100 ideas for organizing shoe storage systems

If you, like most homeowners, think that there is never enough space in a house or apartment, that there are never too many storage systems, and finding a wardrobe quickly and easily is almost never possible, then this publication about organization the process of storing shoes.

Any woman will agree with the statement that there are no many shoes. And, given the diverse climatic conditions that Russians have to go through during the year, we can safely multiply by four the usual range of shoes that a resident of hot countries, for example, could manage. If the family has children, then add a couple more shelves or even a whole cupboard to the storage systems. An urgent question - let's figure out where and how to store shoes in order to quickly and unhinderedly find exactly what you and your household need at the moment.

In this publication, we will show with concrete examples of the organization of shoe storage systems how to install shelves, racks, cabinets and other devices to not only observe the practical side of the issue, but also add aesthetics to the interior, bring individuality and even decorate the room.

In the dressing room

It is logical to arrange all seasonal shoes in the dressing room on comfortable racks or open shelves, in cabinets or special cabinets. If your apartment or home has a separate room for the dressing room, then equipping it with a rack system for storing shoes will not be difficult.

Snow-white racks for your shoes

The light palette for open shelves and shoe racks looks great even in small rooms. On a white background, all shades of shoes are clearly visible, if you have many pairs of similar colors, this nuance will be relevant.

It’s great if for each pair of shoes there is a special cell of a suitable size. Shelving like postage, can clean up any number of shoes. This is a practical and versatile way to organize a systematic shoe storage for the whole family.

Even the narrow space of the dressing room of small sizes is suitable for installing shallow open shelving. Depths of 35-40 cm are enough to comfortably place shoes.

Open shelves made of wood

In men's wardrobes, storage systems made of unpainted wood with natural shades that give the room luxury and nobleness are most common. But even in joint family wardrobe rooms, such furniture ensembles are very relevant.

A convenient and practical way to install open shelves is to place them on special holders, with which you can adjust the distance between the shelves, depending on how high the shoes you need to store.

Sliding wooden shelf systems save cabinet space. But at the same time it is a fairly spacious storage for shoes.

Storage backlight

Often in wardrobe rooms there are no windows, and an additional load is imposed on the lighting system. In this case, it will be more convenient and practical, in addition to the main lighting in the form of a lamp or a chandelier, to equip a shelf lighting system with shoes and accessories. Thus, you will always be sure that you have chosen the right shade or model of shoes.

The lighting on the shelves, which are located behind the glass doors of the built-in closet, allows you to perfectly see the entire range of your shoes. Convenient and practical storage systems also look great, decorating the wardrobe room.

To illuminate shelves with shoes, you can use LED fluorescent lamps of small power.

The backlight can be equipped with any color LED strip. It all depends on what effect you want to get from this shelf lighting system.

In the hall

As a rule, in the hallway it is possible to place only the shoes that we wear daily. But some design decisions will help you expand the range of wardrobe items that can be stored at the entrance to the home.

Often in the hallway there is absolutely no place to place an integrated storage system, but for open shelving for shoes and accessories that you will use daily, a completely shallow niche is also suitable.

If you are a happy owner of a fairly spacious entrance hall, then the equipment of a full-fledged system of built-in closets will become a way for you once and for all to organize order not only with outerwear, but also with shoes for every day and not only.

The most convenient arrangement of shelves for shoes is under the seat on which you sit down to put on shoes and tie shoelaces.

Under the seats in the hallway you can equip both drawers for shoes, and hinged or swing doors.

For such an original country-style hallway, a no less interesting shoe storage system was needed. A huge round seat with niche sectors for storing daily wear shoes became the highlight of this non-trivial interior.

It is more convenient for some homeowners if their shoes are hidden from view, hidden behind cabinet doors and deep in drawers.

Fancy baskets

The original way to store shoes can be the placement of slippers, slates and other models of shoes that do not require maintaining shape in the original baskets. Wicker or steel, country style or modern plastic tanks, can become not only a practical detail of the interior, but also an art object of your hallway.

In the bedroom and not only

If you do not have the opportunity to allocate a separate room for the arrangement of the dressing room (which is logical in the conditions of standard apartments built in the last century), you need to look for free space for seasonal shoe storage systems within personal rooms. In the bedroom space, for example, it is easiest to equip several shelves for shoes in a closet, built-in or cabinet.

A retractable rack with several sloping shelves can fit all the seasonal shoes of a small family. If you plan to store in such a cabinet not only light shoes, but also boots, in which case the distance between the shelves must be increased.

Another option for organizing shoe storage in a closet is open drawers with a separator. If the closet is deep enough, then such drawers with separation will help you save space and place all the seasonal shoes in one place.

If you have sufficiently wide corridors or have free space in other utility rooms, even on a small piece of space you can place a low shoe rack with sloping shelves, the borders of which are edged with frames for a stable arrangement of shoes. In this case, you can keep all the shoes in one place and you will be sure that you have rationally distributed all available square meters of your area.

If your bedroom or any other room has a screen for dividing the space, why not equip it with shelves or cells for shoes from the non-personal premises? All shoes will be at your fingertips, and precious meters will be distributed ergonomically and functionally. After all, such a rack takes up a little space in width, but extends from floor to ceiling and due to this is very roomy.

A built-in wardrobe can be a haven for your shoes, if you equip it with shelves.

Open cabinets with shelves for shoes can be equipped with a curtain that hides the contents when not in use.

If you don’t have the opportunity to allocate a room for the arrangement of the dressing room and even the closet has nowhere to install - do not despair. Here is an example of creative solutions for organizing storage systems. The bar for hanging things is mounted on the ceiling, and shelves for shoes are located in any accessible place on the wall.

Some practical ideas for saving space

There is always not enough storage space and this postulate is absolutely independent of the size of your home and the number of cabinets and shelves. But surely in your space there are nooks, crannies and niches that can be equipped with small systems for storing shoes and accessories.

These inclined shelves can be installed independently. They do not take up much space and can be placed even in a narrow corridor. Of course, they are not able to accept all the seasonal shoes of the family, but the pairs that you use daily will fit easily.

Very often, in houses with two or more floors, the space under the stairs is empty, but it could serve to place storage systems there. It can be either pull-out shelves or built-in small racks. Asymmetric space dictates the shape of the shelves, but even a small closet - the ability to place things and shoes.

The space under the steps can be converted into drawers for shoes. To do this, it is better to contact specialists, such work requires accuracy for the comfortable movement of the boxes. And do not forget about the special "handles" that your boxes will be equipped with. It is convenient to clean shoes in such storage systems until the next season.

If it’s not possible to organize shelves under the stairs, there may be a place to do it nearby. Small niches can hold the shoes you need for daily wear.

Often the attic rooms, famous for their asymmetry and sloping ceilings, can not accommodate full-fledged storage systems. It would be logical to place in the lowest place with the greatest sloping ceiling shelves for shoes or a low display rack.

Watch the video: 33 Brilliant Ideas to Store Your Shoes (October 2024).

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