How to cleanse the body of parasites at home

Every third inhabitant of the earth is infected with parasites. They enter the body in various ways, sometimes causing serious illness. To avoid poisoning with toxins, it is necessary to regularly clean the body not only of toxins, but also of pests.

How to understand that helminths live in the body

Starting to cleanse the body of worms, make sure that they are present. They manifest themselves with the following symptoms:

  • Violation of the stool.
  • Bad breath.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Weight loss.
  • Dark circles under the eyes.
  • Headache.
  • Frequent bouts of hunger.
  • Sudden bouts of nausea.
  • Muscle pains.
  • Cracks in the feet.
  • Irritability.

Their presence affects the appearance. The skin becomes dull, oily, blackheads and wrinkles appear. There is a failure of the menstrual cycle in women, neoplasms in the chest and uterus may occur.

If these symptoms appear, be sure to consult a doctor who will prescribe laboratory tests.

10 days before cleansing, you need to switch to a light diet: exclude spicy, fatty and sweet foods. If there are no contraindications, it is better to eat only fresh fruits and vegetables these days. You need to drink fresh natural juices with pulp.

IMPORTANT! During preparation, drink more liquid - 1.5-2 liters.

Adjust the stool, if there is constipation, light laxatives will help, which take throughout the week. If there is no effect, do a few enemas.

Do not clean your body yourself. If the body has large helminths, you can harm yourself. The process should be controlled by the doctor, determining their location.

Ignorance can disrupt the work of organs. If you start to use choleretic folk remedies, this can lead to obstruction of the ducts. Self-medication can cause the opposite effect, since the parasites are covered with capsules and hide inside the tissues.

Types of parasites in the human body

Roundworms and streamers settle in the body. The first are roundworms, up to 40 centimeters long. They live about a year, localized in the small intestine. They can actively move.

The second refers to tapeworms. They live in the intestines, in length can reach up to 9 meters. Their life expectancy is up to 25 years.

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Effective folk remedies

Treatment at home can take place both with the use of medicines and folk remedies. The advantage of the second method is quick cleansing, and safety for children.


The radical method of cleaning includes the use of garlic. Action Plan: reduce food intake to a minimum, and eat a sour dish before bedtime. This is sauerkraut, a green apple. Thus, an environment unfavorable for parasites will appear in the stomach. Then you need to eat a head of finely chopped garlic. Wash it with juice or brine.

The next day, you need to make an enema with a decoction of chamomile, with the addition of apple cider vinegar. Enema should be a volume of 2 liters. With the first urge to visit the toilet.

REMEMBER! The method has a side effect. It will be unpleasant to smell from you.

A milder option is enemas with garlic water. To do this, knead a few cloves of garlic, and pour water at room temperature. Strain the mixture before use.


An enema from a solution of soda and water will help to clean the lower sections of the digestive tract. Before using it, empty the intestines from feces with an ordinary enema.

For a healing solution, dilute 30 grams of soda in 800 milliliters of water. Hold the fluid for half an hour. Repeat cleansing enema.

Pumpkin seeds

Fry pumpkin seeds in a pan with a small amount of vegetable oil, and add a little salt. Eat throughout the day instead of dessert.

Cognac and Castor

The infusion of cognac and castor oil helps disorient parasites, and remove them from the body in a natural way. In equal portions, mix cognac and castor and drink before breakfast. You can repeat the procedure after five days, but usually during this time the parasites leave the body.


The powder is taken daily at 1/8 teaspoon 3 times a day. The duration of the course is 3-4 days. For the purpose of prevention, cinnamon is added to various dishes.

Pine nuts

Consume 100 grams daily for two months. Chew nuts with particular care. For the period of cleaning, discard meat and animal fats.

Flax and clove

Herbs are crushed to powder, and take 25 grams several times a day. Flax and cloves help to get rid not only of worms, but also of fungus.

Additional home remedies

  • Food clay, ginger.
  • Pickled cabbage broth is drunk before a meal of 40 milliliters.
  • Pomegranate peel is poured with boiling water and insisted. Consume 5-7 milliliters before meals.

