Maternity capital in 2019: up to what year it is valid, what size of the maternal certificate + list of necessary documents for registration and video

Hello dear readers of the online magazine "Rich Pro"! The topic of today's publication is “Maternity Capital”, what is it and what is the size of the certificate, how to get it and what documents will be required and so on.

After all, the birth of a baby is this is the most beautiful period in a woman’s life. It delivers a lot of positive emotions, allows you to rethink some points and makes significant changes in the everyday life of the family. But in addition to the hassle and worries associated with the child, there is a need to think about how to provide lifepurchase necessary accessories, clothes, power supply and how to create comfort when the financial situation does not allow this. (Useful to read - "How to properly create a resume for a job")

Indeed, in addition to all expenses, it is necessary plan housing, spend money on upbringing, trainingtrying to give the proper level of education. Many families in this situation have found an acceptable solution for themselves, turning to the state for help. Therefore, we decided to write this article about maternity capital and decided to consider the main issues that concern many families.

From this article you will learn:

  • How to get maternity capital to improve housing conditions;
  • What documents are needed to obtain (execution) of maternal capital;
  • Who has the right to use a maternal certificate;
  • How to cash maternity capital;
  • All about maternity capital for the purchase of a car. How to buy a car for maternity capital?
  • and etc.

Read further in the review article what mothercapital is, why it is needed, what is its size for 2019, what documents are needed, etc.

1. What is maternity capital 📃

Since 2007 a special program was organized that helps large families with children in Russia. Its essence is that at the birth of the second or adoption of the second or subsequent child, a certain amount of money is accruedpayable. This method of motivating the family allowed not only future mothers and fathers to become more confident in the future, but also significantly changed the demographic situation in the country in a positive direction.

Now you can plan in advance the direction of use of funds, according to the terms of the program, realizing that the state will provide assistance.

The implementation period of such a project was designed for 10 years and maternal capital in 2016 was supposed to cease to exist. But, given the relevance of appeals and the issuance of certificates, the question of further continuation, change of conditions and development of directions for using the allocated funds was put forward for discussion.

So, what is the size of maternity capital in 2019? What can you spend maternity capital on, which is issued to a young family? What documents are needed for this? And is there a liability for violating the terms of the program?

2. The essence and use of maternal capital 📑

Target program developed by, and neglected also in 2007 year and today is gaining more and more popularity. Its main goal was to pay capital, indexed annually, to those families in which a second, third and subsequent child was born or adopted on January 1.

Having collected the necessary package of documents parents submit them to the local branch of the pension fund, receiving a certificate in a special form. You can get the money due on it only after 3 years. But, given the need to repay a loan or an urgent investment in construction, you can significantly change the specified time frame.

So, what can you spend maternity capital on. The legislator proposed from the very beginning 3 ways use of accrued money:

  1. Home improvement. It was supposed to buy your own square meters in the form of an apartment or a house. In addition, you can carry out repairs, start construction or pay a part of a mortgage loan to reduce the amount of accrued interest.
  2. Getting an education. This direction helps pay for all services related to the education of the child. This is the period of its formation, starting with kindergarten and ending with universities and institutes. In addition, it is expected to attend a music school and even foreign language courses.
  3. Retirement savings. The funds received can be used to increase mom's pension.

Now, maternity capital is acquiring yet another reason to use certificate money. A young family, at its discretion, can provide the baby with social adaptation and integration of disabled children into society, if necessary. Moreover, you do not need to wait for the expiration of a three-year period. It is enough to apply to the department of the pension fund with a request, providing all the necessary documents.

In order to understand how the program works, you need to clearly understand who has the right to use it. In this case, the law provided for the following categories of citizens:

  • Womenwho have Russian citizenship and, since January 1, 2007, gave birth or adopted a second, third, subsequent child.
  • Men, who also have Russian citizenship and a court order, which states that it is he who becomes the sole adoptive parent of the second, third or any subsequent child.
  • Adoptive parent or father who received the right of the mother to apply for a certificate, which for various reasons, the court deprived of parental rights to raise children.
  • Minor childrenwho independently study in full-time form until they reach the age of 23, when the court deprived both parents of their parental rights.

It turns out that regardless of the situation in the family, if a second or subsequent child is born from the moment the program is in effect, one can safely claim to receive money under the certificate. First-line law, of course, belongs to mothersthen connects father or adoptive parent and later the question is decided in favor of children.

Studying the conditions of the program, it is important to understand that it is entirely aimed at changing the difficult financial situation or in favor of living space, acquisitions education, treatment, or still increase in the amount of the paid pension in future.

