Note to gardeners: how many days do radishes emerge after sowing and how to speed up this process?

In spring, vitamin deficiency is felt more than ever. The presence of early vegetables and greens on the table helps to make up for it.

Radish is an early ripe vegetable that will delight the body with an abundance of minerals, such as potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. Vitamins of groups A, B, C, PP and dietary fiber will improve digestion and relieve stress.

The article describes what the germination rate depends on, whether it is possible to speed up the process, how to check seeds in advance, and much more.

What determines germination - temperature and other factors

Germination is the ability of seeds to sprout. It depends on many factors. To get good seedlings, the following should be considered:

  1. Soil temperature. The optimum temperature for planting is 18-22 ° C.
  2. Soil composition. Fertilizing increases the saturation of the soil with nutrients, increases its temperature and saturates with oxygen.
    • In fertile soil, you must add mineral fertilizers containing potassium (10-20 g) and phosphorus (50-60 g). To increase the friability - in the autumn make compost, add sand.
    • Acidic soil requires liming. To do this, apply lime in the autumn at the rate of 200-500 g per 1 m².
    • Clay soil should be diluted with sand (0.5-1.5 buckets per 1 m²).
    • Add 3-5 buckets of humus per 1 m² to the sandy soil.
    Important! You cannot add fresh manure before planting a radish! Organic substances contained in manure in large quantities will cause strong growth of tops, and the root crop will be bitter and deformed.
  3. Soil moisture. With excessive watering, the seeds rot, in dry soil they do not germinate. Germinated seeds without watering will die. Irrigation rate - 1 time in 2-3 days, depending on weather conditions.
  4. Seed size. Larger seeds (with a diameter of 3 mm) germinate faster and give stronger seedlings.
  5. The degree of maturation, conditions and shelf life of seeds. Radish seeds retain their germination for 4-5 years, but fresh seeds germinate faster.
  6. Depth of seeding. The optimal depth of planting radishes is 1-1.5 cm.
  7. Varieties of radishes. Early varieties germinate 3-5 days earlier.

How many days after planting does the first green appear?

  • At t air = 10 ° C seeds germinate within 20-25 days.
  • At t = 10-18 ° C - 14 days.
  • At t => 18 ° C - 3-7 days.

Is it possible to speed up the process, how?

Seed germination can be accelerated in several ways.

Seed soaking

  • In water for 10-12 hours. It is necessary to mix them to saturate the water with oxygen and change the water every 3 hours. You can also wrap the seeds in a wet cloth and ensure that it does not dry out.
  • In growth stimulants for 10-24 hours, such as "Epin Ultra", "Agricola".
  • In solutions containing trace elements for 6-12 hours, such as Gumat-Baikal, Zircon.
  • In natural growth stimulants for 12-24 hours, such as aloe juice, Kalanchoe, honey.

This procedure not only accelerates the emergence of seedlings, but also increases the plant's resistance to disease.

Earth warming

  1. Add fertilizers to the bed, dig to a depth of 15-20 cm, sow seeds and cover with covering material or film.
  2. Sowing seeds in peat pots. At emergence of shoots to plant in the greenhouse or in the open ground.
Important! Do not plant seedlings in the ground if there is a threat of frost!

How to sow radish?

  1. In the prepared bed, make recesses for sowing seeds, spill with warm water.
  2. It is undesirable to sow seeds closely, since in the future they will have to be thinned out. The optimal distance between rows is 8-12 cm, between plants - 5-7 cm.
  3. Sprinkle the seeds with earth, compact and water.


Root crops emerge from the earth along with the appearance of the first seedlings, which are small leaves of a semicircular shape. What radish shoots look like can be seen in the photo:

When seedlings may not appear at the right time?

There are several factors that prevent the emergence of radish shoots:

  1. Frosts below -7-10 ° C.
  2. Lack of watering. Care must be taken to keep the topsoil moist.
  3. Pests. The cruciferous flea affects the shoots of radish at their first appearance. Effective methods of struggle are:

    • Processing seedlings with the “Pochin” preparation, which protects the plant until the ripening period.
    • Evening treatment with Fitoverm, Aktara, Aktofit, but they work at t> 20 °.
    • Sprinkling beds and seedlings with a mixture of tobacco dust and ash.

How to check the seeds in advance?

  1. Before planting, it is necessary to calibrate the seeds. Larger seeds contain more nutrients and can produce strong seedlings.
  2. To obtain uniform seedlings, it is necessary to select seeds of the same size and dip them in a salt solution prepared at the rate of 1/2 teaspoon per 0.5 cup of water. After 20 minutes, seeds suitable for planting will sink to the bottom. It is necessary to collect seeds from the surface, drain the water. Rinse the remaining seeds at the bottom and plant them.

    Reference! Seeds remaining on the surface can also be planted. But the germination percentage of such seeds is less and the uniformity of germination is different.

Radish does not tolerate long daylight hours. Planted at a later date, it does not produce a crop, and the whole leaves in the arrow. This is a cold-resistant plant, so you can plant it in April or early May. Carries frosts to -3-50C.

Varieties "Red Giant", "Autumn Giant", "White Fang" are recommended to be planted in August. Radishes of these varieties retain their palatability until January.

Watch the video: Common Reasons Your Seeds Are Not Germinating (October 2024).

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