to do everything without outside help or choose the “turnkey” method - a set of procedures that is performed by an organization that provides services of this specialization (IP re-registration) for the assigned payment.

All that is required of you is the transfer of documents, and the organization of your choice will take the rest. This method seems convenient, because at the starting stage of your business, so there will be a whole list of possible problems.

Remember that for re-registration of IP for a specific person or organization, a notarized power of attorney will be required. But, in general, the registration process will be easy and fast, and all difficulties will not be solved by you.

5. Who can not do without re-registration "turnkey"

This process is needed by those who intend the easiest way give market activity a legal form. The advantage of this procedure is the ability to pay a single tax, which allows you to save on tax payments, thereby simplifying reporting. There is no need to have a legal address, just a regular registration. Equity capital is also not required.

IP, in the presence of problems, pays lower fines regulatory authorities, rather than a legal entity. And the liquidation process for IP is recognized as one of the simplest.

But, it is worth knowing that the law also provides for restrictions on working capital for entrepreneurs. As a result of a losing enterprise, it will be necessary to respond with all available property.

Foreign citizens can be registered as entrepreneurs, but only if there is a permit for doing business.

6. How can an individual pass the re-registration procedure

In this situation, you need to go through a number of bureaucratic procedures that are required by law, and often, unfortunately, stumble upon some difficulties.

Thus, you will need to:

  • Gather a list of necessary documents;
  • To write an application;
  • Pay state duty;
  • Register in the social fund. Insurance;
  • Register with the Pension Fund;
  • Send a notification to the tax at the place of registration;
  • Take a statement to the USRIP;
  • Go through the process of assigning statistics codes;
  • Open a bank account;
  • Go through the printing process (if necessary);

We hope we could give answers to your questions. Good luck in all your endeavors and success in business!

Watch the video: KISAN REGISTRATION IP ADDRESS PROBLEM SOLVE 100 % (October 2024).

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