What to bring from Goa: tips from experienced tourists

India welcomes tourists with bright colors, sounds, aromas and tastes. Experienced tourists think about what to bring from Goa in advance and even make a list of what this state of India is famous for. And when they go shopping, they take this list with them - so as not to buy anything extra.

Advice! When buying something in the markets of Goa, be sure to bargain! And keep in mind that shopping is best done at the end of the vacation: market traders for tanning determine only tourists who have arrived in India and call them unrealistically high prices. If you basically do not know how to bargain, it is better to go shopping in the capital of Goa, the city of Panaji. Many stores have fixed prices for goods, so you won’t be deceived.

And then we will talk about which specific products, clothes, cosmetics, and even which medicines to bring from Goa to India.

Gastronomy Shopping

The list of what you can bring from Goa should start with the most popular and win-win products.


In India, spices can be bought literally anywhere. There are huge bags with different spices on the markets, but this product is intended exclusively for tourists. The bags are open for months, dust collects in them, and the aroma of spices disappears.

If you buy on the market, then you need to look for homemade - these are homemade seasonings that have a very rich and spicy aroma. Prices are higher than spices from huge bags, but the quality is much better.

Good carefully packaged spices can be bought at stores. The products of such manufacturers are in demand: Everest, MDH, Priya, Mothers Recipe, Catch. Price per pack 250 g from 0.14 to 0.25 $.

Quality spices can be brought directly from the plantations, which tourists visit as local attractions. Prices there are higher than for factory products in packages: approximately $ 0.5 per 250 g.

What to buy in Goa from Indian spices: cardamom, cinnamon, Kashmiri red pepper and chili, tamarind (sweet and sour dates for meat, fish, rice, noodles and desserts), traditional masala (a mixture for fish or vegetable dishes).

Advice! If you are planning to bring spices, please note: you can’t take them in your hand luggage, because acts of terrorism with their use are known.

Tea and sweets

Delicious, attractive-looking sweets and nuts - this is what can be brought from India and Goa not only to children, but also to adults. You can buy cashew nuts, banana chips, halva, fruit and nut balls, dessert "baby" or toffee-like "dodol". Prices for sweets start at $ 4.2 per kilogram.

And you can bring good tea to sweets. The choice of tea in India and Goa is huge: it is sold in markets, in supermarkets and specialty stores. Like spices, it is preferable to buy tea not in the market, but in the store, and it should be in the original packaging. The right decision would be to buy Assam or Darjeeling tea, the price varies between $ 10-15 for 1 kg.

Exotic fruits

The richest variety of fresh fruits can be found in fruit markets. There are such markets in North and South Goa, so you can buy everything you need in any part of the state. Prices for some fruits in dollars:

  • pineapples - 0.3 per pc;
  • papaya - from 0.35 to 0.85 per kg;
  • passion fruit - 1.7 per kg;
  • Coconuts - from 0.1 to 0.15 per pc;
  • bananas - from 0.2 to 0.3 per kg;
  • grapes - from 0.55 to 1.7 per kg.

Advice! To bring fruits whole and unspoiled, you need to buy them slightly immature. It is advisable to wrap each fruit in paper, and then put everything in cardboard boxes and carry it in baggage.

Alcoholic drinks

Old Monk is a black rum that has a pleasant sweetish aftertaste of caramel and burnt sugar. The price of a 0.7 liter bottle is only $ 2.7 (there are still 0.25 and 0.5 liter bottles).

Advice! Glass bottles are very beautiful, but transporting plastic jars is much more convenient and profitable. For the convenience of tourists, Old Monk is sold in plastic containers of 0.5 and 0.7 liters.

Old monk

Due to such a low cost, Old Monk is very popular, especially among Russians. That's only in accordance with the customs rules of Russia, each person can bring home only 2 liters of alcohol.

There are absolutely unique alcoholic beverages in India, which are not found in other countries. Fennie is an unusual moonshine made on the basis of coconut milk or milk from cashew nuts. Fennies are sold in coconut flasks, so it will be convenient to carry it.

Ayurvedic Products - Indian Exclusive

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian science about medicine and lifestyle. Over the millennia of existence, she has shown herself so well that her recipes remain relevant now. Ayurvedic preparations are based only on natural components: extracts and extracts of plants, natural oils.

Ayurvedic products that should be brought from India are makeup cosmetics and dietary supplements. By the way, it’s dietary supplements that they mean when they talk about medicines that should be brought from Goa.

Important! Cosmetics and dietary supplements in India are sold in packages, and they are subject to MRP: the price is indicated on the package, more expensive than which the seller has no right to sell this product.

There are several manufacturers of quality Ayurvedic products in India. Many brands are well known all over the world, but only here their products can be bought literally for a penny, in addition, the choice is very wide.