Herbs and infusions against parasites

When used properly, herbs and infusions are just as effective as other drugs.

REMEMBER! Herbal preparations are toxic, so they are used dosed. Do not self-medicate!

Russian triad

  1. The assembly has 2 parts of cloves, 1 wormwood and 1 tansy inflorescences. To prepare the product, pour 2 tablespoons of the collection with 400 milliliters of boiling water, insist in a thermos. Take 3 tablespoons half an hour before meals. Bitterness does not jam.
  2. The second version of the triad of Russian is considered safer. It includes 3 parts of calendula, 1.5 caraway seeds and 1.5 calamus root. Accepted, as in the first embodiment. Only reception 3 times a day lasts 2 weeks. Then they switch to a single dose daily. The course of treatment is 2.5 months.

Herb fees

Before using fees, make sure there is no allergy. For people suffering from hypertension, use mixtures containing cloves with caution.

Pour 2 tablespoons of the collection of 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist night in a thermos. Take 100-150 milliliters during the day for up to 2 months. Since some herbs may have contraindications, read the instructions first.


Effectively applying nettle root. Pour one tablespoon of the product with a glass of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. Stand for half an hour and drink 3 times a day for 45 milliliters.

Wormwood and tansy

For 4 weeks, take a teaspoon of wormwood 2 times a day. To make it easier to swallow, mix with bread crumb. For the purpose of prevention at the end of treatment, use wormwood 2 times a week. Cleaning the tansy takes place in the same way.

Other herbs and infusions

Healing herbs and plants have different tastes. Hot - ginger, garlic, cayenne pepper. They increase the temperature inside the body, which negatively affects the parasites. Sour taste has sorrel, rhubarb. The acidic environment is unsuitable for the life of microorganisms. The bitter taste of wormwood and calamus root, it destroys or paralyzes worms.

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Medicines and pills

Medicines do not kill worms, but paralyze them. Thus, they do not poison the body with decomposition products, but come out with feces.

Antiparasitic drugs destroy only adults, they usually do not act on larvae, so the course is repeated after several weeks.

Popular drugs:

  • "Pirantel" - take tablets once a day, chewing and drinking with water. Suitable even for children.
  • "Dekaris" - tablets intended for single use. Not suitable for pregnant, breastfeeding and young children.
  • "Praziquantel" - tablets are prescribed for adults and children over 4 years old. The dose of the drug depends on the disease.

Features of cleaning according to the author's methods

By Semenova

Candidate of biological sciences Nadezhda Semenova advises using an enema to cleanse the intestines from parasites. To prepare it, add 2 tablespoons of honey and lemon to 2 liters of warm water. To cover more bowel movements, jump before releasing the intestines.

According to Malakhov

Gennady Malakhov notes that worm infection often occurs due to weakened immunity. Advises to monitor nutrition and regularly cleanse the body of toxins.

According to B. Medvedev

In his book, Dr. Boris Medvedev recommends consuming for 3 months a mixture of 10 ml of aloe juice, vegetable oil and the same amount of water. This tool will help get rid of parasites, and cleanse the body.

Doctors' opinions on home cleansing from parasites

Doctors parasitologists recognize the harmful effects of parasites on the human body. They recommend not self-medicating. Supplements do not undergo mandatory research, and advice from the Internet is not always tested. For this reason, before starting cleaning, be sure to visit a specialist, pass the necessary tests. After this, you can begin to be treated for parasites under the supervision of a doctor.

If at least three symptoms appear that indicate infection with worms, consult a physician who will select individual treatment methods.

Useful tips and prevention

To prevent parasites from entering the body, protect yourself from blood-sucking insects that may be their carriers.

Do not contact animals. Take care of the health of pets, regularly treat them from worms. Do not feed raw fish, as it is a source of parasites.

Drink boiled water. Keep clean at home, follow the rules of personal hygiene. If an infection does occur, you will have to be treated with the whole family.

Watch the video: How to Get Rid of Parasites in the Body (October 2024).

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