Profitable deposits with banks: in rubles, dollars and euros - how and in which bank is it better to open a deposit for individuals at a high percentage + TOP-3 ways to compare deposits in banks

Hello dear readers of the financial magazine Rich Pro! In this article we will tell how to compare and choose the most profitable contribution for individuals, which bank is better to open a deposit in rubles / dollars / euros at a high percentage, and also give rating of banks with favorable conditions for deposits and deposits.

After reading the material you will learn:

  • How to choose a truly profitable contribution;
  • What steps should be taken to open a deposit at a bank at a high interest rate;
  • Which banks offer profitable deposits for individuals in rubles, dollars, euros;
  • What methods can be used to compare deposits of various banks.

At the end of the publication, we traditionally answer frequently asked questions.

This article will be useful to everyone who chooses bank deposits for opening. In addition, it would be useful to carefully study the publication of those who are fond of finance.

So, we are starting!

About how to choose and open a deposit in a bank at a high percentage, which banks offer the most profitable deposits for individuals, how to compare selected deposits - read now!

1. Why do we need deposits in banks - 3 main goals for opening a deposit

Generally deposit opening - a fairly simple procedure that does not require a large amount of knowledge. Most often, questions arise about the purpose of opening a deposit. On the one hand there is nothing complicated. Absolutely everyone has the goal to save their own money and increase it.

However, such intentions are not the only ones. Many carry their own money to a credit institution for other purposes. Below are described in detail the most popular of them.

Goal 1. Saving cash from inflation

Keeping funds at home is inefficient, as in this case they are at great risk. Money can steal; in a fire, it will burn. But much more often, savings are disastrous. inflation. This economic phenomenon can greatly reduce the purchasing power of money.

Moreover, almost any type of bank account - funded, urgent and even poste restante allow you to limit the harmful effects of inflationary processes.

It turns out that the investment programs of credit organizations help, without much effort, restore the purchasing power of funds.

In addition, deposits in banks are protected from thieves, fires and other adverse effects.

Goal 2. Accumulation of large amounts

There are people who find it difficult to collect even a small amount of money. Their funds never linger. Everything that is earned by such people is spent without a trace. As a result, when there is a need for a substantial amount of money, they are never there.

These people are perfect time deposits. Such deposits are made for a specific period of time and do not provide for partial withdrawals.

If the money is needed ahead of schedule, the depositor will lose interest. Some banks also provide commission for termination of the deposit ahead of time. It turns out that there is a chance that impatient investors who have issued a fixed deposit are likely to receive less than the initial amount.

In case of early termination of the deposit, the return amount may be less than the amount of originally invested funds for the following reasons:

  • fine upon decision to terminate the deposit ahead of schedule;
  • change in interest if funds are received earlier than the contract term;
  • commission for depositing money;
  • in some cases, there is a risk of devaluation in the country.

Accumulate the necessary amount of money also help deposits with the possibility of making additional contributions.

Goal 3. Extra income

The main income from deposits is accrued interest. However, there is also the possibility of earning additional income. He can be, eg, as bonuses and privileges. Also, among investors, banks periodically conduct various practical jokes and stocks.

There is another way to generate additional income - due to the difference in exchange rates. This opportunity is provided by the so-called multicurrency deposits. They allow you to redistribute funds between several major currencies at any time - in dollar, ruble and Euro when changing their courses.

You can also highlight the option that is used professional investors. They simultaneously issue several different deposits. Subsequently, they transfer the earned income between the various accounts. So investors are able to achieve greater profits.

Thus, the main purpose of opening a deposit is saving funds from the harmful effects of inflation. However, some investors draw up deposits, having other intentions that should be taken into account when concluding an agreement.

How a newcomer to choose the most profitable deposit in rubles, dollars or euros - a step-by-step guide

2. How to choose the most profitable deposit - 5 main stages for beginners

Today banks offer a huge variety of deposits. They differ in rates and other parameters. However, there are a lot of similarities in them.