The most popular Ayurvedic brands of India:

  • Himalaya. A popular international corporation, but Indian products have much better quality than manufactured in other countries. It produces a lot of various care products, as well as all kinds of dietary supplements.
  • Swati and Khadi. These are products of the same company, but Khadi is a premium line. Swati is a hair and body care cosmetics, as well as natural vegetable oils. Swati and Khadi are more expensive than Himalaya, but the quality is higher.
  • Biotique. Good inexpensive cosmetics with exotic fruits. There are funds that protect against ultraviolet radiation. Feature "Biotic": an extensive assortment and a small volume of each product. A bottle of 210 ml shampoos will cost $ 3.
  • Jovees. A huge selection of all kinds of creams, masks and toners for the face. A wide range of anti-aging cosmetics. "Jovis" refers to the middle price category, cream from $ 3.
  • Divya Patanjali. This brand is known for authentic cosmetics, incense, food, dietary supplements and literature. Hair products with proteins, anti-aging creams, soap with cow urine are in demand (prices for everything from $ 0.7). It is sold in branded boutiques, where an Ayurvedic doctor often leads.
  • Dabur. The company offers excellent skincare products, as well as dietary supplements to maintain skin in a young state.
  • Shahnaz Husein. A well-known Indian brand whose products are comparable in quality to the products of luxury European brands. Means are more expensive than other brands - from $ 25.
Mandatory cosmetics

And now more about what to buy in India on Goa from cosmetics:

  • Coconut oil. Great moisturizer. Shelf life 1-1.5 years. Sold in volumes from 40 ml to 1 liter, 100 ml costs $ 0.5.
  • Amla oil (gooseberry variety). If you rub it regularly into the scalp, you can accelerate hair growth and improve their appearance, remove pain and insomnia. You can buy a large can of amla oil for $ 6.
  • Trichup Oil. This is sesame oil and coconut enriched with extracts of medicinal herbs. Used for hair: prevents hair loss, makes it strong.
  • Gels, scrubs and masks with an extract from the leaves of a tree. Cleansers have the strongest antibacterial effect.
  • Toothpaste. The assortment is large: black pasta with charcoal, pasta with hot red pepper, pasta made from red clay with clove oil, pasta made from neem powder and black salt. The price of a tube of 50 g from $ 0.24.
  • Henna for mehendi. Mehendi - the so-called art of painting the body with henna. Henna is sold ready to use, the price is from $ 0.14 per tube.
  • Henna for strengthening and coloring hair. Everywhere they offer henna packages for $ 0.7, and luxury henna "Shahnaz Hussein" can be bought for $ 1.7. There is black, burgundy and red.

Important! Coconut and sandalwood oil, as well as some cosmetics, must not be carried in hand luggage, as they are classified as flammable.

Supplements and other medicines from Goa

Tourists who have visited India write in reviews about which medicines to bring from Goa, not only for themselves, but also as a practical gift.

  • Chyawanprash. The spectrum of exposure is extremely wide, but in most cases it is used as a powerful immunostimulant. In fact, this is amla gooseberry jam (very rich in vitamin C), enriched with 40 more components. Chapanprash is sold in plastic cans, prices start at $ 1.25.
  • Kailas Jeevan. This ointment with a very peculiar smell is universal. It anesthetizes the bruise and sprains, heals wounds and burns, fights fungus, treats acne and ringworm. It can even be taken orally for insomnia, diarrhea, sore throat and cough. There are different dosages of Kailash Jivan, the minimum cost is $ 0.4.
  • Neem. The extract from the leaves of a tree is used to detoxify the body and cleanse the skin, treat genitourinary and intestinal infections, eliminate parasites, improve metabolism and strengthen the immune system. You can buy it in powder, tablets or capsules, the minimum cost is $ 2.7.
  • Tulasi. Syrup or capsules Tulasi (Tulsi) - a cure for cough, sore throat and respiratory tract infections. A pack of 60 capsules costs $ 1.6, 200 ml syrup - $ 1.46.
  • Spirulina. Spirulina contains a huge amount of protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals - an excellent nutritional supplement for vegetarians. Spirulina also removes toxins and heavy metals from the body.
  • Triphala churna. The powder removes toxins, normalizes digestion and rejuvenates the body. Prices start at $ 0.7.

Advice! You can also bring traditional medicines from Goa to India, which are often necessary at home, because they are very cheap here.

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Fans of unusual jewelry can bring quite interesting gizmos from India. Workmanship and design are amazing even if the jewelry is made of copper, brass, bronze. Here you can buy both simple jewelry that is offered on the beach for $ 0.4-0.7 apiece, and exclusive hand made, which costs at least $ 9.8-15.5. Traditional Indian jewelry made of gold from tourists is not very attractive: bright yellow gold and artsy design make them look like too cheap jewelry.

