Rules for assembling the playpen, how to do the work yourself

At all times, special cots were purchased for young children to protect the baby from falls, thanks to high stances and sides. Having bought such a product, the question arises from many parents: how to assemble the playpen correctly? To do this, just follow the instructions, you need to understand the nuances of the assembly, the necessary tools. The operation manual will tell you how to properly mount a regular and multi-level arena.

What tools will be needed

Before you buy a playpen for the baby, you must fully study its design in the store. This is necessary in order to assemble and install the product yourself at home. It is also worth making sure that the assembly has assembly instructions.

If parents after long attempts have not been able to figure out the sequence of fastening parts, you can contact the store service where the playpen was purchased.

For the assembly of any furniture requires certain tools. Often, most of them are in the home of every family, however, when assembling modern models, it may be difficult to attach mechanisms and additional screwdrivers and keys will be needed. List of basic tools for self-assembly and installation of the playpen:

  • screwdriver - most often a Phillips screwdriver is required; with it, it is necessary to tighten all the available parts to fasten the side parts, the bottom, the roof, and additional devices. Occasionally, manufacturers of playpens use screws for a straight screwdriver, so it is unlikely to be needed. It is better to prepare screwdrivers of several sizes so that during the assembly process there are no difficulties. It is optimal to take a long and short screwdriver;
  • a set of keys - when installing the arena, you will need a whole set of hexagons - if it is not in use, then you can purchase it in the nearest building market. Typically, a kit contains 5 to 8 hex wrenches of various diameters. To build a crib you will need medium and large sizes.

Depending on the type of bed and the material of its manufacture, it is recommended to additionally arm yourself with a screwdriver. If the bed is made of solid wood, has a large size, it is worth taking care of the space for layout parts in advance. In addition, the wooden playpen requires perseverance during assembly: a large number of fasteners will take a lot of time. This bed is more reliable than modern models made of plastic, but is not popular.

Children's beds-playpens of the modern generation are folded in two ways:

  • book;
  • umbrella.

Thanks to such a simple system of work, it is not difficult to assemble the playpen on your own. Some brands produce cribs with accessories, such as a changing table. In this design, the table is mounted on the end of the product - it is represented by a small surface suitable for accommodating the child at the time of dressing. To fix the table, it is enough to use the prepared tools: at the junction there is a characteristic bolt that is twisted using a large hexagon. When installing additional elements, it is important to check the entire structure for stability - the safety of the baby will depend on this. If during testing the elements are in a loose form, using a screwdriver or a key, you can tighten the joints of the moving parts.

Modern playpens can be easily folded and laid out, so it is convenient to take them with you on the road or when going on a visit. To quickly fold the product, it is enough to loosen certain bolts or nuts - then the product will gain mobility and it can be folded into a compact object. Many models are equipped with wheels; screwdrivers of different sizes will also be required to adjust and assemble them.

Assembly procedure

When choosing a bed, you should pay attention to its design. It is believed that the more complex the arena structure is presented, the longer it will be installed. In addition, such designs are often susceptible to breakage. The failure of moving parts is due to their number and the lack of design. An active child can often toss and turn in a dream, be restless, which increases the load on the bed. In this case, it is better to choose a product that is easy to install. While in the store, you can visually present the assembled model in an unassembled form: if all the connections are understandable, you can safely purchase the playpen.

To answer the question of how to assemble a playpen with your own hands, you should refer to the step-by-step assembly instructions:

