How to save and earn money for an apartment - 5 real ways to earn money + practical tips on saving money for buying your own home

Hello dear readers of the magazine Rich Pro! Today we will tell you how to make money on an apartment and save up money to buy your own home, even for a person with a small salary.

Have your own home (house or apartment) - the cherished dream of most people. However, not many seek to begin its implementation. Fear is caused by high prices per square meter, the level of wages, especially in the regions, as well as the legal difficulties of paperwork.

As one wise saying goes,any road starts from the first step. It is possible to carry out the plan only by setting a clear goal and having a well-coordinated scheme for its achievement.

This publication is for those who, having small but stable incomes, or just a desire, or a vital need, decided to purchase their apartment, despite the numerous assurances that it is difficult, impracticable and threatens huge loans at the bank.

From this article you will learn:

  • How to formulate a goal;
  • What are the real schemes of earnings and savings that exist for the rapid acquisition of large sums for the purchase of housing;
  • How to save on the purchase of an apartment in the amount of 150,000 to 200,000 rubles. and more.

In addition, you will receive practical tips on making money and saving a lot of money + ways to increase it. This will help to create capital for buying their own family nest for young families, and for those who rented an apartment almost all their lives, they will give a chance to get their property without huge loans, which, however, is difficult to obtain with an average salary.

Read how to buy your apartment quickly and with savings, right now!

Practical tips + working ways to earn and save money for an apartment

1. What you need to know in order to earn and save for an apartment for 1 year - calculations and opportunities

In order to determine the way of earning or accumulating funds for housing, it is necessary decide on its parameters. At first glance, this moment seems unimportant, however, as practice shows, most of the time and money is spent searching for what is needed.

To conduct a transaction, you have to attract realtorswhich, in the presence of significant professional experience, help to understand the needs of the client and determine the right option.

For instance, it’s important for a person to have a certain school or kindergarten, a sports section for children nearby, or spend several hours a day on travel to the place of work, but this option can be simplified by buying an apartment next to a particular metro line or in the same area .

When involving real estate agencies in the process of choosing housing, it is natural that there is an increase in the cost of an apartment on average by 10 - 15%. With the price of a one-room apartment in the capital of about 4–5 million rubles, the cost of additional services will amount to 400–600 thousand rubles.

These funds can be spent on a good repair or the purchase of quality furniture, agree? Therefore, we analyze what is a priority for us and our family, and we draw up the exact characteristics of the housing planned for purchase:

  • Characteristics of the apartment: one, two or three rooms. The location of the bedrooms - for example, if you have two children, and you intend to purchase a two-room apartment, then the option with a combined layout with a passage to the bedroom through the hall is not acceptable. A certain area of ​​the apartment and premises is taken into account. Perhaps your wife spends a lot of time in the kitchen, and there are always a lot of guests in the house, then it is better to provide that the apartment has a spacious kitchen, also combined with a living room. If you live a lonely person who is constantly traveling or eating in restaurants, you should not pay attention to this fact.
  • Where should the housing be located: in the city or beyond. Anyone who is used to motor vehicles and gets tired of the bustle of the city, loves nature, can count on buying an apartment (town house) in a cottage village or an individual building. The cost may be lower or remain at the same level. It is important what exactly your soul desires, and that the upcoming purchase brings only joy and is associated with positive emotions. A special role is played by the psychological attitude.
  • Purchase terms: making a% payment, installment plan for a specified period, payment by maternity capital, obtaining a mortgage loan (mortgage).
  • Amount of fundsthat are accumulated for the purchase of an apartment, and the allowable monthly expenses for the purchase of real estate.

As soon as you decide on all these criteria, the circle of objects with specific characteristics, price level and payment terms will become much smaller. Of these, it will be possible to choose exactly the option that is completely satisfied by all criteria.

Based on these parameters, we determine cash opportunities. For instance, a one-room apartment in the region will cost about 2 million rubles. You have in stock an amount of 500 thousand rubles. For purchase you need another 1.5 million rubles.

When calculating for the year it turns out:1,500,000 / 12 months = 125,000 rubles.