But, there are a number of nuances that you need to pay attention to.

  1. The right to receive capital. It is provided only once in a lifetime and does not apply to every next born child.
  2. Indexing. According to the initial decision of the legislators, maternal (family) capital annually changes its amount in the direction of increase, but at the same time, any size does not entail the need to change the certificate or make any changes to it.
  3. Terms of circulation. It is important to know that the fact of the birth of a child gives the right to contact the territorial office of the pension fund at any time, even after a long time. That is, the complexity of the life situation, the need to change one's place of residence, or other reasons that make it necessary to solve the difficulties that arise first, are not a reason to refuse a certificate, since time is considered lost or expired. You have the right to contact the foundation staff at any time to obtain a list of documents required for presentation.
  4. Disposal of funds. You should also be aware that even if, after the child is 3 years old, you are not able to immediately use the proposed amount for your own reasons, then you have the right to use it at any time. That is, there is no time that can become expired.
  5. Taxes. The program is designed so that when receiving money for any of the selected areas, there is no need to pay taxes from this amount. It turns out that the owner of a family certificate is exempt from income tax on individuals.
  6. Loss of document. If there was a situation in which the certificate was lost, then you must contact the territorial pension fund, where a duplicate of it will be issued.
  7. Termination. This condition occurs if the holder of the certificate received dies or is deprived of parental rights to the child whose birth or adoption entailed the accrual of financial resources. Also, the situation in which a deliberate crime was committed against children or causing harm to them allows to challenge the right to maternity capital.
  8. Certificate validity. It is confirmed only by the presence of an identity document.
  9. Cash withdrawal. Similar actions under the family assistance program are illegal and punishable. All payments, transfers and payments are made by bank transfer.

3. The size and indexation of maternal capital 📈

During the course of the program, since 2007, the amount issued to the recipient is constantly indexed.

So if, even then it was decided to provide assistance in the amount of 250000 rubles then end of 2015 years she increased to 453000. Such a change is associated with the economic situation in the country, an increase in the cost of living, an increase in the prices of products, goods, services, and education.

For 10 years we have received a total figure increased by almost 2 times. But at present, the Russian government at its next meeting decided to suspend indexation.

Table of changes in the size of payments of maternity capital:

The amount of maternity capital payments
2007 year250 000 rubles
2008 year276 250 rubles
year 2009312 162 rubles
2010 year343 378 rubles
2011365 698 rubles
year 2012387,640 rubles
year 2013408 960 rubles
year 2014429 408 rubles
2015 year453,026 rubles
2016 year453,026 rubles
2017 year453,026 rubles
2018 year453,026 rubles
2019 year453,026 rubles
2020 year453,026 rubles

This position was justified by the very difficult situation of the country's economy. The maternity capital in 2019 will be 453 thousand 26 rubles and will not change until 2021.

Only this amount was issued in cash, and it could be used at personal discretion without reporting. Today, according to the anti-crisis plan developed by our government on 2019 years, it is offered the possibility of receiving a monthly payment from the funds of the maternal certificate at the birth of the second child.

As you know, the maternity capital of 2019 can be used in 4 directions. Each of them has its own characteristics and limitations. It is important to know not only how to properly manage future funds, but also what our legislation prohibits.

4. Maternity capital for the improvement of living conditions - methods of application 📋

Buying your square meters sometimes becomes an impossible task for a young family. After all, the money received by the spouses is spent on home improvement, food, purchase of clothes, car service, providing baby, for all these expenses, it is not possible to accumulate the required amount.

The main ways to use maternity capital to improve housing conditions

Maternal capital for improving housing conditions, issued under the state program, helps to resolve this issue and even becomes a good basis for further action.

In general, this direction involves 4 main positions:

  1. The acquisition of housing. This can be either buying a house under maternity capital, apartments bought on the secondary market, or new buildings.
  2. Individual construction. This condition involves the construction of a private house for further residence.
  3. Participation in shared construction. This is an investment in an object at the time of construction of its foundation or construction work.
  4. Reconstruction. Carrying out work to improve the condition of housing.

Thus, it turns out that it is possible to buildeither immediately buyand, if necessary, reconstruct living area, where the whole family subsequently settles. In addition, all your calculations related to credit organizations regarding the purchase of housing are also subject to revision according to the conditions of the certificate.

