Symptoms and signs of California flu in humans

California flu information first appeared in 2009. So it is customary to call the disease of people and animals caused by various strains of the influenza A virus. At first, the symptoms and signs of infection with the virus occurred only in birds and pigs. Mutations led to a change in the biological properties of California flu, as a result of which it gained the ability to infect humans.

The California strain is distinguished from ordinary flu by high infectivity and severe course, with pulmonary complications in the form of viral pneumonia. Practice shows that it is precisely this that causes the death of many patients. Almost all antiviral drugs sold in pharmacies are not afraid of this strain.


  • Headache, slight runny nose, cough, vomiting, and diarrhea. Fever and lung damage.
  • The incubation period is three days. At the initial stage, the patient suffers from a headache, discomfort in the throat and high fever, which jumps to 40 degrees and lasts several days.
  • California flu is characterized by a rapid increase in signs of intoxication, including photophobia, intense sweating, aching muscles and joints, dizziness, chills, pain in the temples and forehead.
  • The disease is not accompanied by severe runny nose. Often the patient brings discomfort with a slight nasal congestion, manifested on the second day.
  • At the same time, a person with a California flu illness has a strong cough. There is a sensation of chest pain, which is due to damage to the mucous membrane of the trachea.
  • Over the course of three weeks, weakness with fatigue, headache, insomnia and irritability is observed. A person becomes lethargic and inactive.

Even if not all of the above symptoms are recognized, it is recommended that you call a doctor or go to a medical facility. Success in treating an ailment is largely determined by timely diagnosis.

California Flu Treatment

The symptoms by which you can identify this dangerous disease are already known to you. Nevertheless, you should not rely on information from the Internet alone; you need to see a doctor, because even a qualified doctor without tests is extremely difficult to make an accurate diagnosis. The question of self-treatment is better not to raise at all.

  1. The fight against this type of flu involves the use of antiviral and symptomatic drugs. The first category of drugs: Kagocel, Umifenovir and Oseltamivir.
  2. Symptomatic therapy comes down to taking anti-inflammatory and antipyretic tablets, including Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. In some cases, antihistamines Cetirizine or Desloratadine are prescribed.
  3. If the situation is exacerbated by the appearance of a bacterial infection, the arsenal of drugs used is expanded by antibiotics, which are characterized by a wide spectrum of action. Among them are macrolides, penicillins and cephalosporins.
  4. Intoxication is reduced by a large intake of liquid saturated with proteins and vitamins.

It is impossible to cope with the flu in California. Only with the help of doctors can we count on recovery. By the way, I would recommend to familiarize yourself with the material on swine flu. It is there that you will find a complete description of the strategy to combat this dangerous ailment.

California Flu Prevention

Scientists consider vaccination the best prophylactic against common flu, but a vaccine for the California strain has not yet been developed.

  • The person carries the virus. Therefore, the greatest probability of infection in crowded places. We are talking about supermarkets, public transport, educational institutions, shopping and entertainment centers.
  • A medical mask is useful, but not a panacea. Keep it with you and put on before entering the store, office or public transport. Using this protective product on the street is pointless, since it is almost impossible to get infected while walking.
  • Hygiene is a highly effective prophylactic. Wash your hands with soap anytime, anywhere. In this case, it does not hurt to put wet antibacterial wipes in the bag. It will be useful and a handkerchief. By the way, you need to sneeze in the elbow, not the palms.
  • Viral particles are active in still, warm and dry air. Moving, moist and cool air has a devastating effect on them. It is necessary as often as possible to go out into the fresh air and ventilate the premises.
  • Constantly monitor the condition of the mucous membranes. If the production of mucus, which is the key to the normal functioning of local immunity, stops in the upper respiratory tract, the pathogens will easily overcome the protective barrier. Therefore, the nose needs to be regularly moistened using home-made or purchased physiological and saline solutions.
  • There are no anti-California flu products that have been proven to be preventive by scientific research. Therefore, it is impossible to protect yourself from such a respiratory virus with onions, garlic, gorilka and various pharmacy tablets. All that is now being sold is characterized by unproven effectiveness and provides only a psychotherapeutic effect.

The prevention methods that I described above will help reduce the likelihood of infection to a minimum. For greater certainty, you should additionally resort to the help of the general preventive measures described in the material on the flu. You can share your opinion about the treatment of California flu and the experience of fighting this infection in the comments.

Watch the video: The New Flu (October 2024).

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