Brickwork in the interior

  1. Kitchen
  2. Living room
  3. Bedroom
  4. Bathroom

Brickwork in the interior is a spirit of antiquity, which is now very often used by modern designers. This style came to us from Europe and America and was liked by amateurs to experiment with interior design. Such a design is very unusual and bold, it can become an expressive decor in your home, giving it a special mood.

Undoubtedly, brick is very practical, high-quality and durable among many other materials. The practicality of a brick is chosen, as a rule, by lovers of respectable and reliable housing, but it can also be used to achieve other effects, for example, to add a touch of romance to the interior. And if you choose the right texture and shades, then the design can turn out even eccentric. Also, with the help of brickwork, solidity of the atmosphere, luxury, restraint or pretentiousness, if you want, can be emphasized. Of course, an important point to give the right mood and atmosphere will be how to decorate the seams and the choice of color shades. You can artificially age a brick to make it look more natural, you can varnish it, paint it - there are many options for decorating brickwork, the choice will depend on your desire and on the overall interior of your home.

Since brick is a building material that has already undergone heat treatment, such a masonry even after many years will look all the same beautiful, without traces of fungus and mold. A very interesting fact is that currently polymer-coated bricks are being made, this will give you much more decoration options.

Brickwork in the interior of the kitchen

Bricklaying is perfect for finishing a kitchen or dining room. At your discretion, you can finish one or all of the walls. You can lay out the ceiling with a brick or restrict yourself to a protective panel, a kitchen apron. Than good brickwork is that you can choose absolutely any finishing option, it will look harmonious in any case, moreover, such decor perfectly complements glass, wood and metal. The brickwork wall, surrounded by modern kitchen appliances, looks original. The dining area, both in the kitchen and in the dining room, can also be easily and effectively allocated using brick. And in the interior of the kitchen, combined with the living room or dining room, this design is perfect for the zoning effect, you can only brick out the kitchen or the living room (dining room) with brickwork. When choosing a color, you need to take into account the rest of the design of your kitchen or dining room, but in any case, red brick, gray, white or even black goes perfectly with any interior. If you have a bar in your interior, you can decorate it with a brick.

Brickwork in the interior of the living room

The simplest and most creative way to decorate an interior with a brick is to use a regular wall, that is, leave it in its original brick form, but it is still necessary to cover it with a protective agent so that the brick does not collapse under the influence of adverse factors. In a new building, you only need to clean the surface from small contamination that could occur during construction or repair. And in the old rooms, the walls should be treated carefully, while it will be necessary to remove the primer, plaster and whitewash layers. But such a decorative design of the living room will elegantly emphasize the atmosphere of the room, conveying its inhabitants and guests a mysterious and cheerful mood.

If you are a fan of something unusual, then you can use brickwork as a partition between the living room and, for example, the kitchen, and it can be made of transparent bricks. Inside, place flowers, herbs, beads, sea shells and anything you want, and then no one will forget such an element of decor.

If you have a large living room, then Greek columns will be at the top of the grace; they can play the role of partitions or become simply intriguing decor.

It is also possible to trim a brick fireplace, this will give the living room a cozy and warm atmosphere.

Brickwork in the bedroom interior

Being in our bedroom, we want to feel peace and comfort there. Therefore, it is believed that the design of the bedroom must be calm, soft and, preferably, designed in pastel colors. All this, of course, is true, but it will not be a mistake to add a little grace and refinement to your quiet "corner of peace". Brickwork in a bedroom can turn a room into a real work of art. This decoration option not only looks great, but also refreshes the room, gives it unusual, freshness, charm and in no way distracts from the rest. If you have a very large two-level apartment or two-story house, then instead of the bedroom door you can make a brick arch.

Brickwork in the interior of the bathroom

As for the brick finish of the bathroom, then this is the place for him, due to the fact that the brick is very resistant to temperature extremes. Therefore, a room with high humidity, such as a bathroom, can also be perfectly decorated with brickwork.

For example, you can make a partition between the bathroom and the washbasin or the toilet from glass bricks. Glass blocks can also be used for flooring, as they are known for high strength and resistance. Such a structure can be additionally decorated with lighting or even heating, the quality of the material allows this.

Brick fashion in the interior of residential premises has long been popular and has become firmly established in modern design. But the brickwork in the bathroom began to gain momentum not so long ago, but it perfectly emphasizes the room and brings a certain sophistication where there are so many unfinished and unsaid.

In order to use a brick in a bathroom, it is necessary to take into account its dimensions. So, if you have a small bathroom, then using such a decor is undesirable, as this will visually reduce the space. It is best to use this style solution for large rooms. But if your bathroom is small, but you still want to decorate it with a brick, use only a small section of the wall, this will give you the desired result and will not greatly reduce the space.

Having laid a wall with a brick, instead of painting it with paint or wallpapering, you will bring a certain liveliness into the atmosphere of housing, as well as individuality and mystery. In addition, such a design will give the aroma of antiquity and habitability to the house.

Watch the video: Pros and cons: brickwork in the interior. 100 Home decoration ideas (October 2024).

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