Rosary: ​​what is it? How to create a flower garden with your own hands in a summer cottage?

The rose garden is able to turn any site into an oasis of beauty and tenderness. It will decorate any part of the yard and it doesn’t matter whether it is a fence, a blank wall or a territory with green grass.

It is not difficult to make a unique composition in your yard. It is enough to follow a few simple rules and take into account the nuances of the composition.

So, in this article we will consider what the rose garden is, how it looks in the photo and what types it happens. Learn how to make such a design with your own hands.

What it is?

The rose garden is a flower garden of roses. The rose is rightly called the queen of the flower kingdom. Despite the prevailing opinion that it is quite difficult to grow roses, in fact it is not. To begin, consider two main options for the rosary:

  1. Regular - has strict forms, such as a circle, an oval, a rectangle. Allows you to view each bush from all sides.
  2. Landscape - creates a feeling of arbitrary growth of rose bushes. In fact, everything is carefully thought out and organized.

Regular rose gardens are formed into flowerbeds of certain shapes, framed by stones, pebbles, brick or marble chips. Smooth paths and garden decorations will complement such a rose garden and bring harmony.

The landscape is formed from rose bushes of different sizes and colors, such a rose garden is well suited for small areas or near ponds.

Appearance, description and photo

Rosaries can differ not only in color and shape, but also in appearance, direction of growth of colors and size of arrangement. Look at the photos of how they look.


Romantic rose gardens are recommended in gentle colors.. The arbor gives a special shape to such flower beds, creating a unique and cozy design. Complementing such a rose garden with weaving shrubs, including tall ones, you can achieve a sense of peace and a romantic atmosphere.


Ceremonial rosaries are created from flowers of contrasting shades, they are bright and attracting attention. They look elegant, solemn and elegant. Greens complements the picture in various shades from light green to dark green.

Visible on one side

With the rosary visible on one side, a wall or fence is most often decorated. Such a composition does not take up much space and successfully covers a boring section of a vertical surface. Most often used are climbing varieties, which, if desired, can be directed in the right direction.

Visible from different angles

The rose garden, seen from different angles, looks very beautifulbut there are certain landing rules. Tall plants are planted in the center, and flower beds low on the edge, for better viewing. Such a rose garden requires special care when planting plants.


The rose garden in the form of an arch or arbor, fully braided with flowers, is called vertical. It looks very beautiful, but requires careful care, since weaving varieties of roses tend to grow greatly.

Rock garden

Rock garden is created using groundcover varieties of roses. They wander around the earth and spread their fragrance. They can grow bushes or spread along the ground, while weeds are not afraid of them, roses displace them, and care for such flowers is minimal.


Mobile rose gardens land in portable flowerpots and containers or mobile structures. It is convenient to look after flowers, and to clean up in a heated room for the winter. You can arrange them in any place you like - along the tracks, near the entrance or in a sunny place.

Which and when to choose?

Depending on the location of the future rosary, as well as on the chosen style, the appearance is chosen. To create a cozy resting place, a romantic style is suitable, and for the entrance group, a formal one.

If you need to cover the fence, then a rose garden visible on one side is used, and a large one visible on different sides is perfect for a large area. The vertical will look great over a long path, the rock garden will find its place near the pond, and the mobile is ready to decorate at any moment the necessary section of the yard.

Step-by-step instructions on how to do in the country with your own hands

You need to take the rosary seriouslybecause this site will please more than one year. A competent choice of shades of roses, the right combination with other colors and arrangement will create a truly magnificent natural corner in the courtyard.

Preliminary mapping

The layout of the rosary should limit the limits of the flower garden and contain a detailed arrangement of plants at the site of the future rosary. Here it is necessary to take into account the shades of flowers and their growth opportunities and make room for annual and perennial participants in the composition. If you plan a large rose garden, then be sure to take into account the location of paths and borders on the diagram.

It is worthwhile to look first at what rose gardens are in the pictures and take into account the combination of different colors of roses among themselves. Do not neglect background plants and consider their color when designing a scheme.

Seat selection

When choosing a place for the rose garden, it is worth considering that roses love the sun and do not tolerate drafts. because the selected place should be lit by sunlight for at least 3 hours a day, and the southern section is the best suited for the rosary.

Wet places should be avoided and soil quality should be maintained. For weaving varieties, provide for the presence of support, and high standard varieties will perfectly adorn the entrance group.

Selection of varieties

Roses are short, medium and tall, as well as weaving. Weaving varieties are divided into those that are formed arbors and those that are ground cover. Depending on the chosen type of rosary, varieties of roses are selected, their combination in color, height and ability to weave is taken into account.

Soil preparation

The rose loves the soil good, friable, fertilizedand therefore you should deal with this issue in advance. Dig the earth to a depth of more than a meter and loosen the top layer. Fertilizer can be peat, humus and compost. They are enough to add no more than 10 liters per 1 square. m. Mineral fertilizers will be useful nitrate, superphosphate or potassium chloride.