That is, during the year, the purchase must be put off monthly by 125 000 rub. If such income is not expected at the existing place of employment, then it is necessary to find a way to make money quickly. There are several proven ideas on this subject.

Real ideas and ways to earn money on buying an apartment

2. How to make money on an apartment - 5 proven ways

If there is an urgent need to purchase your own apartment, and income remains at an average level, do not rush to get into "debt hole on 25-30 years"signing a mortgage agreement.

Psychologists say that credit obligations for emotional content are akin to serfdom. A person falls into slavery, driven by the desire to receive material wealth as soon as possible. He lives on the "estate", but redeems it with daily hard work.

Buying something for a loan, people sell their future: all their thoughts rush to the need for a certain date of depositing a certain amount of money.

Think about how many sleepless nights you will spend thinking about the possibility of another crisis, an unexpected rise in prices of currencies and, accordingly, the same rapid increase in prices in stores. And the fear of being fired, falling under reduction, losing the physical ability to work at the same strength? Isn’t it easier to devote an assessment of your needs and options to solve the housing problem of everything one evening without resorting to the help of the bank?

Advertising convinces us that taking a mortgage is profitable because of the processes inflation. So, with examples, they explain to us that in 10-15 years the cost of housing will increase, the money will depreciate, so that only a penny remains to pay for the apartment. This is probably no more than thoughtful marketing move financial enslavement. We spoke in more detail about the conditions of a profitable mortgage in the last issue.

Let us analyze what happens in reality on the example of the latter 10 years. The average real estate price in Russia remains at the same level or decreased.

The reasons for this are:

  • low purchasing power;
  • increased competition in the construction industry;
  • increase in consumer prices.

As a result of which middle social layer can no longer afford housing even using credit products.

Take for example the state of the housing market in the Irkutsk region. As of 2000, the cost of a one-room apartment in a new building with an area of ​​45-60 square meters. m. amounted to about 2,500,000 rubles. Today, developers offer the same apartments for 1 500 000 rub., offering discounts in 150,000 - 200,000 rubles. for the "Bring a friend" campaign.

At the same time, salaries in Russia remain approximately the same as 7-8 years ago. Income of 15,000 - 20,000 rubles. monthly is considered the norm. Only the earnings in Moscow differ by a high bar. Even in St. Petersburg, a salary of 30,000 rubles. for a specialist with higher education - this is standard.

Total: getting a mortgage, you may have to and through 10 years is also calculated with a salary of 20-30 thousand rubles. monthly, despite the fact that the rise in price of products and utilities occurs with an enviable frequency. Moreover, inflation rate officially remains within the normal range.

Given the mass layoffs due to economic crises that occur regularly every 2-3 years, you can imagine your life for the next two to three decades in advance.

What to do and how to change this situation?

  • Firstly, you must understand that buying an apartment in Moscow, St. Petersburg or another major city in Russia is just that won't happen. To do this, you will need to make some efforts.
  • Secondly, for some time you’ll have to leave the “comfort zone”. Each has its own: accommodation in Khrushchevka 20 square meters. m. area, monthly rental payment of 10-15 thousand rubles., Sharing with parents, etc.
  • Thirdly, it is necessary to come up with new ways of earning, which will make it possible to quickly accumulate and raise your material level.

They will help to earn an apartment for a year or two the methods described below.

Method 1. Create passive income on the Internet

More recently, this method was utopian and remains so in the minds of most Russians. But the goal is not to adapt to all-Russian stereotypes, but to create your own working model of online business.

In practice, there are a lot of cases when a regular website or a personal blog turns into a family business with serious incomes. It remains only to compare current offers on the Internet market, choose your own niche, take a master class and start a full-fledged work. We also advise you to read our article "How to create a website yourself for free - step by step instructions."

Western analysts recommend that if you are not comfortable with the level of income, you should look around and think about what else you could do. maybethat even hobby will bring more income than the main earnings in the specialty. The Internet provides in this regard unlimited opportunities for development and earnings. About earnings on the Internet without investments, read a separate article.