  • preparation - all tools should be near the workplace. The details of the arena should be laid out on the floor according to the instructions, if any. Before assembly, you must make sure that all the parts are in place, for this it is worth checking with the manual;
  • installation of the initial part - at the start of the work it is necessary to take the main headboard, the one that is stationary and motionless. To independently distinguish it from an adjustable part of the arena, it is worth taking a closer look at the number of holes for fastening: there will be less of them than on the moving side of the arena;
  • Next, you need to take the left side part. She is leaned against the main back and secured with bolts and a screwdriver. Typically, manufacturers make holes from the bottom and top to ensure the connection of the two parts;
  • do the same with the second sidewall - the right side. She is leaned against the back and bolted. To make a mistake in this case is unrealistic: each part is equipped with support legs, therefore it is impossible to mix up the top and bottom;
  • after the done manipulations, the time comes to fix the bottom. It is performed by one integral part; it is difficult to confuse it with other elements. Here you will need the help of a second person. One will hold the bottom from the bottom, and the other person will try to make the holes for the fastenings on the bottom coincide with the grooves on the side of the bed from the inside. The part is also fastened with bolts from the outside;
  • Before fully securing the bottom of the arena, it is necessary to attach the second part of the bottom to the side right part. As soon as both parts are in place and the legs coincide with the bottom mounts, you can tighten the bolts with a screwdriver;
  • the movable part of the bed usually contains a large number of components: staples, upper and lower guides, as well as upper and lower mounts. First, brackets are installed in the holes at the foot of the bed. The lower fasteners are fixed on top of them, then the upper fasteners are installed. After that, the upper and lower guides are mounted;
  • the final step will be to tighten all the bolts in full force.

When the playpen is assembled, it must be checked for strength. To do this, it is enough to raise and lower the adjustable part of the crib several times. It is also important to slightly press on the body of the product to check its stability. If the arena is equipped with wheels, it is better to carefully fix it near the wall to avoid arbitrary rolling. If all actions have been carried out in accordance with the instructions, you can safely begin to operate the arena.

The nuances of assembling a multi-level arena

The multi-level arena is characterized by increased functionality, but difficulties may arise during its assembly. The fact is that the movable part of the bed should be fixed in several places at once, while the lower level of the product should not interfere with the work of the adjustable part. A multi-level arena consists of several tiers, often two. On the upper tier is the baby's sleeping place, and the lower level is for the playing area. At this level, there can also be a place for storing toys, accessories for changing a baby, bedding.

Multilevel playpens are a functional product that significantly saves space in the space of the children's room or bedroom of parents.

Playpens are for children up to 4 years old. When the baby has stepped over this age line, it makes sense to purchase a full-fledged stationary bed. The best option is a sliding bed model, adjustable, depending on the height of the child. When assembling a multi-level arena, some difficulties may arise associated with design features. It is worth paying attention to such nuances:

  • in wooden models, it is necessary to additionally install a second bottom. For this, the lower tier of the crib is first fixed, after which a berth for the baby is established;
  • in plastic models, the upper tier can be removed for the duration of the child’s stay in the play area. To do this, it is recommended to unscrew the mounting bolts at four points around the perimeter of the base and carefully remove the baby's berth;
  • for the play area, it is recommended to use a mattress, which is used by the child during sleep: it will provide additional softness and warmth. If the mattress is too high, you can use special soft pillows and sides - you can sew them yourself;
  • round playpen has its own characteristics when assembling. Multilevel options have places for connecting parts at once at several points. In addition, each level must be fixed so that the child could not fall out of the playpen;
  • modern models have the function of adjusting the height of the mattress - this must be taken into account during the initial assembly of the product. Often, the model is equipped with a portable handle, mounted on the side of the arena. Manufacturers also equip multi-level arenas with the function of quick folding: at the time of the reverse folding, it is important to check the crib for stability to ensure the baby's safety;
  • the bed on the base of the lamella does not have a removable upper tier, so when assembling it is necessary to immediately adjust the height of the lower level so that the baby can comfortably be there;
  • if desired, two babies can be placed on the upper tier, and more than two children will fit on the lower level. In this case, it is necessary to provide in advance reinforcing support elements: they will support both levels, increase the degree of their stability.

Models of modern production are made of durable plastic, metal and wooden elements. Manufacturers use reliable water-repellent fabric like polyester. The main advantage of these models is the ability to quickly assemble and disassemble, which allows you to fit the playpen in a portable bag and take it with you to nature, to visit or to relax in another city. Going on such a trip, do not forget about the need to bring a set of keys and a screwdriver: they will be useful for trouble-free assembly of the structure in a matter of minutes.


Watch the video: how to make a baby crib (October 2024).

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