Original DIY gift ideas

Surely, everyone loves not only to receive gifts, but also to give. After all, these are indescribable emotions, when with awe you get a gift, pick up the perfect paper for packaging and make a bow or an original decoration yourself. In fact, this is a very important stage, which many skip and buy another gift bag. If you are still doing this, then read on, because we will tell you how to make stylish, concise or bright packaging with your own hands.

Stylish gift wrapping: how to choose paper?

Of course, the easiest way to arrange gifts is to use special paper for packaging. Its range is very diverse. Therefore, be sure that without any problems you will choose the right option for any person. However, just such a paper is chosen by many on the eve of the holidays. So do not be surprised if you exchange gifts with your girlfriend in the same package.

As for the packaging for the bottle for a relative or colleague, there should also be no difficulties. To do this, purchase your favorite paper and decor materials.

First you need to cut the rectangle based on the size of the bottle itself. After that, just fix the paper with tape. The bottom of the bottle can also be wrapped with other material. As a decor, a ribbon, braid or twine is best suited. Be sure that every man will appreciate this design.

Recently, the use of unusual material as packaging has become especially popular. Does your home have a world map from graduation? Great, this option is ideal for small presentations. Believe me, your friends and relatives will be very happy with gifts from travel, and even in such packaging! In addition, if desired, you can supplement them with small accessories in the form of ribbons, beads or shells.

Also, instead of packaging, you can safely use old black and white newspapers. You can even pick up a page with a wish or just with good words. This design looks amazingly beautiful. Especially in combination with a voluminous bow from ribbons or with a laconic decor in the form of a thin ribbon or twine.

As a package, you can even use fabric or scarves. This technique is considered Japanese and has long been popular. But in order to beautifully wrap your present, you will have to practice a little. In any case, the result is worth it.

Decor and unusual decoration

In addition to beautiful packaging, it is worth paying attention to the choice of interesting decor and accessories. First of all, we recommend paying attention to various ribbons. There is simply an incredible number of different types. But the most popular are still satin and paper. With their help, you can decorate even the simplest and most concise gift.

Instead of ribbons, you can use literally everything that is at hand. For example, cut paper into long strips and make a bow out of it. Also a great solution would be to use burlap or even twine. Such simple options have been particularly relevant lately.

As for the additional decor, then it can be everything that is in the house. Therefore, if you have a box with unnecessary, but very interesting things, then be sure to review them. Perhaps among all there is exactly what you need. For example, various newspaper clippings, buttons, cards, cookie cutters and much more.

Of great importance is the holiday to which you pick up a gift. By New Year or Christmas, the variety of decor is always quite large. In addition, you can safely use homemade snowflakes, Christmas toys, cinnamon sticks or even sprigs of spruce. It looks amazingly beautiful.

For your birthday, you can decorate a small gift with a mini bunch of flowers, colorful painting, a tag with wishes, and many others. Show imagination and then the packaging will be really beautiful.

Gift wrapping: ideas and workshops

Those who for the first time decided to pack gifts in an original way with their own hands should watch several master classes. With their help, you will understand how best to combine the details. To begin with, we suggest paying attention to the New Year's decor.

To make the first gift you will need paper, scotch tape, twine or colored yarn and various decorative branches.

We wrap the gift in plain paper, and also tie it with twine. Add the twigs and tie them to the gift itself.

For the second option you will need all the same paper and scotch tape, as well as fabric, rope, lace ribbon and spruce branches.

We wrap the gift with paper and tie a fabric over it. After that, we attach a lace ribbon.

Instead of a simple ribbon, decorate the gift with a rope and tie a fir branch.

We decorate the third gift in the New Year’s style with the help of cones, rope and appliqués.

To do this, we tie the cones with a rope and fix them on a gift. Under them we put a small application or several.

As a result, gifts look very beautiful, but at the same time concise.

For Valentine's Day, you should pick up another package. In this case, we offer to issue a simple box in a thematic style.

To do this, prepare:

  • gift box;
  • red thread;
  • pencil;
  • needle.

On the front of the lid draw a heart with a pencil. Only after that we pierce the hole with the needle along the edge of the pattern. This must be done very carefully.

After everything is ready, we erase the line. We thread the needle and sew the box with a simple stitch called "forward needle."

On the inside you can make a knot. If you wish, you can write words of love in the center of the box or the name of the person to whom you are preparing a surprise.

In fact, absolutely everyone can make a beautiful gift wrapping. Just think what the person for whom you are preparing the present prefers. It can be bright accents or vice versa, simple and concise colors. As soon as you understand exactly what you need, immediately proceed to the design.

Watch the video: Easy DIY Birthday Gifts!! (October 2024).

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