What can be brought from India and Goa are products purchased in specialized boutiques of Panaji. There are jewelry made of gold in different shades, silver and precious stones, aimed at tourists. But here there are some nuances: it is not difficult for a professional to understand the quality of stones, so you must definitely require a certificate.

You can buy real pearls in Goa, the price depends on the shape and size. For example, a string of pearls of medium size and not very regular shape costs an average of $ 9.8.

A special category of jewelers in India is Nepalese. In Goa, there are many of their shops in popular tourist areas, on the market in Calangute. They are mainly engaged in silver, but there are also products from other metals. The work of Nepalese jewelers, although not too thin, but their silver does not come off, and the stones do not fall out of it, as is often the case with Indian craftsmen. A silver ring with an original ornament and without stones can be bought from $ 7.6.

Goa Clothing & Accessories

In India, they love and wear national clothes, not only locals, but also many visitors. Since ethnicity is now in trend in our megalopolises, you can buy cotton saris, t-shirts, skirts, tunics, long scarves, “alladins” for yourself or as a gift. In the markets, prices for these items start at $ 1.5, better items cost from $ 7.6. In the shops you can buy factory products, the prices will be slightly higher, but the quality is better.

In northern India, they are engaged in the production of their hamp goods, but you can buy them in any Goa market. Hemp is hemp material, they sew and knit any clothes from it. A summer hat will cost $ 3, and a voluminous cap - $ 7-8.

Not only national, but also European clothes can be brought from Goa to India. Wishing to save money, well-known European designers often order sewing things at Goa's factories. Items with minor defects (no buttons, a couple of stitches in a line are missing) are sold at bargain prices in Anjuna (a resort in North Goa), where a daily market is open on Wednesdays. In Panaji, the real center of shopping in the western style is the streets of Mahatma Gandhi and June 18: products by Benetton, Lacoste, Pepe Jeans are much cheaper here than in European countries.

In Goa, you can also buy practical and high-quality clothing brought from Nepal. From natural yak wool, Nepalese knit unusual sweaters, warm sweatshirts with fleece lining, bright socks, unusual hats and much more. A warm hat costs $ 4-6, a sweatshirt from $ 9.

You can bring quality leather goods from Goa. For example, a stylish jacket can be bought on average for $ 50, and right in the store the chosen thing will be customized to the desired size. Tailoring jackets to order for individual sizes will cost $ 100.

Belts, gloves, bags - the choice of such accessories is truly huge, especially in Candolim and Arambol. A medium-sized leather suitcase can be bought for $ 20, prices for handbags from $ 20 and above.

Home textiles

Far from the last place in the list of what should be brought from India is home textiles. Bright sheets, pillowcases, tablecloths painted with natural Holi paints are beautiful and practical gifts for $ 2.5 or more.

Of all that you can bring from Goa as a gift or for yourself, hand-made bedspreads stand out. They differ in colorful patterns and original decor, and most importantly - good quality. The prices are different, usually at first it is announced $ 100, after the auction it’s already $ 50, and especially talented buyers can bring this figure to $ 20.

Souvenirs from Goa

The most popular souvenirs from Goa are elephant figures, figurines of Indian gods and mythical characters. Simple, clay souvenirs, you can buy almost a whole collection of $ 1. Figures carved from sandalwood or stone, made of metal, more expensive - from $ 5. By the way, such souvenirs, as well as various masks, are often made from papier-mâché in India.

Magnets and key chains are sold everywhere, bargain prices - a $ 1 handful.

You can hardly surprise anyone with incense sticks, but in India they are much cheaper: no more than $ 0.2 per pack. In addition, you can find very delicate, delicate incense.

It would be a good idea to bring a picture in the Madhubani style: mythological plots on the life of the gods. Pictures can be made on paper or fabric, prices start at $ 20.

Musicians may be interested in singing bowls and Indian drums - playing them is easy, cost $ 8-45. For $ 0.6-5 you can buy bansuri bamboo flutes, but this is not a musical instrument, but just a toy.

All prices on the page are for September 2019.

What is forbidden to export from India

There are such things that bring from Goa does not work. In the list of what is prohibited from exporting from India:

  • The national Indian currency.
  • Gold and silver bars.
  • Jewelry worth more than $ 28 (2,000 rupees).
  • Antiques (items that are of historical or cultural value and are made more than 100 years ago).
  • Skins of wild animals, as well as crafts from ivory and leather products of rare reptiles.
  • Live plants and animals if there is no phytosanitary or veterinary certificate.

Souvenirs on the market in Goa:

Watch the video: Goa Tourism. Famous 10 Places to Visit in Goa Tour (October 2024).

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