DIY greenhouse

Today, there are many different ornamental plants that need moist air and a uniform temperature. Such conditions are perfectly created using a room greenhouse. And besides, it perfectly complements the interior of the room. Let's try to figure out what features a good indoor greenhouse should have.

Features of a greenhouse

As you know, plants love light, so it will be appropriate to make the side walls of glass. It is also better to put the design on a well-lit area and, if necessary, install additional fluorescent lamps.

Moisture is an equally important factor, therefore, in our greenhouse there should always be vessels with water. But this rule does not apply to cacti, because they love dry air. In general, the climate in the greenhouse is selected for a tropical or subtropical type of plant.

The heat in the greenhouse can be maintained by electric heating with the installation of a relay to automatically maintain a certain temperature. Also, do not forget about the attractive appearance for the design. It should be light, without a large number of ceilings on the roof and wall, and the shelves should be made of glass on light brackets.

What to do and where to place

It is best to place a greenhouse on a table near a window or on a windowsill. The length and width of the windowsill directly affects the size of the structure.

On the side of the greenhouse, which faces the inside of the room, doors are hung. You can also drill a glass frame with a built-in window and a door that opens inward. And in order to keep the heat better, a double glass with a gasket is inserted into the outer frame. The bottom of our design consists of several plywood sheets with an air gap between them. Outside, the greenhouse can be closed with curtains on a string or rods that rise and fall. Such a greenhouse is perfect for winter and heat-producing plants. And in the summer it is better to put such a design outside the window, on the street.

You can protect plants from warm air with the help of a "cool" greenhouse. They are placed at a certain angle to the window frame, and cold air enters through the open window.

The top of the window can easily become a convenient place for the greenhouse. How it's done? Horizontal narrow strips with cutouts for several (3-4) bars are nailed on the side walls. And the glass lies on top. On the side of the room is a double door, which is tightly fitted and glazed. The design is easy to assemble and disassemble. By the way, it will be removed from the radiator so that it will maintain room temperature. And this is important for some plants.

On the windowsill, you can also put low greenhouses with a very different shape of the roof. The frame for the greenhouse is made of a wooden bar with folds for glass or aluminum corners.

By the way, a shed roof is better suited to heat-loving plants, which will stand perfectly in front of a window on a table with wheels (you can without it, but it’s more convenient). The front wall of the structure (which faces the sun) should be slightly lower than the rear, facing the inside of the room. For better circulating air, the roof is best made rising. Doors on the sides of the structure are necessary for convenient watering or planting. On sunny days, it is better to put the greenhouse on a day and monitor its temperature (2-5 degrees should be less than room temperature).

Consider how to make a simple greenhouse for violets

Watch the video: How to Make a DIY Greenhouse (October 2024).

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