Also do not forget that improving housing conditions at the expense of the capital is a profitable investment. Indeed, in the end, you will have real estate with which you can profitably dispose of (rent, sell, etc.). We also recommend reading our article - “Where to invest in order to earn and earn monthly income”

You can, without waiting for 3 years of age your baby to pay the down payment upon receipt of a loan, to repay the main debt and interest on loans. It is important to understand that this money does not apply to payment of fines, penalties or delays.

Buying real estate for maternity capital

For instance, you plan to spend the proposed amount on the purchase of real estate. Consider a number of nuances that arise in the process of finding housing and registering transactions with it.

So, work with each object refers to its conditions:

  1. Apartment purchase. Buying a new building requires you to carefully study the contract concluded with the housing complex and be sure to determine it compliance with federal law No. 214 "On participation in shared construction of apartment buildings and other real estate." Transactions with housing in the secondary market will necessarily require the consent of the owner to pay part of the cost of funds of maternity capital. Otherwise, the transaction will be deemed invalid. And yet, your desire not to attract credit organizations to this issue will delay plans for 3 years. In more detail about how to buy an apartment for maternity capital, we wrote in the article "Buying an apartment with maternity capital - step-by-step instructions".
  2. Home purchase. Be sure to check in the title documents so that this structure has residential status, and was adapted for a year-round stay. The land located under it is determined by the status as "land for individual housing construction". If all the formalities are observed, then in the contract of sale, be sure to separate the house and the land itself at a cost. Since it is legally permitted to use and spend funds only on the value of the building, otherwise it is considered incorrect and is prosecuted as a violation.
  3. Acquisition of a share of housing. Maternal capital allows you to buy part of the property in shares, if it is positioned as a whole. So, there are houses for 2 owners or independent rooms, which are significantly inferior in value and can be considered as an option. It is important that this share is separated from the rest of the premises and approved by documents. By the way, even banks issue a mortgage to purchase such property.
  4. Land purchase. It should be understood that such an acquisition will not be possible, since there are no legal grounds for the proposed program.

Housing construction on maternity capital

Housing construction can also be carried out. 2 (two) main ways:

Contracting Organization. All work carried out by her should be noted in the estimate, where the final cost proposed for payment is clearly determined. In this case, all the necessary amount is allocated and transferred to contractors.

Self construction. This method involves special payment conditions. With him, the family receives from the very beginning 50% of the amount of capitaland then after 6 months the remaining money is paid. The state assumes the opportunity to carry out work before the age of 3 years, confirming them with documents, and then just get compensation.

Read more in the article - “How to get and spend maternity capital for building a house”

Maternity Capital Reconstruction

Reconstruction is also provided for by law. It involves an increase in living space due to the alteration of the main room.

Here you can convert attic attic, create an extension, expand house.

You can act in this direction 3 main steps.

Step number 1. Determine if our conversions are in the "Reconstruction"In other words, this is a reorganization of the project through construction work, which allows you to change the technical and economic indicators of the house. This enables the owner to use the premises more efficiently.

Main condition that will present you a pension fund - there will be an increase in area. It is important to understand that the banal repair, conceived by you, will be considered illegal when using maternity capital funds.

I.e, washbasin replacement, toilet bowl, of furniture, the ceilings and redecorating walls will not be the basis for the allocation of money.

Step number 2. We determine the sources of financing.

This reconstruction can be carried out 3 different ways, from this and the method of payment will be different.

Firstly, independent work. Here we either wait 3 years, and then we take money for work, or spend it at our own expense, offsetting further costs.

Secondly, loan processing. It is important to understand that the use of capital here under the program is not possible. The law does not provide for payment of a loan in this direction.

Thirdly, the work of a contractor. Under the terms, it is also impossible to attract third-party organizations. All work must be carried out without paying the help of specialists. As well as during construction, 50% the amount is transferred to the account with a cut, and the remaining money comes later, after about 6 months.

Step 3 We collect documents. You must provide:

  • A copy of the permit for the reconstruction of housing;
  • Certificate of ownership of the house and its copy;
  • Certificate of maternity capital, and a copy thereof;
  • Identity document;
  • Certificate of ownership of the land and its copy;
  • Certificate of common ownership of a house owned by the whole family.

Choosing for yourself an improvement in housing conditions, the money intended under the certificate can be spent in various ways. It depends on your current situation and the proposals under consideration.

