How to knit a hat with knitting needles and crochet - training for beginners

What warms a person in winter? Battery, cup of tea and warm clothes. In the article I will tell you how to knit a hat with knitting needles and crochet for a woman. Preparing for the winter season is taken in advance. And if spring is outside the window, this does not mean that it is too early to prepare for winter. If you decide to please yourself with a knitted new thing, great. ...
  • How to choose the right netbook - detailed instructions

    A netbook is a device with a compact screen and truncated capabilities compared to a laptop. It is designed to work with the web, which is why the name came to be: Net - network, book - book, and a component of the term "notebook" - a mobile computer. The result is a "mobile PC for use on the network." ...
  • How to cook compote of berries and fruits for the winter

    Compote is a drink whose main ingredients are berries, fruits, water and sugar. The technology of its preparation is different, depending on the type of fruit used. For example, soft berries and fruits, if the cooking time is not respected, can lose their shape, and berries containing seeds are pre-prepared. ...
  • Holidays in the Portuguese Lagos - beaches, entertainment and prices

    Lagos (Portugal) is a real paradise for surfers and diving enthusiasts. This is an amazing place in which there are many natural attractions: cliffs, lagoons, caves, grottoes, national parks. If the photos of the Portuguese Lagos have long attracted your attention, then it's time to go on a virtual trip to the best beaches of the Algavre region. ...
  • How to decorate the house for the New Year 2019 with your own hands

    New Year is a holiday that they look forward to. And you have to wait a long time, and therefore you want to spend it so that the memories warmed the soul and delighted the heart. To do this, you need to responsibly approach the holding of such an important event. In preparation for the holiday, everything is significant: gifts, a New Year's feast menu, an elegant Christmas tree, and, of course, home decoration. ...
  • How to sew a men's tie - instructions and video

    People relate to a tie differently. Some believe that it emphasizes the individuality of a person, others - that this accessory is one of the important and indispensable attributes and is required for business people. It all comes down to one thing: a tie will not go out of fashion as long as there are people who are trying to emphasize individuality, stand out from the crowd. ...
  • How to make Christmas cakes - step by step recipes

    It is difficult to find a family who celebrates the New Year without a festive cake. For this reason, I will share step-by-step recipes for New Year's desserts. They will turn out to be equally useful to both experienced chefs and people who are interested in how to cook New Year's cakes at home. Recipe for puff sour cream cake To begin with, I offer a recipe for a wonderful cake, which includes puff and shortcrust pastry, and the layer is made of cream consisting of butter and sour cream. ...
  • Options for furniture legs, height-adjustable models

    Whatever piece of furniture is sold in the store, it will have supports. How to determine which legs to choose for furniture? Height-adjustable models have proven their worth. Types of Furniture legs, the height of which can be adjusted, are more convenient to use than unregulated products. ...
  • How to choose the right mattress

    Few people think that human health directly depends on the choice of a mattress. But a few simple tips will help you choose the very mattress that suits you in all respects. Let's figure out how to choose the right mattress? First you need to determine the look. Types of mattresses orthopedic; children’s; anti-decubitus; gel. ...
  • Original San Francisco Home Interior

    Have you ever come across a home design in which the dreams of a hunting lodge were embodied in the interior in a modern way? Now you will have such an opportunity. Original, original, unique - there are a lot of epithets to the style of decoration of one private house in San Francisco. ...
  • Methods of propagation of tuberous begonia at home

    Begonia is a bright, elegant and amazing plant that will not leave anyone indifferent. Many beginner gardeners are wondering how demanding it is to care. The flower is really moody, because the environment suitable for it is the tropics and subtropics. And in a temperate climate begonias are more difficult. ...
  • The buds of the Chinese rose fall off and fall off: why is this happening and what to do with it?

    The Chinese rose (hibiscus) has won the hearts of many gardeners with its beauty. Bright colors and lush flowering are complemented by another important quality - unpretentiousness in cultivation. Chinese rose is one of the many species of hibiscus. In total there are about 250 pcs. The birthplace of the Chinese rose is Southeast Asia. ...
  • How to cook pancakes on the water

    There are many recipes for pancakes, characterized by a liquid base. For cooking, milk, kefir, whey or water is used. The basic ingredient significantly affects the taste of the finished treat. The most affordable are pancakes on the water. Pancakes - a traditional flour dish for Russian cuisine, which has long delighted fans with variety. ...
  • Table lamps in the interior

    Along with apartment renovation, as a rule, there is a desire to add something new and attractive to the interior. A table lamp placed on a table or a bedside table can become such an object with a beautiful appearance and high functionality. In the evening and at night, she will add unusualness and mystery to the room, casting bizarre shadows of objects on the walls and flickering with attractive light. ...
  • Vourvourou - the picturesque resort of Sithonia

    Vourvourou (Halkidiki) - a village that is located along a picturesque bay, there is a beautiful 9 uninhabited islands, where pristine nature has been preserved. This is a very beautiful place with lots of greenery and comfortable beaches with clear clear water. General information The resort village of Vourvourou is located on the Halkidiki Peninsula in Greece, on the coast of the Gulf of Sithonia. ...
  • Kitchen Studio 20 sq. M. m: zoning rooms in the best design projects

    As trendy kitchens began to be combined with the living room, they more and more ceased to be traditional rooms for cooking. The modern kitchen and living room create an elegant whole that does not lose its character. Look at the layout of the design rooms. Beautiful and functional kitchen studio 20 sq. M. ...
  • Overview of the Intex air bed range and their features

    A small area of ​​a room or going out of town should not interfere with the organization of a comfortable bed. Due to the mass of advantages, the Intex air bed makes the rest comfortable, cozy. The company offers a wide range of products that differ in size, shape, price. Advantages and disadvantages Intex air bed creates a full-fledged sleeping place, where you can relax yourself or use for guests. ...