For instanceTake a look at copywriting exchanges if you have any writing talent or the ability to organize a team of authors. You can do this work in your free time or on the weekend, saving up on buying a home.

Alternatively, you can take a mortgage or a consumer loan for real estate, and repay monthly payments due to passive income from the network.

Method 2. Buying an apartment on a mortgage and renting it out

Obtaining a mortgage and making mandatory payments from the proceeds from the rental funds is an option only for those who have other real estate for permanent residence. If the apartment is in a good area, egcampus, then the likelihood of downtime exists, but not for a long period.

Difficulties may arise with the option when housing is located in a remote area from the center and infrastructure. Its cost will be much lower, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to cover the costs of a mortgage with modest unstable rental payments. The same applies to small studio apartments. They are suitable for students because of their low cost, but it is unlikely that a family for a long term with a stable income will live there.

Besides, should pay attention that settling tenants may mean damage to property. For this, the contract indicates the need to make an insurance deposit.

Given all the important circumstances, you can get your own apartment in this way for 10-15 years subject to early repayment of the mortgage.

Advantage is that rental payments will become an independent source of income, and the main income will go to food, education and other necessities of life.

Method 3. Obtaining a mortgage loan secured by existing housing

This option is suitable for those who own a small income, which is not enough to get a mortgage. If there is an apartment available, the area of ​​which is not enough for children to live, or there is a need to change the area of ​​residence or even the city, then it can be made as a collateral obligation to obtain a mortgage.

However, there is a limitation - real estate should not be encumbered: collateral for other loan obligations, in arrest, etc.

About where and how to get a loan secured by existing real estate, we wrote in the last issue.

Method 4. Conclusion of a life annuity contract

This option is more suitable. women or couples. To get housing in the property you need to find elderly personowned real estate to conclude a contract for life maintenance. The tenants care for a single person, provide him with the necessary.

Note! The costs of this scheme will be, but they are much less compared to the cost of housing.

Advantages and disadvantages of this method of acquiring an apartment:

  • TO pluses (+)Such a legal scheme can include low costs for the acquisition of real estate in the property, the possibility of living in an apartment without the need to rent other housing and bear the corresponding costs.
  • TO cons (-)include the possibility of annulment of rent at any time by the owner of the apartment. Legally, such an opportunity is reserved for him for the entire period of his life. Money and time spent during care will be lost.

It is necessary to prepare for the inconvenience that may arise when living with a stranger, not only material, but also psychological nature. To get the coveted housing, you will need a little patience.

Method 5. Organizing a high-income business

It is believed that in order to make a profit, it is necessary to go through the difficult stage of registering a business and own significant capital. In fact, this is only a conviction, completely groundless.

To register the simplest form of organization - Limited liability companies (LLC), a registered capital of only 10,000 rubles is required. Costs can be divided between co-founders, which can be an unlimited number. In one of the previous articles, we already told you in detail how to open an LLC yourself this year - a step-by-step instruction on registering a legal entity will help you with this.

However, attracting a large number of people to your business, remember that their opinion will then be required to make decisions regarding the organizational and financial issues of the enterprise.

With the increase in profits, their material claims will grow, and the redemption of a share becomes expensive.

Think about what you understand and what you could do. Working for someone seems easier, but do you have confidence that your income level matches skills and qualifications?

For instance:

Lawyer works in a hopeless law office more than 5 years. The salary is about 30 000 rub. monthly. The specialist has:

  • experience;
  • litigation experience;
  • versed in several branches of law;
  • wins complex arbitration disputes valued at several million rubles or even dollars;
  • Have a high reputation and good customer reviews.

Perhaps it is at this stage that you need to start separating from your employer and starting your own business?

What is necessary for the organization of the process:

  • rental or property;
  • registration with the tax authorities of the enterprise;
  • staff of specialists, if the customer base has accumulated quite extensive.

Accountants can be hired from the outside to maintain a report and submit declarations four times a year, and keep records independently. Especially since Law Firm - This is not a trading object, financial transactions are easily accountable.