In such circumstances, it is not easy to choose the best deposit option. It is especially difficult for those who first decided to draw up a bank deposit agreement.

That is why experts advise beginners to follow step by step instructions at the choice of the optimal deposit.

Stage 1. Determination of the deposit amount

One of the most important contribution parameters is amount of money, which is deposited in a bank account. It is he who largely determines which deposit is worth opening.

Those who have a small amount have to look for deposits that combine maximum rates with a small minimum amount.

Often, newcomers choose the highest percentages, not taking into account the minimum deposit threshold. As a result, when you contact the bank’s office, you are disappointed, you have to make a deposit at a much lower percentage.

When opening a fixed-term deposit, one should correctly calculate the period after which money may be needed. For large amounts, they are often optimal. partial withdrawal agreement. Similar accounts can be used for current settlements.

When distributing money between several deposits, it is worth considering that minimum term implies the smallest income. Hence, the longer the term and amount of the deposit, the higher the interest rate on it.

Funds should be placed as follows:

  • maximum funds It is convenient to make medium and long-term deposits;
  • small amounts, which may be needed at any time, it is advisable to invest in short-term deposits, followed by prolongation.

Stage 2. Choosing a deposit currency

After the amount of the future deposit is determined, it is worth choosing the currency in which it will be opened.

Important to remember, that for the most stable monetary units, the rate is set at the minimum level.

For beginners, the ideal option is opening a deposit in the currency that will be needed in the future. If the investor does not plan future purchases in dollars or Euro, as well as trips abroad, it is worth making an investment in rubles. This approach will help to avoid double conversion, which inevitably occurs when transferring funds from one currency to another.

In addition, modern credit organizations offer to use multicurrency deposits. This service allows the depositor to distribute money between the three main monetary units in accordance with their own preferences.

At the same time, funds can be moved in any direction at any time. As a result, experienced investors receive not only interest income, but also profit from the difference in rates.

Professional financiers consider the following combination of currencies to be optimal:

  • rubles about 40%;
  • dollars and Euro by 30%.

Stage 3. Choosing a bank

When choosing a credit institution, most investors pay attention primarily to those who are within walking distance.

This approach is justified by several circumstances:

  1. On the one hand, the conditions of deposits in different credit organizations are almost the same. In such a situation, a trip to a bank branch located quite far away is rarely justified.
  2. In the age of high technology, many large credit organizations offer the service of registering a deposit agreement in mode online. This allows you to significantly expand the number of banks among which the choice will be made.

Important to keep in mindthat promising advertising cannot guarantee that this particular deposit will be the most profitable.

Very often, investors, flattered by tempting promises, open accounts that do not live up to their expectations. Therefore, you should listen to the opinion of professionals in this matter.

Recommendations of specialists who will help you choose the bank correctly:

  • as much time as possible should pass from the moment of creation of a credit organization, since experience is an indicator of reliability;
  • independence, in contrast to the merger with other banks, indicates the stability of the company;
  • a wide range of deposits allows us to judge the universality of a credit company;
  • Another sign of stability and active development of the bank is compliance with the requirements of advanced technologies.

Stage 4. Analysis of banks' offers regarding deposits

Analysis and comparison of various deposits in banks is not an easy task. It is important not only to choose deposits with optimal conditions, but also to compare their profitability for a certain period.

To do this, you can use special online deposit interest calculator. He helps onlinemode calculate profit for any deposit. It remains to compare the calculation results in order to choose the best contribution.

Comparison table of banks with their conditions for deposits and profitability, calculated using the online calculator:

Credit organizationMinimum deposit amount, rublesInterest rate,% per annumDeposit term, monthsAvailability of capitalizationAmount of income, rubles
Moscow credit bank1 0009,2512there is95
Communication bank10 0008,9512Absent89,5
Bank Vanguard10 0008,5012Absent85

Stage 5. Choosing the optimal contribution

When the analysis of all suitable options is carried out, it remains only to choose the optimal deposit for the investor. It is important to consider the main objectives of the investment.