  1. Purchase of an apartment in cash. This is the easiest and most affordable option. The main thing here is to find a living space suitable for the conditions of the program and agree with the seller on a similar method of depositing money. You apply to the pension fund, collect the necessary documents, write a statement, and in a few days the required amount will be transferred to the seller’s account. When making such a transaction, it will be necessary to do copy of the contract of sale, certificate of ownership and extract from the registration chamber that at the time of sale the apartment did not have an additional burden.
  2. Payment of the first installment of a loan or mortgage agreement. If you purchase housing on mortgage terms, then the down payment must be paid independently from personal funds. After that we collect all the necessary documents for the pension fund, we attach a certificate from the bank about the presence of debt and the funds of the maternity capital are sent to this account. If there is still no money for the down payment, then loan can be issued taking into account the program based on some conditions. Firstly, the amount of the down payment cannot exceed your established limit for the certificate. And secondly, the cost of living space that you can claim will be set based on the average size of your official salary in the amount of capital. By the way, there are other ways how you can take a mortgage without a down payment - we wrote about them in detail earlier in one of our articles.
  3. Payment of the entry fee for the purchase of an apartment in a house under construction. At the time of the transaction, in addition to the fact that you are counting on a certificate, you should also have cash on hand, which will make up the total purchase amount. You conclude a contract of sale, register it according to the rules of our state and collect all the necessary documents in a pension fund. After that, your application is considered and within 5 days the funds are transferred to the specified account.
  4. Payment of principal and interest on a loan. An important condition for such state assistance is that the apartment you purchase must be necessarily issued to all family members. Otherwise, none of the employees of the pension fund will take on such responsibility.

Child training

Education is now becoming an integral part of the development of the child, and as you know, such costs ultimately add up to a huge amount. Must pay training, accommodation, additional classes and even get a student to school or kindergarten. Of course, it will not work to cover all areas, but nevertheless, assistance from the state will be substantial if a certificate is in hand.

By the way, it’s worthwhile to understand that a mother can plan spending not only on the baby who is being executed 3 years, but also the rest of their children under the age of 25.

Even if the funds in this direction are not fully used, then you can send the remaining amount to housing improvement or own pension.

Such social benefits can be spent on the following purposes:

  • A visit to the kindergarten or a special development center by the kid;
  • Secondary and higher education;
  • Training in continuing education courses or language lessons;
  • Payment for music, art school;
  • Dormitory accommodation;
  • Other expenses related to training.

All necessary funds are transferred by special settlement accounts to the address of the institution indicated in the contract. It is not possible to receive such payments in cash at hand.

By the way, it is very important to verify that the institution or college you choose meets all the conditions presented by the program.

Only 3 conditions:

  1. The educational institution should be located on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  2. Have state accreditation for the proposed field of study;
  3. Have permission and all rights to provide the appropriate type and format of educational services.

Based on these conditions, there is no reason to believe that you can wean a child abroad. You can use the funds under the certificate both immediately and in parts, paying the required amount every year.

In order for the pension fund to give its approval for this direction, you have chosen, you need to collect a package of documents, which includes:

  • certificate giving the right to use maternal (family) capital;
  • an identity document, in most cases it is a passport;
  • Permanent registration at the place of residence or temporary upon stay in the territory;
  • SNILS certificate holder;
  • a handwritten statement of intention to spend funds in the indicated direction;
  • an agreement on the provision of paid educational services or visiting a kindergarten;
  • copy of the accreditation certificate of the institution of your choice. It must necessarily be notarized;
  • hostel rental agreement It must be presented if it is necessary to make payments for the upcoming period of residence. It is important to take a certificate stating that the fact of residence is confirmed.

In order for all payments to take place in a timely manner, they need to be taken care of in advance. So if the present year is for you - this is the moment of admission to the universitythen until May 1 It is worth writing a statement to the Pension Fund about your intentions, and later already bring all the necessary documents.

Using this method, you will be able to receive money without problems with the deadline for transferring until October 1.

Of course, the situations may be different, but if it happened so that you change your mind or there are circumstances in which education in this educational institution is impossible, then you can cancel the application for funds.

Important do it no later 2 months from the date of the first application. Even if the child is expelled due to poor performance or obscene behavior, you need to stop paying.

In the event that comes academic leave or student translation inform the pension fund staff about this and you will be amended according to the circumstances.

Maternity Pension Formation

This direction is less popular than others, but still allows you to increase the amount of payments that relies on a future pension. It should be understood that you can manage the certificate at your own discretion, and that is why it is easy to determine both the entire amount issued by the state and its part.

You can, for example, educate a child at a university, and all the money not spent keep yourself in the funded part.

To use maternity capital for the formation of a pension, it is necessary to collect the following package of documents:

  • certificate;
  • statement in the form of disposal of funds;
  • identity document;
  • SNILS.