The state has simplified the reporting form for beginner businessmen. Those with low incomes can claim a simplified taxation process to reduce fees and reporting.

Buying a home abroad

And if the apartment is abroad?

It is noteworthy that the same scheme can be purchased not only in Russia but also abroad. Now the house near the coast for holidays or weekends is no longer considered exotic, especially since from Moscow and St. Petersburg the flight to European resorts is only 3 - 5 hours. About the same amount you can stand in traffic, trying to get into the center of the capital.

Loans for the purchase of real estate abroad give both Russian and foreign banks. In support of solvency, documents of income or a pledge of property owned without encumbrances, without arrest, other restrictions on disposal are provided.

Attractive in buying apartments abroad is price policy. To get one-room apartment (living room with one bedroom) or the studio (hall with open American kitchen) an area of ​​35-40 sq.m. possible for the price from 10 000 dollars.

Developers make interesting offers: installments for 3-5 years will cost 2-3% per annum, when paying immediately 100% of the amount, a discount of 5-10% is given. However, when obtaining a loan in foreign currency in Russian banks, you need to take the possible risks and predict them. For those whose income is valued at dollars or Euro, economic crises in Russia are not terrible. When earnings in rubles, then, getting a low interest on a mortgage, you need to be prepared for a sharp jump in the exchange rate.

TO disadvantages lending in foreign banks include the complexity of paperwork. Additional expenses may arise in connection with the transfer, legalization of income statements, real estate available in Russia, family composition, etc.

It must be taken into account that no bank with a Russian license gives a mortgage for the purchase of real estate outside the Russian Federation. It is possible to get only consumer credit for a certain amount. We have already told which bank it is better to take a consumer loan at a low interest rate in a separate article.

Such programs are provided in the following banks:

  • Sberbank of Russia;
  • VTB 24;
  • NSBank;
  • NC "Independent Construction Bank".

Abroad, Russian citizens are credited with:

  • Cajamurcia;
  • Bankia
  • Santander;
  • Bankinter.

The option of buying foreign real estate, if it is not possible to buy an apartment in Russia, especially in a large city, can be considered by those who work through the Internet. In one of the articles of our magazine, you can read about working on the Internet without investments and cheating with payment every day in more detail.

Housing will cost tens of times less, the smell of the sea will be heard from the window all year round, and the best beaches of the world's resorts will be within walking distance.

Loyal visa regime and low-cost housing in Bulgaria, Montenegro, Turkey, Egypt, etc. Before the fall of the Russian currency, housing prices in these countries at the old rate reached 300 000 - 500 000 rub. For that kind of money in the Russian Federation, you can only buy a garage. Accumulating for such housing is much easier.

Even if calculated per year, it turns out that it is necessary to postpone a month only 25,000 - 40,000 rubles. If you calculate the costs for 3 years, you get a very real amount even with the average earnings - from 12,000 to 13,500 rubles.

Useful tips on how to save money for an apartment

3. How to save up for an apartment - 6 practical tips for saving money + ways to increase it

To achieve the goal, any means are good, especially if it buying your own home. We already told you what you need to know when buying an apartment and what you need to pay special attention to when registering a real estate purchase and sale transaction, in a separate article.

Note! Interestingly, most of the personal or family budget is spent on trifles. For the year are obtained impressive amountsthat could go to cover credit payments or savings accounts.

In order not to save money for decades, it is better to try to tighten their belts for a couple of years. The effect will be obvious. Be patient a little, limiting yourself in expenses, and you can become the happy owner of your apartment!

Now, let's look at useful tips on how to save money and save it properly.

Tip 1. You should keep a daily record of income and expenses.

Records can be kept in a notebook. For this purpose, a mass has now been created. mobile apps, including embedded in banking products.

For example, an interesting offer is valid in Internet banking. Alfa Bank. The system combines all expenses into certain categories and provides a daily updated report.

The client of a financial institution is aware of everything that was spent per month:

  • for travel;
  • medicines;
  • loan coverage;
  • purchase of products, etc.

