All-glass partitions: types, selection and installation

All-glass partitions are an excellent solution for zoning the space of any interior, be it a living room, a children's room or a bedroom. Such designs do not visually hide the area of ​​the room and practically does not require the availability of free space. The popularity of frameless glass partitions is determined by a large number of advantages, which include their following features:

  • ease of use;
  • long term of operation;
  • variety of design solutions;
  • high level of light transmission;
  • ease of installation;
  • safety and durability;
  • decoration options: stained-glass windows, photo printing, sandblasting; painting, etc .;
  • relatively fast production time.

Types of all-glass partitions

Sliding frameless partitions can consist of one or more web that moves along the guide track using a carriage with rollers embedded in the rail. The number of guides can vary from one to two (upper and lower) and depends on the estimated weight of the structure. In order to avoid backlash of the flaps, a guide track is additionally installed in the floor, and for convenience of operation (so as not to stumble), it is usually recessed into the floor.

The following types of sliding all-glass partitions are distinguished:

  • Radial - have a semicircular shape. They are made using curved guides and molded glass;
  • folding - fold like a book or accordion. The number of panels is two (partitions of the "book") and more (partitions of the "accordion"). The panels are attached to each other using special hinges;
  • compartment - a system of telescopically connected or independent panels moving by means of guides and carriages with rollers;
  • suspended - a feature of this type of all-glass partitions is their fastening only to the upper part of the ceiling or opening, to which a guide with an integrated roller-carriage mechanism is attached.

Stationary frameless partitions are characterized by high reliability of the structure and the strong fastening of its elements to the floor, ceiling and walls. The basis of partitions of this type are several glass panels of the same size, which are installed using clamping profiles. Glass segments are connected to each other by connectors - special mounting hardware that allows you to securely fix the glass. Stationary systems can be considered an excellent alternative to capital walls: this practice is popular when zoning, for example, office premises, but in a private house or apartment, all-glass partitions will become an excellent zoning element.

A feature of mobile glass partitions is the ease of installation, dismantling or movement, which is caused by the simplest design of partitions of this type. Their device makes up all-glass sheets of certain sizes, which are fixed using special installation supports or clamping systems. It is noteworthy that the supports are used in the installation of glass screens and screens, which are usually made from one or two frameless paintings. Mobile constructions consist of all-glass modules fastened to each other by means of basic or connecting racks. Modular designs allow you to create partitions of various configurations, which is possible due to the variety of options for connecting panels.

Transformable partitions look advantageous in any room: offices, apartments, cafes, shopping centers, etc. Their device differs significantly from the design features of the above types of all-glass partitions. The basis of the transformed systems is made up of several sections that move only along the upper guide track, and the panels can be moved independently, folding into a parking lot - a specially designated place equipped in any most convenient part of the room. It is important to note that the design of the partitions of the transformable type does not imply the installation of horizontal thresholds, keeping the floor covering intact.

Installation of partitions on video

Types of glass for the production of all-glass partitions

Frameless partitions require the use of extremely reliable glass, which includes its following types:

  • triplex - laminated glass. It is made by joining several sheets of ordinary float glass using a polymer composition that reliably holds the layers together. In the event of a strong blow, the pieces will be held by the polymer, minimizing the likelihood of injury;
  • tempered - heat-treated glass, as a result of which it is endowed with high strength and reliability. With a strong impact, the fragments do not have sharp edges;
  • reinforced glass assumes the presence of a metal mesh, which, when the integrity of the glass is destroyed, will retain fractions, preventing them from falling to the floor;
  • acrylic (orsteklo) - thermoplastic, environmentally friendly material, the strength of which is several times higher than the strength of ordinary sheet glass. On impact, it only cracks into large fragments, which are almost impossible to cut.

All-glass partitions will give visual lightness and airiness to any, even a small room. Their installation is optimal for zoning or isolating the space, and various decoration options for such structures only emphasize the stylistic performance of the interior.

Watch the video: Framed, frameless, single & double glazed partitioning from Huntoffice Interiors! (October 2024).

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