Criteria for choosing furniture in a dollhouse, the best models

For modern children, many entertaining educational toys are produced. The dollhouse is perhaps the most popular of them, especially among girls. The toy helps the child learn how the home is arranged, how to properly arrange life, and develops many of the baby’s abilities. Furniture for a dollhouse is an indispensable attribute of any apartment house for dolls. The kid learns to correctly arrange furniture elements, depending on their purpose, thereby developing perseverance, logic, fine motor skills, aesthetic taste.

Criterias of choice

Many parents buy pre-made doll houses in children's toy stores from manufacturers. It offers a huge assortment of models. The sizes are different - from very tiny to large two-story ones with an attic. The materials are also different, you can purchase products from high quality wood or plastic. Enclosures can be made closed or open. Small dwellings are sold empty or filled with a set of furniture items. To choose furniture in a dollhouse, first of all, you need to take into account the criteria of age. The age limit is taken generalized. In general, the choice depends on the individual development and characteristics of the child:

  • 0-3 years - as a rule, for such an age, inexpensive models of a house are purchased, the baby will still not appreciate the toy and will quickly break it. Furniture is also selected in accordance with age. It does not have to be a lot, it is enough to have cribs, a table, high chairs to feed and put the dolls to sleep. Attention should be paid to the strength of both the house and furniture for it. The most suitable are wooden structures. This age in babies is characterized by the desire to not only touch, but also lick, nibble. Therefore, the best option would be products from environmentally friendly wood without any coatings;
  • 3-5 years - models of houses are also optimal to choose simple, but with doors, open buildings. Here in such a dwelling should be present furniture accessories in a larger assortment. Armchairs, sofas, stoves, cabinets are added to cots, tables and chairs. It is also preferable for the baby to play with wooden products - safe, environmentally friendly and strong;
  • 5-10 years old - at this age, girls are already more responsible and attentive. They are based on role-playing games. During this period, many different pieces of furniture are required. The girl transfers the observation of the life of her family to play activities. Here she will give free rein to her fantasies, will create her own interiors and come up with how to arrange furniture in a dollhouse. For this age, large plastic models are purchased, a lot of furniture and accessories.

When choosing furniture items, you need to pay attention to the quality of the materials from which they are made. All surfaces of toys should be smooth, without sharp corners and chemical smell. You should also know what objects are filled with, what is their design, how functional furniture accessories are.

When choosing designs and furniture, you must ask the seller for a product certificate that confirms the quality and safety of the product. Toys for children should be environmentally friendly and free of toxic substances.

3-5 years8-10 years0-3 years

How to determine the quality of materials

When buying furniture accessories for doll housing, you must definitely check the quality of the materials of all the items in the kit. They should be produced strong and reliable, so as not to injure children who still do not know how to calculate their strength and take care of toys.

Usually used in the manufacture of furniture for doll houses: plastic, wood, plywood, metal parts, textiles, cotton wool, foam rubber. The quality of each material, first of all, can be determined visually. The tree should be smooth, well polished, without sharp corners, chips. Soft materials, textiles should be dry, well absorbed. The plastic should be intact, without cracks and burrs along the edges, there should not be any kind of spots on it.

Next, you should pay attention to the auxiliary elements - color for fabric, paint and varnish coating, accessories. High-quality fabric paints do not leave marks on the hands, do not stain water during washing. All coatings should be uniform, without peeling and cracks. Varnish or paint is required to withstand heat exposure, physical activity. All materials must be free of chemical odors.

You can get a guarantee of environmental friendliness and compliance with standards with the help of a quality certificate, which should be equipped with any children's product. However, some unscrupulous companies can provide quality only on paper, so you must follow the above practical steps.