Useful for the right choice may be advice from loved ones, as well as reviews from the internet. Competent investors always learn someone else's experience, both successful and not so good. This helps to make the right choice.

When the depositor decides which deposit suits him, all that remains is to open an account and conclude contract. For this you will need passport and permanent / temporary registration.

Important BEFORE signing carefully read the deposit agreement. If any points in it turn out to be incomprehensible, you should immediately ask all questions to a banking specialist.

Step-by-step instructions on opening a deposit at a bank at high interest rates

3. How to open a deposit in a bank at a high percentage - an instruction from 5 simple steps

Opening a deposit is quite simple, especially since banks are happy to attract the maximum number of depositors. To this end, they develop the maximum number of programs. It is not easy for beginners to figure them out.

Below is given detailed instructionscompiled by specialists. Beginner investors following her 5 steps, can easily cope with the selection and opening of a deposit at a high percentage.

Step 1. Choosing a bank

To make the deposit not only profitable, but also convenient, it is important to choose the right bank. One of the main conditions in this case is the maximum availability credit organization. Moreover, the bank does not have to be in the territorial proximity of the depositor if he provides quality service through the Internet.

When making a deposit for a long time and in the absence of a desire to replenish it subsequently, the presence of a bank office is within walking distance not is mandatory.

When choosing a bank, it is also important to pay attention to its reliability and work experience in the financial market. To evaluate them, it is worthwhile to compare different credit organizations according to a number of criteria.

Criteria for a comparative assessment of bank reliability:

  1. rating;
  2. feedback from investors;
  3. comments on deposits.

The Bank has the right to open deposits of individuals only subject to participation in the deposit insurance system. If a credit institution raises even slight doubts, it is worth checking if it has been withdrawn. a license. About how the system of insurance of deposits of individuals, we wrote in the last issue.

Step 2. Determination of the main parameters of the contribution

Determining the parameters of the future deposit is an important step. In this step, not only type of depositbut also him the amount and term.

First of all, you should familiarize yourself with as many offers of banks as possible. To compare them was easier, use special calculators.

It is important to determine not only the type of deposit, but also the amount to be deposited into the account.

One side the amount of funds extracted from the family budget should not worsen the marital status.

With another - The amount of the deposit must exactly match the goals of the depositor. By the way, the type of contribution also depends on them. If the goal is to accumulate a certain amount, you should prefer a deposit with the possibility of replenishment.

When deciding how long to place funds, it is important to determine as clearly as possible when and why they may be needed. In any case, it will be useful learn about conditions of early termination. Are they lost interest and whether finesif the depositor decides to withdraw his money ahead of schedule. This will eliminate unpleasant surprises afterwards.

In general, other deposit parameters also depend on the intentions of the depositor. So, the goals of making funds help determine the type of currency:

  • If it is planned to make a purchase on the territory of our country at the end of the deposit term, it makes no sense to make a deposit in a currency other than ruble.
  • On the contrary, if the accumulated money is spent on vacation abroad, it is worth considering options for investing them in a deposit in Euro or dollars.

Step 3. Registration of the contract

It is only natural that a much smaller package of documents will be needed to open a deposit than to arrange a loan. It’s enough to present passport or another document that has an identity status.

For citizens of other states, as well as stateless persons, an additional document may be required confirming the right to stay in Russia, for example, residence.

Some banks are asked to present TIN certificate. However, such a requirement is not specified in the law anywhere. Therefore, the investor has the full right to refuse to provide this document.

For registration of a specialized contribution, additional documents are required:

  • To conclude a contract pension contributionneed pensioner's ID or a certificate confirming the status of a pensioner.
  • If you plan to conclude student depositwill have to show student card.

When a bank specialist familiarizes himself with the documents provided and enters the customer data into the system, it will be printed contract. Traditionally, it has a typical shape.

Note! If the investor is concerned about any moments of cooperation with a particular bank, it is worth asking the consultant to print a sample of such an agreement. It should be submitted for study. lawyer or to the financier.