By the way receive such invested funds can then 2 ways:

  1. Urgent retirement benefit;
  2. Payment from the funded part of the mother's old-age pension.

The first direction is formed only due to personal investments and employer deductions have nothing to do with it. The term for such a payment is determined by you personally, but cannot by law exceed 10 years.

The second option is paid for life. By the way, if you are worried about the difficult economic situation in the country and think that all the deferred funds may simply depreciate, then there is no reason for this.

In Russia, there is a law under which it is possible to receive all financial savings due in the form of payments from the moment of retirement age.

If it was decided to direct funds to the formation of pension savings, but before they arrived death, then direct heirs can use this right. These include father or adoptive parent, as well as the child himself.

Social adaptation and integration into the society of children with disabilities

Starting in 2016, this area is beginning to gain more and more popularity. It is designed so that children with serious developmental disabilities get a chance to take the necessary measures to correct the situation. It includes the main terms and conditions.

We will consider them in more detail so that it becomes clear what mom can count on when deciding to choose this way of using the prescribed funds.

  1. Term of use. The program provides an opportunity not to expect the onset of 3 years of age, but to pay for all ongoing activities at once.
  2. The participants. If necessary, such social support in the family can be provided to any disabled child, both born and adopted. And it does not matter whether it is the first or the second, or perhaps even several children at once.
  3. Possibilities of acquisition. There is a special rehabilitation program, which includes a list of goods and services approved by the government of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the funds spent on them will then be fully compensated.
  4. Confirmation of purchases. Any purchase made by you must not only have a basis, but also a document that determines the date, amount, address and cost of goods. It can be a cash or sales receipt, a contract of sale. If necessary, the authorized executive body of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of a social direction can conduct an audit, as a result of which an act is drawn up indicating the availability of the purchased goods for a disabled child.
  5. Service. if the acquisition does not concern the product itself, but the service itself, then this is reflected in the contract for its provision, which is concluded directly with the organization that has such rights. The correctness of the drafting of such an agreement is checked by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and the services themselves should be directly designed for social adaptation and integration of disabled children into society.
  6. Limit the use of funds. It should be understood that currently in our country already exists Federal Law No. 181-FZ "On the Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities in the Russian Federation", which allows you to provide assistance, including to children. Thanks to him, you can get help with medical services, rehabilitation measures, technical equipment provided for by a special list. That is why, choosing this direction, it is impossible to make payments for such goods with a certificate of maternity capital, because they already have funds allocated from the federal budget.

The starting point for the work in this area is January 1, 2016. In the near future, these lists will be supplemented, and the rules for channeling funds more clearly worked out.

5. What documents are needed to obtain maternity capital - a list of necessary documents 📄

What documents are needed to obtain (design) maternal capital - a list of documents

When applying to a pension fund, you will be faced with the fact that you will be asked to collect a package of documents, on the basis of which a specially created commission will consider the possibility of assigning a certificate.

In general, there is no difficulty here and you can independently visit the necessary authorities.

So still, what documents are needed to obtain maternity capital?

  1. Passport of the applicant. He is able to confirm your identity, so make photocopies of the main page, a leaflet with registration and children.
  2. Birth certificates of all children.
  3. Certificate of marriage.
  4. SNILS not only for itself, but also for children.
  5. Certificate of adoption, if it has taken place in your life.
  6. Statement.

Try in advance make all photocopies documents, this simplifies the process of registration and saves you time. If you are remarried, be sure to find a certificate of divorce from the previous marriage and take a certificate from the registry office in the form № 28, which confirms the fact of the first marriage.

It also happens that the name of the child does not coincide with yours. Then, in addition to the birth certificate, you will need to provide documents confirming your kinship. This can be a certificate of marriage or a certificate of divorce.

In addition, be sure to check that birth certificate on the back there was a stamp recognizing him Russian citizenship.

When, when the legal representative is father or adoptive parent, then additionally you still need to pass:

  1. Death certificate of the mother of the child,
  2. Decision of executive bodies on the deprivation of maternal rights,
  3. Judgment declaring mother dead
  4. Confirmation of the crime against children. Most likely this will also be a court decision.

According to the program, the right to receive a certificate to the father can be transferred legally, depending on the situation in the family. If both parents die, then the issue of maternal capital may be dealt with. children themselves.

Now that the question is what documents are needed for registration of maternity capitalfully studied. Let's try to figure out how the procedure itself occurs, what time is allotted for it and who has the right to carry out all the necessary actions for you.

In fact, the law provided 4 ways to submit documents:

  • personal appeal;
  • mailing;
  • portal of public services;
  • legal representative.

