What kind of plant is hibiscus and can it be kept at home?

Hibiscus (Chinese rose) is unusually effective and at the same time unpretentious indoor plant.

Bright, large hibiscus flowers can decorate any room, the blossoming Chinese rose looks especially good in large spaces of halls, corridors and reception public buildings.

In the article we will tell whether it is possible to keep the plant in the house, as well as what useful properties it has.

Description and photo of the plant

The Chinese rose has many varieties that differ in size, color and shape of flowers and leaves, as well as the size of the plant itself. Hibiscus belongs to the family Malvaceae, grows wild in Sri Lanka, China, Indonesia, the islands of Fiji and Haiti.

In Russia, hybrid hibiscus, bred at the beginning of the 20th century by the Soviet scientist Fedor Rusanov, was most widely used. This species has bright scarlet large flowers, the plant itself is medium in size.

Look at the photo of the plant:

Chemical composition

Due to its chemical composition hibiscus has become widely used in folk medicine - its flowers contain:

  • a large amount of malic, citric and tartaric acid;
  • 13 valuable amino acids;
  • many polysaccharides, including pectin.

In composition, hibiscus leaves:

  1. 70% composed of carbohydrates;
  2. 15% - protein;
  3. 5% are fats;
  4. up to 10% in the total volume of ash, phosphorus and potassium.

Nutrition value of 100 g:

  • Proteins: 0.43 g.
  • Fat: 0.65 g.
  • Carbohydrates: 7.41 g.
  • Macronutrients: potassium 9 mg, calcium 1 mg, magnesium 1 mg, phosphorus 3 mg.
  • Trace elements: iron 8.64 mg, copper 0.073 mg, zinc 0.12 mg.

Beneficial features

Hibiscus tea, which is prepared from dried hibiscus leaves, perfectly quenches thirst, has a good effect on digestion, and regulates appetite. It also has an antimicrobial effect, improves the functioning of the pancreas and liver, is able to reduce allergic reactions and even cope with the effects of alcohol poisoning.

It is a kind of natural antidepressant, improves brain performance and overall physical endurance of a person.

Hibiscus flowers are especially useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Hibiscus tea brilliantly copes with the normalization of blood pressure: in the hot state it increases, in the cold - it lowers. It destroys cholesterol deposits and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

A decoction of Chinese rose flowers has a mild anthelmintic effect and can be used even by preschool children.

Important: Tea made from Chinese rose flowers is not recommended for patients suffering from ulcers, gastritis and increased acidity of the stomach. It also should not be used by pregnant women because of the risk of tonus of the uterus muscles.

We offer you to watch a video about the beneficial properties of hibiscus tea:

Can I keep at home?

Hibiscus, undoubtedly, decorates the interior and its hybrid variety fits perfectly into any residential or commercial premises of appropriate sizes.

Is the Chinese rose poisonous or not?

This plant is not poisonous, so you can take care of it without special precautions. It is not recommended for keeping only in the bedrooms of children up to 1 year old due to the risk of individual intolerance to this flower.

How does a flower affect the human body?

In addition to its decorative function, the Chinese rose copes with the improvement of the indoor microclimate:

  • saturates air with oxygen;
  • ionizes, moisturizes it;
  • thanks to phytoncides, it eliminates viruses and germs from the air.

All this has a beneficial effect on the health of people present in the room, especially during the heating season.

Hibiscus is indispensable for dusty, smoky rooms, since it perfectly retains dust particles on its leaves and cleans the air of tobacco smoke.

Flower in the interior of the apartment

Hibiscus is unpretentious in content and will fit into almost any interior. Best of all, it will grow in a spacious, brightly lit room without drafts - the ideal option would be a spacious hall, a bright room with a high ceiling.

Since the plant will be large in the long run, a massive outdoor pot is suitable for it, located near a window or other light source. Ideally, if the sun's rays fall on its leaves only in the morning, and during the day the light will be sufficient, but scattered.

Where will the Chinese rose look best?

The Chinese rose will be a real find for public receptions, it will decorate the premises of the museum, the corridor of the school or hospital, the lobby of the clinic.

The trunk and branches of the hibiscus are quite strong and resistant to damage, so even the youngest visitors are unlikely to do him much harm.

Why is it sometimes impossible to keep this indoor culture in the apartment?

Do not start hibiscus if the room for its maintenance is initially too small and dark, since the Chinese rose requires space and good lighting.

As for the effect on humans, there are no contraindications for its content, except for the extremely rare allergy to the flowers of this particular plant.

Danger to pets

Hibiscus poses no danger to pets, since neither leaves nor flowers are poisonous. Even if they are eaten, for example, by a curious cat, no harm will be done to the animal.

The shrub itself is also not particularly affected - it is quite hardy and easily tolerates minor damage.

The Chinese rose is fully adapted for home maintenance, it can become a wonderful decoration of the interior and thank the owner for the care of a long and spectacular flowering.

Watch the video: How to Care for Hibiscus - Home & Family (October 2024).

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