After there are no obscure points in the contract, it will remain deposit funds into account and put a signature on agreement.

If a bank card is attached to the opened deposit, you will also have to leave an autograph on it. When all the documents are completed, the depositor will be given one copy of the contract.

Step 4. Cash deposit

During the execution of a deposit agreement, a bank employee must specify how much is planned for investment. Important when choosing a deposit, take into account that for each program its own minimum investment amount. Therefore, the amount of funds deposited to the account should be no less than it.

Money can be deposited in 2 ways:

  1. When contacting a bank branch money will have to be contributed through cash desk.
  2. If the deposit is opened in online mode, funds are deposited electronic moneyor using bank card. By the way, the signing of the agreement will be carried out using electronic signature, which can, for example, be a code sent in SMS. Subsequently, a printed version of the contract can be obtained at the bank branch.

Step 5. Obtaining supporting documents

As soon as cash from the client is accepted, the cashier will give him cash warrant or other document confirming the deposit of money.

If the terms of the deposit provide for registration savings book, then it is usually issued by the specialist who made the contribution. However, it should be borne in mind that passbooks are almost a thing of the past. Today they are almost impossible to meet. Instead of savings books, more and more often, in addition to a deposit, bank cards.

If the deposit is opened via the Internet (in mode online), the deposit will be confirmed special web doc. It is stamped paid or executed. Subsequently, if necessary, this document can be easily opened in your personal account.

To secure deposits made through the Internet, they are tied to the personal mobile phone number of the depositor. Only with help codesent in SMS message, you can perform any action with a contribution. If you lose a bank card associated with a deposit account, such measures will help prevent theft of funds.

Following the instructions developed by experts, any beginner can open without any problems profitable contribution. With strict adherence to the sequence of steps, you can be sure that there will be no problems.

Rating of banks on deposits in rubles, dollars and euros for individuals

4. Where are the most profitable deposits for individuals in 2019 in rubles, dollars and euros - the rating of TOP-3 banks on deposits with high interest rates

After making the decision to open a deposit, the depositor faces a choice among a huge number of various programs. Compare will also have more than a dozen banks.

In order not to be mistaken in the analysis process, it is worth using the ratings compiled by specialists. That is why the rating is given below.TOP 3 banks with the best deposit programs.

1. Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development

This bank was founded in 1990. Since then, he managed to enter the thirty largest Russian financial organizations. In addition, the Ural Bank is included in one hundred reliable organizations.

In the bank in question, it is proposed to open a deposit under 9% per annum At the same time, UBRD offers bonus at the rate of 1% those who make a deposit in online mode.

Also, users who have registered in Internet banking receive other opportunities:

  • replenish existing deposit;
  • get a bank card;
  • make payment for various services without commission.

UBRD offers a wide selection of profitable programs for all investors.

2. Nevsky Bank

This credit institution operates in Russia since 1990. Every year, the most profitable offers for all categories of investors appear.

Today, the credit institution has reached a high reliability rating. The company "Expert RA" installed it at the level BUT.

The basic principle that a financial institution adheres to is the most attentive attitude to each client. This applies to both depositors who place substantial amounts on deposit, and those who deposit the minimum possible amount of funds.

3. Moscow Credit Bank

Moscow Credit Bank appeared on the Russian financial market in 1992. Today for investors it offers a wide range of deposits. Moreover, all programs are customer-oriented.

Bank policy regarding deposits is maintained at the most open and transparent level. This, combined with customer focus, allowed the credit institution to become one of the leaders in the field of providing individuals with deposit processing services.

The result of the bank’s active position was a huge amount nominations and awards in various competitions of banking companies.

Paying attention to credit organizations, which professionals include in the ratings, investors receive a huge amount the benefits. These banks offer one of the most favorable conditions for deposits.

Which bank is better and more profitable to open a deposit - practical tips on choosing a reliable bank for deposit

5. Which bank is better to open a deposit at interest - 6 useful tips on how to choose a bank for the deposit

In the financial market there are a huge number of banks offering to issue a bank deposit. When choosing a bank, the depositor must decide how much he is willing to take risks.