Method number 1. Personal appeal

The procedure here is very simple. You collect all the documents, make copies of them and go to the pension fund. There you will need to fill out an application form for maternity capital.

By the way, in order not to waste your time, go to the official website, download the form and try at home, in a calm environment, enter all the necessary data into it. After that, everything will simply be rewritten at the time of the visit. Next, the specialist will check everything that you submitted.

The certificate is issued within a month. During this period, they will either call you or send a notification letter. In any case, the result of such a notice will be the date and time at which you can pick up the document.

Method number 2. Mailing

Here you will be offered to use the services of sending letters. You can choose any of the options: custom or valuable. In any case, all attached documents will be guaranteed delivered to the recipient. You will be issued with a receipt of departure, and the recipient will be asked for a receipt. It is imperative to ensure that all the data you provide is correct. View the zip code, address, name of the recipient. The receipt issued to you will look like a check in which there is a special number that allows you to track the movement of the sent letter.

Method number 3. Government Services Portal

The first thing you will need to do is This is to register on the portal. It requires the presence of such components as:

  • SNILS,
  • passport,
  • E-mail address,
  • Telephone number.

All data is entered in a special form, after which a code comes in the form of SMS. If the connection at this moment is unavailable, the system will duplicate the message to the email address.

Now we press the confirm button and come up with our own password. After logging in to the portal, edit your details in more detail so that the information can be verified through the Pension Fund. Follow the system instructions to receive the service.

Method number 4. Legal representative

His authority is notarized, after which employees have the right to accept all collected documents.

6. Maternity capital - until what year is the certificate valid? Program Duration 📅

What year is the maternity capital valid for - the duration of the program

Similar measures of state support for young families for 10 years very tightly entered our lives. This help has become tangible so much that at the end of the program, young mothers are increasingly asking themselves, What year is maternity capital valid? How fast should it be spent, and will there be an extension?

At the meetings held, the Russian government constantly came forward with a proposal to prolong the social program, that is, to extend it for another long period. So the versions were put forward that it is most convenient to add 5 years, many suggested putting the final period of 2025.

As a result, after lengthy discussions, a decree was signed by the decision of Vladimir Putin that the provision of maternity capital is permitted until December 31, 2021. That is, over the next few years we will have the opportunity to use social support measures at the birth or adoption of a second, as well as subsequent children.

Despite the difficult economic situation in the country and the constant deficit of budget funds, it was decided to continue to act in a given direction.

So, according to modern statistics on December 2015 with the help of the received certificates they were able to improve their financial situation 6.5 million families. This data includes residents of Russia, Crimea and Sevastopol.

But even such encouraging results do not allow us to conclude that "demographic pit"that formed in 90salready fixed. We are still gradually moving out of the old state, increasing population growth.

In addition, the generation of those years is gradually growing, and already reaching 23 years old, they become the young families in which children are born. Therefore, our government believes that it is now necessary to provide special support.

But the question of how to use maternity capital and up to what year can this be done was resolved even earlier. No need to rush it’s important to just have a certificate on hand.

That is, it turns out that a family who wants to take advantage of the program should until the end of December 2021 of the year give birth or adopt baby, and then decide which of the areas of support will be given priority.

7. Maternity capital for the purchase of a car - is the law passed or not? 🚗

Not so long ago, deputies of the State Duma introduced a bill that allows a large family to send the funds received from maternity capital to buy a car.

Of course, there were many arguments advocating "behind"and"against"of this proposal. On the one hand, it seems that the maternal capital on a car does not allow maximum assistance, but seeks to simply increase wealth.

But, if you look more closely, kids need send to school and kindergartens, take to clinics and to events, and do it without a vehicle not possible.

So, convincing the correctness of the bill about spending mother capital on a car, deputies cited the following arguments:

  • Convenience of acquisition. Given the indexed amount, you can count on 480000 rubles, and this is a good start for buying a new car. Depending on the need, you can either fully pay the cost of the entire purchase, or make a deposit by adding personal funds to the final result. In general, the cost of a car produced in our country fits into the size of the maternal capital, which is not able to give the acquisition of housing.
  • Priority of direction. There are families that have long been provided with their own living space. This is the case when it is inherited, or as a gift, acquired before marriage, or shared with elderly parents. Considering the other options proposed by the government, the family does not find acceptable ways of spending money. Children who have reached the age of admission to universities, get a job in budget places, where they offer places in dormitories for a moderate price, and it seems impractical to give money to the funded part of the pension for certificate holders. So the question arises of additional features, priority of which would be a car purchase transaction.
  • Fertility decline. As a rule, experiencing difficulties in exercising their right to capital, there are a lot of negative emotions that are discussed with friends, relatives, acquaintances. Understanding that this process will be difficult, other young families decide for themselves refuse to give birth to subsequent children, wanting to give a normal existence to a single baby. Thus, we get a situation in which methods of improving demography become ineffective and inhibit further population growth.
  • Car use. If we more thoroughly understand the conditions of the existence of large families, it will become clear that the vehicle is able not only to improve the financial situation, but also greatly facilitate life. So, the rhythm of urban life makes you constantly move from one institution to another. It can be educational institutions, additional sections, mugs, school, as well as hospitals, polyclinics, sanatoriums. But rural life dictates the need to do purchasesgetting to farms or enterprises, ride weekly to markets in order to save money, move between settlements and take children to cities to study or take the prescribed course of procedures prescribed by doctors.
  • Flight reduction. Analyzing the movement of intercity transport, especially by rail, it can be seen that there is a reduction in many flights, and this makes it difficult to travel to district centers and cities. In addition, in winter it becomes especially difficult to transport a childexposing him to contact with sick people. A car would help to significantly change the situation, especially if there was a need to return home very late.

According to studies in Russia on beginning of 2019Many families that have received a certificate in their hands have not yet applied to the Pension Fund for its implementation. There are more than 50% out of 6.5 million.

Such a situation indicates a difficult choice and a desire to expand the range of areas proposed by the state. So, having two or more children, there is no doubt about the complexity of the financial situation, but the lack of visits confirm the fact of a difficult decision. Therefore, it is necessary to propose new options, consider them and put into circulation.

Despite this state of affairs, there were arguments against adoption of this law. The main ones are:

  • Capital significance. At its core, according to our government, a car is not able to compare with housing or education. So, the first makes it possible to improve their conditions with the right of subsequent inheritance, division between children, and the second gives a start for a future career and stability.
  • Increased needs. The older the child becomes, the more desires he has. So the need to purchase a home is becoming increasingly relevant, especially if it is the age of creating a new family and having a baby. The car by that time will no longer be of significant value, but most likely will become as worn out as possible.
  • Direction of use. It is becoming much more difficult to control for what purpose the vehicle was purchased and how it helps in everyday life than if it were an apartment or the need for education. So, maybe the money spent on the car will not be so useful. In addition, the car is constantly at risk, because you must be able to drive it correctly. Possible collisions, accidents and conflicts on the roads can lead to a decrease in further costs, which allows us to consider the implementation of the certificate useless.
  • No retirement contributions. As a rule, the birth of a second or subsequent child sends the woman on maternity leave for a long time, and this is the period in which she does not receive deductions for the employer. Following the logic, the total pension will be lower. When buying a car, the problem of under-calculated cash is not solved, which has the opposite effect if you want to choose a different direction of capital spending.
  • Assistance to vehicle manufacturers. Active work on this bill allows us to doubt the real intentions of helping large families. Most likely, in such actions, you can consider lobbying for the interests of the domestic auto industry, because it is well known that its sales fell significantly in 2015-2016.

And yet, how to buy a car for maternity capital? Are there any legal ways. Certificate clearly implies 4 ways your spending. Therefore, until the bill officially gets on the table for the president’s signature, the answer will remain unambiguous: "No way". All actions in this direction entail criminal liability and opportunity to withdraw funds.

Trying to cover the life of a modern young family most widely, the deputies introduced a number of conditions into the draft under development.

  1. Share ownership. When buying a vehicle, it will immediately be necessary to issue it for both spouses and the baby who brought the amount of maternal capital to the house. This is done so that the right of disposal is common. Thus, regarding traffic police officers who may have a question, special bylaws are introduced to make such ownership unhindered when driving a car.
  2. Resale Terms. According to the conditions, after a certain time, the car can be sold, receiving cash on hand.
  3. Russian production. The law allows you to consider only domestic models or a foreign-made car, but assembled on the territory of our country. Moreover, if there is not enough money under the certificate, you can add your own savings or apply for a loan to a credit institution.
  4. Registration Accounting. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the car must be completely new, not previously registered with the traffic police. This means that the place of purchase will only be official, in stores that are eligible for sale.
  5. Car make and model. It should be said that the law does not limit the future owner in choosing. Do not think that the purchased vehicle can only be passenger.

Despite a more detailed study of all circumstances, to be able to use maternity capital to buy a car, the law was NOT passed. Therefore, many have already taken advantage of car loans or car leasing. About how to buy a car leasing to an individual, we have already described in one of the previous articles.