Based on the results, you can analyze which expense item is the highest and how you can save in the following months.

The system also allows you to set spending limit and set a goal with a due date.

K exampley, you need to save up for the initial payment for the purchase of an apartment 500 000 rub. Parameters should be set and monthly debit to savings account will be charged, for example, by 25 000 rub.

Additionally, funds can be deposited at bank deposit and get a percentage. We wrote about what a deposit is and what types of deposits in the last issue.

There is a separate article on our site about a mortgage without a down payment - we advise you to read it and you will find out how you can get a mortgage loan without a down payment on a home purchase.

Tip 2. It’s good for budget and health - give up smoking and alcohol

For instance, every day you are used to smoking 1 pack of cigarettes for the cost of 100 rubles. The second spouse also smokes half a pack of the same brand per day. For a day, you get an expense in 150 rub.

In year only goes for cigarettes 150 * 365 = 54,750 rubles.

Add to this amount alcohol expenses. Take for an example drink on the weekend for 3 liters of beer at the cost of 50 rubles. per liter. In total, 150 rubles are obtained per day. It turns out per year 54 750 rub. Total for the year you can save by abandoning addictions, 109 500 rub.

When calculating an apartment of 2 million rubles. in the region is 5% of its value, which could go to the initial capital, which is usually from 20 to 40%.

Tip 3. Refuse from visiting various entertainment venues and parties

Once the goal is to buy an apartment, you can refuse trips to entertainment venues. Each visit to a bar or restaurant costs from 3,000 to 10,000 rubles. per person and above.

Considering that such exits usually take place on weekends, an average consumption of 5,000 rubles is obtained. per week, total 20,000 rubles. per month. Over the year, these goals go 240,000 rubles each.

If you refuse to visit the clubs at all, then you can set for yourself spending limit, eg, 3 000 rub. for each exit.

Tip 4. Stop wasting money on unnecessary things

Consumers often buy products or things that they do not need at all. For the most part, they use a special marketing move supermarkets. Once in the first section, rash purchases of household goods, glossy magazines, etc. are made.

If you need to save money, there is only one way out - to fix a list of necessary things and products before visiting stores and strictly adhere to it.

This scheme allows you to save on 500 rub. for every shopping. Unforeseen expenses in the amount of about 15,000 rubles are received per month. During the year, the amount will increase up to 180 000 rubles.

Tip 5. For those who rent a house - live with your parents and save some money

If you rent an apartment in a good area with a European-style renovation, then it's time to think about moving to your parents or in economy-class housing for a while.

For instancerenting a one-room apartment in Moscow costs 30,000 rubles. Moving to your parents for a year can save 360 000 rub.

Tip 6. Try to reduce your personal expenses as much as possible.

Think about other costs that you could reduce, at least for a couple of years.

It could be:

  • a visit to an expensive sports complex, which can be replaced by jogging in the fresh air or buying a subscription to a club near the house at a price several times lower than in an elite institution.
  • or you cannot resist buying expensive jewelry that you have enough and can allow you to refuse to buy new ones.

To summarize what happens when the savings plan is followed:

  1. Quitting alcohol and smoking - 109,500 rubles.
  2. Restriction of entertainment - 240 000 rubles.
  3. Unnecessary things and products - 180 000 rubles.
  4. Moving to parents - 360,000 rubles.

Excluding other expenses 889 500 rub. It's almost half of the apartment in the region, right?

6 ways to increase capital and save for an apartment

How to increase money - TOP-6 ways to increase your capital

Funds in the accounts may become source of income. It is not worthwhile to subject them to cheaper prices due to inflationary processes. What are the ways to increase money today? Where to invest to receive monthly income?

Method number 1. Bank deposits

Bank deposits are the most popular and easiest way to increase savings. Investments can be made today very quickly and even without contacting the bank, if you are a client of this bank.

for example, you have a salary card. In mode online or in a mobile bank, funds are credited to a special account with an interest rate for several minutes. It is not required to go to specialists in a branch of a credit organization. The accrued percentage is from 0.01 before 18% depending on the amount transferred to the deposit and their storage period in the bank.