Minimal chance of losing money on the deposits that open in the largest banks. But it should be borne in mind that interest rates on the programs offered in them are at a minimum level.

The investor puts his own funds at the greatest risk.stopping your choice on little-known banksin which bids are maximum.

Despite the fact that all the money placed on the deposit is insured, the procedure for their return requires a lot of time. As a result, a significant amount of nerves will be spent. In addition, interest ceases to accrue from the moment of withdrawal licenses. It turns out that from this day until the time the funds are returned, the potential profit for the investor will be lost.

Experts advise to risk small amounts, only they should be paid on deposits in small banks. Funds significant for the investor should be trusted only reliable bank.

But the question is, how to determine the degree of reliability of a credit institution? Professionals give tips that will help even beginners understand which bank you can trust.

Tip 1. Find out how much the authorized capital of the selected bank is.

To determine the real size of any bank, you should find out the size of its assets. However, it is important to compare not only the magnitude, but also the adequacy of capital.

To calculate this indicator find ratio of equity to borrowed funds. Ideally, this coefficient should be about 11%.

Large banks always attract a large number of customers with significant cash capital. That is why such credit organizations have assets that are approximately in 10 times more than their net worth.

Tip 2. Read reviews from other contributors.

Most successful depositors seek to share their joy with the world. They leave reviews everywhere - on the bank websiteon all kinds financial forums. Often they talk about successful investments to friends and acquaintances.

But do not believe everything that is written. Recently, more and more often began to appear on the network ordered reviews. In other words, some banks, including in unfair competition, pay money for positive information about them.

From this point of view, data transmitted using the so-called Word of mouth. It is unlikely that anyone will argue that the information received from friends and acquaintances can be called the most truthful.

Tip 3. Check your license and participation in deposit insurance

A prerequisite for the fulfillment of which the bank has the right to accept funds of individuals in deposits is participation in the deposit insurance system. For this you have to go accreditation at the appropriate agency.

Only after obtaining the status of a participant in a deposit insurance, a credit organization will be able to receive a license for relevant activities in the central bank. Absolutely all information on the issued permissions can be found on the website of this organization.

ATTENTION! Before you transfer funds to a dubious bank, you should check whether it has withdrawn from it and was even issued to it at all license.

Tip 4. Conduct an analysis of the competence of bank employees and their attitude towards depositors

Most bank employees work for a bonus, which is given out only if huge plans are fulfilled (including deposits) Therefore, often investors are faced with the fact that specialists impose they are completely unnecessary services.

In addition, some banks do not like to spend time on simple customer consultations. You should not trust such credit organizations.

Regardless of whether the depositor will immediately deposit money or if he still thinks, the specialist should consult him in detail. It is better to clarify all incomprehensible points in advance, so that subsequently there will be no difficulties.

Tip 5. Do not pay attention only to the interest rate

Many consider the interest rate to be the most important parameter of deposits. Of course, it is important to pay close attention to it. But you should not rely only on the bet, choosing the right contribution. Very often it plays a conditional role.

These are precisely those investment deposits. In them, the main income is made up of the profit that the mutual funds bring.

In addition to the bet, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • deposit term;
  • the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal;
  • conditions for early withdrawal of funds.

Tip 6. Study the scheme for calculating interest on deposits

There are 2 possible interest calculation schemes:

  1. with capitalization;
  2. without capitalization.

Capitalization represents interest accrual. Naturally, such an accrual scheme brings more income. However, a significant difference can be felt only if certain conditions are met:

  • deposit is open for the longest possible period;
  • the frequency of capitalization is maximum.

For more details on what is deposit capitalization and how to calculate a deposit with interest capitalization, read one of our articles.

In order to choose the best bank for opening a deposit, it is important to strictly follow the advice given by professionals. In this case, you can be sure that disappointment will not follow.