A similar project was put forward several times with clarifications and changes, however, all initiatives were constantly rejected by the government of our country.

Regional maternity capital

At the federal level, there is another area of ​​assistance to large families, formalized through a regional maternity capital program. Their conditions are very similar, only the amount of the second is not indexed and depends on the region in which you live. Often this is 100,000 rublesissued on second, third or subsequent child.

You can use such help only once, having drawn up all the documents and choosing the right goal. It is this program that allows you to purchase a car for personal needs.

Until 2015 the possibilities of using money were identical to the federal certificate. Now there are options such as:

  • Gasification of a residential building;
  • Mom getting an education;
  • Buying a car for the whole family;
  • Payment for medical services provided to children;
  • Purchase of special sanitary ware not provided for by the state.

The latter direction applies to those families in which there are children with disabilities. The very first area to apply this practice was Smolenskaya. Further, the program spread to Amur, Nizhny Novgorod, Kaliningrad, Ulyanovsk, Oryol, Kamchatka Krai etc.

The fixed amount of such capital depends on the capabilities of the region, and the funds in its budget.

In order to get a car in the regional direction of obtaining maternity capital, it is necessary to collect a package of documents and send it for consideration to the Pension Fund.

You will need the following documents:

  1. Contract of sale of a car;
  2. Car loan agreement, if the purchase is made through a bank;
  3. Title issued to the buyer;
  4. Help from the bank. If you previously purchased a car and at the time of receipt of the maternity capital there was a debt on it in the form of a loan body and its interest;
  5. Account details for the transfer of funds;
  6. Certificate of unpaid amount under the contract in case of purchase of a car by installments.

The greatest relevance of such a distribution of the program is in the Kamchatka Territory.

8. How to cash maternity capital? 💸

According to the program itself, developed by our government, it is not possible to cash a certificate.

But, over the years of its existence, several options have been identified that recipients are actively using for the opportunity to have cash on hand. About how such methods are legal, to judge everyone.

  1. Lump sum payment. Back in 2009, when the most difficult period of the economic crisis came, the country developed a situation in which job cuts began, an increase in the cost of food, housing, and the State Duma decided to make the partial payment of maternal capital legal. So, the amount of 12,000 rubles became available to families, which could be spent on personal needs without reporting. Such a temporary measure lasted until the end of 2010, after which it was canceled. By analogy with previous years, already in 2015 year assigned the same issue of money, only in the amount of 20,000 rubles. therefore, it is possible to cash out maternity capital in a similar way even now, on absolutely legal grounds.
  2. Home construction. This method involves the payment of the whole amount for the construction of a private house on a plot belonging to one of the spouses. Its essence is that if you start a job on your own, while collecting all the documentation for the procurement of material, then by writing a statement, you get first 50% of the amount and then the rest. Of course, the money is accountable, but after making purchases earlier, you can return their value in cash. Moreover, it is not necessary to expect the onset of a three-year-old baby.
  3. House reconstruction. This method is similar to the previous one and allows you to design the improvements as a reconstruction, receiving money for this. It is only important to understand that in the end, the used housing area should increase and be no less than the standard accounting norm.

So if you have built or reconstructed the house after January 1, 2007, and the baby who brought the amount of maternal capital into the house is already 3 years old, then the law allows you to arrange everything according to the rules, receiving cash in the account.

Another way in which you can count on obtaining finance for personal use is this is the acquisition of housing. Moreover, they are trying to buy it from relatives with whom they have developed warm friendly relations.

At its core, all property is made out in favor of the children, and the funds are returned to the family. By and large, many grandmothers and grandfathers They would consider it correct to rewrite their living space to grandchildren, and here also the opportunity to improve their situation.

But, if this fact becomes known to the employees of the Pension Fund, then a check may well be assigned, the results of which will be revealed forgery and attempted fraud. In this case, the result of the transaction is canceled, and the capital funds withdrawn.

9. Maternity capital in 2019, changes - latest news 📰

To what year did maternity capital be extended?

11/28. 2017 year - President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin signs renewal of maternity capital payout program till December2021 years, earlier the government planned to stop the development and financing of parent certificates until 2018. Thus, maternity capital was extended until the end of 2021..

Cash payments from capital to the needy

The President of the Russian Federation signed a decree inviting needy families to issue monthly cash payments at the birth of their second child from maternity capital. Will be paid in cash to parents until the second child is 1.5 years old in the amount of a living wage in the region of residence.

10. Conclusion + video on the topic 🎥

Finally, we recommend watching the video about matcapital:

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