Exists funded, or replenishable deposits, the amount of funds on which you can increase, ornon-refillable - with a higher percentage, but sanctions for early withdrawal. If the money will be in the accounts of 1-3 years or more in order to accumulate on housing, it is better to choose the latter option, income from such programs is much more profitable.

You can invest as in Russianand foreign currency. The percentage on foreign banknotes is less, but the investments are protected from price hikes. It is especially important to consider this when buying property abroad.

Method number 2. Investment in a private pension fund (NPF)

The profit scheme is approximately the same as when opening a deposit. In a year from the funds you can get 8-10% of income.

Method number 3. Mutual Investment Fund (MIF)

Mutual Funds are the most profitable form of accumulation accumulation. It features stability and reliability. Has a higher rate - 30-60% annually, which gives advantage compared to banking products.

Method number 4. Forex Exchange

Good results can be achieved by accumulating funds on PAMM accounts. You can earn on a monthly basis on such a scheme from 4 to 5% of the amount of savings. However, this method has high risks. Big earnings can result in a complete loss of savings.

In one of the articles of our magazine you can find a personal example of a beginner trader earning on Forex.

Method number 5. Letting of own property

If you plan to expand the area of ​​housing, eg, from 2 to 3 bedroom apartment in connection with the birth of a child, then, as an option, you can move to your parents for a while or rent an economy option, and your apartment to rent at a good price.

Method number 6. Rent out your car

If you own a car, but you rarely use it, then you can rent it to a taxi service. Income of 10,000 - 15,000 rubles. monthly will be useful.

If there are funds in the region of 500,000 rubles. and above, it is recommended to use several methods.

For instance:

  • 300 000 rub. can be left on a bank deposit, having received at the end of the year 330,000 rubles.
  • 200 000 rub. distribute between mutual funds in half at 15% and 20%.

Total for the year, the accounts will be the amount of 115 000 and 120 000 rubles. respectively.

So over the year of accumulation will increase from 500 000 rub. up to 565 000 rub.

Is it possible for an ordinary family to save up money for a cherished apartment with a small salary and how to do it - tips and tricks

4. How to save money for an apartment with a salary of 20,000 - 30,000 rubles per month

To determine the scheme of accumulation of funds with an average salary in Russia, it is necessary to decide where the desired housing should be located: in Moscow / St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg) or in the region. The two cases will be very different due to the difference in pricing policy.

For example, take a one-room apartment with an average area of ​​40-50 sq.m.

1) Housing in the region

A one-room apartment in the region will cost an average of 2.1 million rubles. The salary is 30,000 rubles per month, but it is impossible to leave all of it for savings, since the cost of renting real estate is required, there are expenses for food and a car.

Since own transport is quite expensive, it is better to get it first to sellleaving money for an apartment.

Housing rental in the regions is approximately 14 thousand rubles. Food for one will cost 8-9 thousand rubles. Total monthly remains 7 thousand rubles.

How much do you have to save to buy an apartment: 2,100,000 / 7 = 300 months, i.e. total 25 years.

If you live as a family and both work, then the prospect is more rosy. This one will take about 70 months, i.e. 6 years. However, in practice, one circumstance arises when a pair is formed, then a one-room apartment for it becomes insufficient.

2) Apartment in Moscow

In the capital, live on a salary of 20,000 - 30,000 rubles. it’s almost impossible, to say nothing of the accumulation of funds for own housing, especially with Moscow prices.

On average, employment income is statistically 70 000 rub. You can earn good money in the capital, most importantly, have desire and assertiveness.

If you have a good education and skills, it is worth thinking about changing the place of employment to a more profitable one. Gotta be on time get out of your comfort zoneBut the result will be worth it.

Because save up for an apartment with earnings of 20 - 30 thousand rubles. only a few dozens years, then the calculation does not make sense.

Is it realistic to get a mortgage with such income?