Proven methods of how to compare deposits in different banks

6. How to compare deposits in banks - TOP-3 of the best ways

When choosing a deposit program, you should not rely solely on the advice of employees of a credit institution. Should be trusted only the result of our own analysis and comparison.

Often, bank specialists embellish the advantages of deposit programs as much as possible. At the same time, they deliberately keep silent about various shortcomings.

To make the right choice, it is important to conduct an effective comparison of the conditions on deposits with banks. There are several ways to do this.

Method 1. Consultation with a bank specialist

If the depositor is interested in a specific offer of the bank, it is worth contacting its branch.

In this consultation can be carried out:

  • in personal communication with an employee;
  • during telephone conversations.

Before contacting the bank, the depositor must develop list of issuesthat should be asked in the course of a conversation with a specialist.

If the deposit program is really effective, the bank employee will try to provide maximum information about it.

If the investor does not hear a concrete answer to the directly posed question or receives vague information, one should be wary. Most likely, the selected program is not effective enough, it hides a large number of pitfalls.

Method 2. On the website of a credit institution

In the modern world, it’s convenient to select a program for investing your own money using the Internet. However, do not trust vibrant advertising.

The choice should be made slowly, after a thorough analysis. It is convenient to do this using a table, an example of which is presented below.

Table of a visual comparison of conditions on deposits in various banks:

BankRate,% per annumDeposit termThe possibility of making additional contributionsInterest
Binbankup to 8181 daysYesMonthly
Russian Agricultural Bankup to 7.531 daysNoAt the end of the term
Rebirthup to 7187 daysYesMonthly
Sberbankuntil 63 monthsYesMonthly

Such tables help you to effectively compare several selected contributions. As a result, you can easily choose a deposit that meets the needs of the depositor, among which there may be term, possibility of replenishment, as well as interest payment frequency.

Method 3. Using third-party online resources

The most advanced comparison method is analysis using online services. Using such programs, you can easily and fairly quickly evaluate existing deposit programs and understand which one is best for a particular situation.

There are several types of the most convenient Internet services:

  1. Online calculators require a small number of parameters of the selected deposit programs - amount, term, currency, rate. The program itself will calculate the result of the investment, which will help you choose the best deposit.
  2. Special services with a detailed description of contributions, eg, and The simple interface of such programs allows, using several basic characteristics of the deposit - the amount, term and other most important parameters, to easily select a bank with the most suitable deposit parameters. In addition, there are various ratings credit organizations investor reviews, news and other useful information related to banks.

Thus, there are a large number of ways that help you choose the right program for attachments. It is important to remember that it is the right choice that helps the investor to solve the tasks.

We also recommend that you read our article on where to invest money in order to receive monthly income.

7. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Investors who decide to open a new deposit often have a large number of questions regarding the correct choice and features of the registration procedure. Finding answers to them can be time consuming.

To facilitate the task for our readers, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the answers to the most popular questions below.

Question 1. What is more profitable - deposits in rubles or deposits in dollars?

Bank deposit is one of the most popular ways to save funds. However, most investors in the process of choosing the right program are faced with the question, what to choose - investments in rubles or in foreign currency.

In what currency is it more profitable to open a deposit - in rubles or dollars?

Important to understandthat a definite answer to this question cannot be. The choice depends on the specific situation, which consists of a huge number of nuances.

When deciding which currency to choose to open a deposit, you should first of all assess risks and profitability attachments for each of them.

The yield is traditionally higher for deposits in rubles. The rate on them is usually almost 2 times higher such for foreign currency investments, given the fact that the remaining conditions are the same.

But do not forget about the level inflation, since with the onset of a serious financial crisis it may happen that a sharp rise in prices will eat up all the profitability received.

That is what becomes the main reason why investors choose deposits in foreign currency. They believe that dollars and euros are more stable many times over.

However, it should be understood that in the absence of a crisis in the country ruble deposits are more profitable.

By the way, foreign currency is also affected by inflation. Moreover, dollar and Euro recently ceased to be perfectly stable.