Kit Options

Furniture for the dollhouse is purchased depending on the type. Accessories are divided into 3 groups according to their purpose:

  • For mini-dolls - items are usually made from high quality wood. Intend for dolls up to 15 cm tall. Products are used by children under the age of 5 years;
  • For Barbie - materials for the production are used both wooden and plastic. For these products Barbie is suitable, whose height is about 30 cm;
  • Collectibles - unique wooden items. Outwardly very similar to real furniture, fine workmanship with good detail. Such items are of high cost and are used purely for collection houses.
MiniFor barbieCollectible

The most common, sought after and affordable are furniture sets for doll houses. They are very profitable to buy, because the kit options are very diverse. The choice depends on the preferences of the child:

  • Living room - includes all furniture elements for relaxing, doing your favorite games, books or watching television. Typically, a sofa, a bedside table for a TV, armchairs, a coffee table, bookshelves, a fireplace, a floor lamp, lamps are included in the set;
  • Kitchen - as it should be, the kitchen has a kitchen set, a stove for cooking, a table, chairs or stools, cabinets;
  • Bedroom - there is a double bed in the set, bedside tables, a large mirror, wardrobe, dresser, dressing table;
  • Children's room - for the children's room, interesting beds are made for cartoons, often bunk beds, cribs for tiny babies, a desk, chairs, toys and shelves for them, dressers;
  • Bathroom - a bath, toilet, sink is intended for this room.

In order to save the family budget and develop creative abilities, it is much more profitable to make furniture accessories on your own, involving children in creative activities. For products, materials that are usually thrown away are used.

Making cardboard DIY furniture for a dollhouse requires imagination and patience. As a result, unnecessary raw materials become magnificent interior items. Doll housing comes to life and turns into a cozy home. You can build furniture for the dollhouse out of paper, but it will be fragile, so it’s better to stick it on a cardboard base and add reinforcing elements. Also for the dollhouse paper dolls are made with their own hands, which are also glued for durability on cardboard. Before making cardboard or paper crafts, you need to draw and cut furniture patterns. As auxiliary items, scissors, simple pencils, rulers, stationery glue are required. In addition, curtains, floor carpets, washing machines, paintings, bookshelves and books and other accessories for the interior of the house are made in doll houses.

Living roomKitchenBedroomChildBathroom

Posting Rules

The presence of many items in the house for the dolls is of great importance for the development of the child. The arrangement of products perfectly develops fine motor skills, and accordingly, intellectual abilities increase. Also, the role-playing game develops the baby's speech. The life of dolls in the game of children should be like people: they go to work, prepare food and eat it, watch TV, raise children, celebrate holidays, invite guests, create coziness and comfort. The game brings great benefits, joy to the baby and a desire to fantasize if the furniture is designed with the own hands of the baby and parents. In this case, the nature and tastes of the children, the size of the dolls and the house are taken into account. When equipping a house, a little designer learns to properly place furniture, he develops feelings of harmony, aesthetics and his own individual taste.

Regardless of the size of the toy room, you need to take into account that the furniture for the dolls should be located so that there is free access to objects. It is better to place it facing you, in extreme cases - sideways. All furniture accessories should be regularly treated with antibacterial agents. The kid can sit for hours next to the house, playing various games (eating, sleeping, changing toilets, classes, chatting with guests, changing hairstyles).

During the game, comfort and convenience are very important for the child. In order for story-based role-playing games to be rich and varied, the furniture set must be placed according to the functional zones. It should fully correspond to the purpose of each room. Before arranging furniture elements, it is necessary to measure the area of ​​the room for toys. Next, you can determine which part will be occupied by large items (beds, sofas, wardrobe), as well as which places are best suited for their placement. The remaining territory is filled with small elements (chairs, tables, dressers, irons, bookshelves).

Proper placement of furniture develops logical thinking, sophisticated taste, teaches you to create exquisite, harmonious designs. The child learns to organize space correctly, which plays an important role in future adult life. Perhaps the toy house and furniture for the dollhouse will determine the future profession of the child and he will become an outstanding interior designer or just learn how to properly equip his house, making it beautiful, cozy and comfortable.



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