We turn to the calculator of Sberbank of Russia. We introduce the cost of housing in 5 million rubles. with an income of 30,000 rubles. The system indicates that with such earnings you can get only 2 million rubles. loan, while an initial payment of 1 million rubles will be provided. The payment term will be 15 years, and the overpayment will be equal to 2 168 000 rubles.

Summarize. Having a salary of 20,000 - 30,000 rubles. It is impossible to buy an apartment in Moscow, even with a mortgage.

Alternatively, you can consider purchase of an apartment in the suburbs. Now many residential complexes with express transport links with the capital are being built there. Or consider moving to a region with low apartment prices.

By the way, you can buy an apartment at a relatively low price in a new building at the stage of excavation. But here it is important to assess all the risks that the purchase of an apartment in a new building carries.

You can also try changing jobs or looking for offers in Moscow with higher wages.

How to earn money for an apartment in 3 years from zero in a large metropolis (Moscow, St. Petersburg)

5. How to make money on an apartment in Moscow for 3 years - a good example with calculations

An example will be the scheme of accumulation of real estate in the capital for a family renting an apartment for 30,000 rubles / month.

1st year

Suppose that the family income is 110,000 rubles per month, i.e. about 1,320,000 annually. Of these, 360,000 goes to rent an apartment, a total of 960,000 rubles. in year.

The apartment that the family wants to buy is worth 7 500 000 rub. Given the possible increase in prices, repair and clearance costs - 9,000,000 rubles.

After analyzing the costs, it turned out that it is possible to save 720,000 rubles a year. It was also decided to move to the parents for 2 years, saving in the year 360 000 rubles. Total for the first year managed to be postponed 1 080 000 rub.

2nd year

The family has an additional income:

  • The wife began to blog and began copywriting (writing articles). In total, she is able to earn extra money 15 000 rub.
  • My husband mastered programming and began to receive 15 000 rub. monthly due to freelance.

Thus, the income increased to 140,000 rubles, and in annual terms - 1,680,000 rubles. Of these, the savings will go 1 320 000 rub.

It was decided to divide the money saved for the first year in the amount of 1,080,000 into parts and invest them:

  • 500 000 rub. put under 12% in a reliable bank. For a year they ran a percentage and it turned out 560 000 rub.
  • The amount of 300,000 rubles. was invested in mutual funds with a 15% rate. According to the results of the year, it turned out 345 000 rub.
  • The balance of 280,000 rubles. was transferred to another mutual fund at 23% per year. It was received back 345 000 rub.

Total due to investments the amount of 1,080,000 rubles. managed to increase up to 1,250,000 rubles.

Earned funds for the second year 1,320,000 rubles. added to earned and accumulated in the end will give 2 570 000 rub. This money is enough to buy housing in the region.

3rd year

For example, at work they gave an increase of 5,000 rubles. monthly, and the spouse’s earnings from copywriting increased by the same amount. The monthly total income amounted to 150,000 rubles. From your parents, you move again to a rented apartment at the same price and earlier - 30,000 rubles. per month.

Since a year now costs have arisen in the amount of 600,000 rubles. Savings will total 1 200 000 rub.

Savings are now distributed as follows:

  • 1 million rubles at 10% per annum in the bank, which will turn into 1 100 000 rub.
  • 400 000 rub. are invested in mutual funds at 15%, and in the end it turns out 460 000 rub.
  • 600 000 rub. will remain in storage in the third mutual fund with 10% income. The result is pick up 660 000 rub.
  • Another 570,000 rubles. will go to management at a 15% rate per year for Forex traders. Total amount of funds will increase to 656 000 rub.

So, according to the results of the third year, capital will increase to 2 876 000 rub. + capital in the amount of 1 200 000 rub. for the third year of accumulation. Now total 4 076 000 rub. enough to buy an apartment in a remote area of ​​Moscow or for a good 2 or even 3-bedroom housing in the region.

Accumulation table for an apartment in Moscow for 3 years:

1 320 000 rub.2 570 000 rub.4 076 000 rub.

To achieve a result of 9 million rubles, you need to follow the same pattern. The total term will be approximately 6,5 years before buying your own metropolitan real estate.