Extreme growth is not always observed, often you can see a drop in the value of foreign currency against the ruble. As a result, investors are lost, not knowing in favor of which currency to make a choice.

Despite the large number of difficulties, experts give a number of recommendations that will help make the right choice of currency:

  1. The deposit is best done in the currency in which the income is received. If savings are made from wages, it is worth paying attention to deposits in rubles. In the event that, for example, it is decided to invest the proceeds from the sale of real estate abroad, it would be ideal to foreign currency investment. This approach helps to avoid the costs associated with currency conversion.
  2. Do not neglect diversification. Ideally, the investment should be divided between several currencies. Then, a sharp change in the rate of one of the monetary units will not entail a significant drop in the real amount of investments.
  3. It is worth making a contribution in the currency in which you plan to spend it- So, according to most experts, the golden rule of the investor says. It turns out that if, at the end of the deposit period, the investor plans to go on a tourist trip with this money, it is better to make a contribution in foreign currency. In this case, the choice between in dollar and Euro it is worth doing depending on which currency is more popular in the country where the trip is planned. If the investor plans to regularly withdraw passive income in order to replenish the family budget, it is worth making investments at rubles.

Question 2. What are the features of deposits for pensioners (pension deposits)?

Most banks in the line of deposits without fail include special programs for pensioners. Credit organizations provide an opportunity for older people to open profitable deposits with high interest rates when placing small amounts of money.

Deposits for pensioners have a number of features:

  1. A small amount required to open a deposit. Pensioners receive high interest even when making a small amount of money. Often enough just a few thousand rubles.
  2. The ability to use accrued interest. In most cases, the pension contribution provides for interest accrual not at the end of the term, but with a certain regularity. This allows older people to get a pension increase.
  3. Minimum deposit term. Quite high interest rates are offered to pensioners even for periods of several months.
  4. The ability to use invested funds without any problems. Usually the highest rates are offered on those deposits that do not require replenishment or partial withdrawal. But for deposits intended for retirees, this principle does not apply. Older people can usually easily use the funds placed on the account. On pension deposits, in most cases the opportunity is offered as replenishmentand partial withdrawal.

Thus, banks offer pensioners with more interesting conditions to pensioners than other depositors. The only additional condition for their design is to present pensioner's ID.

Question 3. How to open a deposit online?

Today, people cherish every minute of their time. That is why they use modern technology to purchase various goods and services. No exception and making a deposit, which can also be easily done in mode online.

This is easy to do if you follow the steps below. step by step instructions.

How to open a deposit online - a step-by-step guide to opening a deposit via the Internet

Step 1. Bank selection - one of the most crucial steps. To overcome it as quickly and efficiently as possible, it’s worth using special internet resources.

It is enough to enter the characteristics of interest and the service itself will select the appropriate options in several banks. It remains to choose the optimal deposit, go to the website of the credit institution and proceed to deposit processing.

Step 2 Registration in Internet banking. Before the opportunity arises to make a deposit online, the depositor will have to start Personal Area. To register you will not need special knowledge, just fill out a small profile on the website of a credit institution.

Take note! Some banks, for example, Sberbank, in order to gain access to your personal account, they require their own bank card. Other companies, for example, Gazprombank, issue a username and password to your personal account only in the department.

Step 3 Choosing a deposit program. Before you start making a deposit, you should again analyze the line of deposits offered by the bank. It’s worth paying attention not only to bidbut also on interest calculation frequency. You should also find out if possibility of replenishment, as well as partial withdrawal cash availability capitalization.

It will not be superfluous to clarify what is the minimum amount required to open a selected deposit. At the same time, it is not worth making a deposit in one bank in the amount of more 1 400 000 rubles. It is this amount that is insured, this maximum, which can be returned in case of problems with the bank.

If the depositor has any questions, it is worth asking the bank employee. This can be done by calling for free hotline or by contacting a consultant in online chatting.

Step 4 Filling in an application for opening a deposit carried out after selecting a menu item "open deposit". You will also need to indicate which deposit program has been selected.

Step 5 Transfer of funds to the deposit account. At this step you will have to specify card number or accountsfrom which the amount of money transferred to the deposit will be debited. Naturally, you will have to worry about its availability in advance.

Step 6 Confirmation of operation. When all the data has been entered, you should carefully check it. After clicking the button to confirm the intention to open an account, the deposit will be issued.

Step 7 Getting a deposit agreement. Usually they send it to emailindicated at registration. Those depositors who wish to receive a paper copy will have to visit a bank branch.

Question 4. What information should be contained in the bank deposit agreement?

A bank deposit agreement is mandatory in writing. Failure to comply with this condition leads to its invalidity.

There are a number of conditions that any deposit agreement contains. The depositor, before signing the agreement, must make sure that they are available.

The main conditions provided for by the Civil Code are:

  1. Deposit amount - the amount of funds that are deposited into the deposit account. It is on them that interest will be accrued.
  2. Deposit currency. Most often, deposits are opened in rubles or a foreign currency unit. There is another format of deposits. it multicurrency deposits. Such investments allow you to get additional income by changing the proportions of various monetary units in case of exchange rate fluctuations. There is another type of deposit currency - precious metals. The profitability of such a deposit depends on fluctuations in the value of gold, silver and other precious metals.
  3. Term - the time period during which the depositor's funds will be stored in the deposit account. It can be measured in years, months or the other day. In addition to deposits for which a specific period is determined, accounts are allocated, funds from which are issued upon request. They are called demand deposits.
  4. Replenishment and partial withdrawal of funds.
  5. Rate It is also a mandatory parameter that must be contained in the contract. It determines the amount of income of the depositor, which is calculated as a percentage per annum of the deposit amount. Most often, the bet size is fixed. However, in some treaties she floating. In this case, the rate is tied to some changing parameter, for example, to the refinancing rate. By fixed deposits the bank does not have the right to reduce the rate before the end of the contract period.
  6. The method of calculating interest. Usually emit 2 options - simple interest and capitalized. In the first case, accrual is always made on the invested amount. With capitalization, income periodically increases the amount of the deposit. As a result, the profit is growing.
  7. Deposit refund procedure.At the end of the contract, in the absence of the depositor’s desire to receive his own funds, the money is transferred to demand account. However clause may contain clause auto renew. If the depositor decides to receive his money before the end of the deposit period, interest is usually paid to him at the demand rate. This should also be stated in the contract.

Download a sample bank deposit agreement (.doc, 52 Kb)

Question 5. Is there a tax on deposits (deposits) for individuals in 2019 and is it necessary to pay?

Citizens are required to pay tax on income received in the territory of the Russian Federation. Not an exception and interest on deposits, but with one reservation:Personal income tax will have to pay only those depositors who receive on their ruble deposit interest exceeding the refinancing rate by 10%.

For deposits opened in foreign currency, the tax exempted income is 9%.

In the described cases to residents will have to give to the state 35%, but non-residents - 30%. But do not be scared and refuse a profitable deposit. In fact, the tax will not have to be paid on all income, but only from excess of the deposit rate over the established limit.

Investors should not worry, as they will not have to pay personal income tax or fill out a declaration. If the rate is such that it will be necessary to transfer the tax, the bank will do everything himself. Therefore, the investor will not notice any problems, only receive a percentage slightly less than it would be if there were no tax.

8. Conclusion + video on the topic

Today in Russia, bank deposits are one of the most popular ways. conservation and augmentation funds for individuals. Moreover, their conditions are quite simple and understandable for most of the population.

Depositors will easily understand all the nuances and subtleties when opening a deposit if they carefully study this publication.

In conclusion, we advise you to watch a video about what to look for when signing a deposit agreement, as well as how to choose the best conditions for deposits with banks:

P.S. The team of the financial magazine "" wishes readers success in investments and the most profitable contributions. Share your opinions, comments on the topic of publication and ask questions in the comments below.

Watch the video: 1. Introduction, Financial Terms and Concepts (October 2024).

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