How to save a large sum of money when buying an apartment - tips from leading lawyers

6. How to save up to 150 000 rubles on buying an apartment 📎

For the support of a real estate transaction, metropolitan agencies charge a fee of about 150 000 before 250 000 rub. from the object, i.e. approximately 1,5-2% from its value.

Leading lawyers advise to distinguish between concepts real estate services and legal support. The first, basically, come down to the selection of offers or the search for buyers. This procedure is carried out as standard. - through bulletin boards.

Note! Own base has a small number of professional realtors, and it is unstable due to changes in consumer demand.

It is believed that agencies can select exclusive offers from their own base, but in practice they are limited at best to one or two apartments, information about which is not available in open sources. It is not a fact that it is these options that will suit the specific requirements of a particular buyer according to the characteristics of the area, area, distance from the metro, cost, etc.

The assessment is carried out by the agency on the basis of data available on the market. In the best case, the discharge of residents living in the purchased housing is controlled, and they are deregistered.

If children lived in the apartment, a permission is obtained in the guardianship authorities regarding the removal of registration from the place of residence with obligatory check-in to other square meters with conditions not inferior to the previous or mostly the best.

If these requirements are not met, or there are debts for the payment of utilities, tax contributions, at best, what a realtor can advise, it is to look at other offers, less problems in terms of registration and possible consequences.

The purchase of an apartment without custody, or if the owners have children who are not registered at the parents' place of residence, the transaction may be contested in court due to non-compliance with the legal procedure for its execution and infringement of the rights of minors.

Legal support is distinguished by the completeness of the analysis not only of the information that is available on hand or received by Rosreestr and the housekeeping authorities, but also in predicting the legal consequences that may be caused by the signing of the sales contract. By the way, we already wrote about what documents are needed to sell an apartment this year in one of our publications.

Lawyers specializing in real estate disputes may provide for conditions for the occurrence of any negative consequences in the future.

For the most part, the work of realtors comes down to presenting objects available on the market to the buyer and describing their characteristics. Anyone can do it on their own., moreover, all information is freely available, and viewing of apartments and their selection in most cases is carried out only in the presence of the buyer. Search technologies are automated and do not change over time.

There is a category of realtors with the skills to verify the legal data on housing and with specialized legal education. But such units, and the cost of their services is often overpriced. They are trusted not only to search for interesting offers, but also legal support for the sale.

The role of realtors is to reserve housing by concluding an advance agreement. In practice, such contracts often contain many Not only legal, but also grammatical errors. Probably, many of them print from the Internet without even making the appropriate changes.

The lawyer's tasks include protecting the interests of the client, while realtors seek to obtain quick material benefits. In favor of this, the advance agreement is concluded at the stage of inspection of the apartment. before checking the legal purity of documents for housing.

Refunds are made in favor of the buyer only if there is fault on the part of the real estate agency. If the transaction cannot be completed for objective reasons, eg, the presence of arrest, the introduction of housing as collateral for credit obligations and more, the realtor is not responsible for this.. Everything that he must do under such an agreement shall be deemed completed.

Thus, overpaying for real estate services, the buyer does not receive guarantees of legal purity of the transaction. There is no proper level of security and predictability of such a legal action.

Help a lawyer get around at 2-2,5 times cheaper than the cost of real estate services, while the level of buyer protection much better. Much also depends on the length of service and professional skills of a lawyer.

7. Conclusion + video on the topic

This material presented options for the rapid accumulation of funds for the purchase of housing in Moscow or St. Petersburg or the regions. We hope that this information will help you to acquire the cherished square meters without mortgage or credit slavery. And remember proper financial planning, - the basis of a prosperous future in any sphere of relations.

At the end of our article, we advise you to see the usefulvideo "How and where is it profitable to buy an apartment (in a new building, in the secondary) without intermediaries:":

Dear readers of the magazine "", if you have thoughts on the topic of publication or the experience of earning and saving for an apartment, leave your comments and feedback on the article. Thanks in advance!

Watch the video: 10 Legal Ways to Make Money Fast (October 2024).

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