After 2 months, after digging and fertilizing, the earth will sag, which means it will be ready for planting roses. Sandy ground requires a mixture of humus and clay. And if the site is located on fertile soil, then you can immediately plant seedlings.

Combination with other plants

With what flowers a rose would not be planted, there is usually one rule - the rose should remain the queen and draw attention to itself. So any flowers with dim and discreet flowers will coexist perfectly together. Plants should be at a sufficient distance from the rose and not grow too much.

The best neighbors will be:

  • Verbena.
  • Cosmea.
  • Levkoy.

Of perennials, it is worth giving preference:

  • Lavandee.
  • Veronikee.
  • Delphiniumue.
  • Astram.

Evergreen conifers are not only suitable for roses, but also perfectly highlight the beauty of the flower, thanks to the created green background. Roses in a flower bed with conifers should be at least 1.5 meters apart, since thujas are characterized by soil oxidation, which the rose does not like. Another fan of roses is boxwood. They look great nearby, it is decorative and easily takes the desired shape.

Perennial and annual herbaceous plants get along well with roses and emphasize its beauty. They are unpretentious, decorative and airy. Thanks to them, the flowerbed looks elegant and harmonious.

Color spectrum

When forming the rosary, it is necessary to take into account the combination of shades of colorslocated nearby. It is important that the site creates an airy illusion that pleases the eye, which harmoniously fits into the general appearance of the courtyard. To do this, it is recommended to plant the brightest red shades in the most prominent place, closer to the center. Next to them, blue, beige and white flowers will look great. It is not recommended to plant flowers of orange, purple and pink shades nearby.

The cold or warm shade inherent in the rose is also taken into account, they try to plant shades of the same tone on one flower bed - warm or cold. Their mixing leads to a chaotic appearance that does not attract attention.

Formation of compositions

It is not advisable to create a rose garden from roses alone, since the flowering period of roses is not too long and the plot will not be decorative for the main period of time in a year. Adding other plants to the composition will benefit and delight the eyes. In addition, mixed plantings develop resistance to diseases and pests.

Forming the composition of the rosary, you need to follow simple rules - higher plants should be farther and lower ones closer. The distance between plants should be sufficientso that care can be carried out easily and unhindered.


Before planting, you should prepare rose bushes, for this you need:

  1. Inspect the root of the plant and remove the bad, broken parts.
  2. Shorten the upper part of the bush, while leaving up to three powerful shoots.
  3. Remove all leaves and flowers.

The hole digs under the length of the roots of a particular bush. When planting, the sapling is held exactly upright, and the ground should evenly close all the gaps between the roots.

The distance between roses when planting depends on the variety of the bush. Small roses are planted at least 25 cm from each other, tea-hybrid and park roses at 60 centimeters away, boles and weakly growing weaving plants are planted at a distance of one meter, and tall, weeping boles and curly-growing plants are planted no less than 2 meters.

After planting, soil should be pressed around the plant., then loosen slightly from above. Then water the bush abundantly and cover 20 cm of the bush with peat or sawdust. Since planting is best done in October, this is how the bush will be prepared for winter.

Features for standard roses

A feature of the planting of standard roses is that they are tied up. These plants are quite high, and the winds are strong in winter.

  1. To avoid breaking the trunk, it is necessary to drive a peg to a depth of 50 cm from the leeward side at a distance of 10 cm from the bush. The peg should be tall with a plant and about 3 cm thick.
  2. The tree is tied in three places - at the base, in the middle and before the start of the crown.

To protect the trunk from the rope, you can use pieces of burlap. An elastic mount is also sold for similar procedures, which will simplify the task.

To the hedge

When forming a hedge, weaving roses of different varieties are used. They land at a distance of at least 50 cm from each other. For a more spectacular appearance, low-growing plants are planted in front, followed by medium (1.5) and near the wall tall, more than 1.5 m tall.

The distance from the fence to the nearest rose bush should be at least 30 cm, and the roots of the plant should be directed in the opposite direction from it.

On a flat surface

When planting the rosary on a flat surface, checkerboard planting is used. So roses look more attractive, each of them can be considered separately, and they do not interfere with each other. The distance between the bushes should be equal to ½ of their height.

Additional decoration

Additionally, the rose garden is decorated with various garden figures after all the plants have been planted and they have grown a bit. Thanks to this, it will be possible to better determine the place for each decoration and its color. Arbors are better to install immediately for weaving plants, and under them the benches will look great. Garden figures, lanterns and fountains will be a great addition to the beautiful rose garden.

Rules for leaving at the cottage

  • Be sure to cut off the overgrown flowers from rose bushes in time. Thus, the plant continues to form new buds and increases their number. Mandatory trimmings are spring and autumn.
  • In the spring, you should choose the correct crop period. Too early a procedure can lead to freezing of the plant, if sudden late frosts follow. Having cut the rose late, there is a risk that the plant will weaken, give less inflorescences, and they will be smaller than expected.

    Pruning is carried out only with a sharp tool, for less damage to the plant. All sections are treated with garden var. It is necessary to thin out the bushes, as well as cut off all diseased or dead branches.

  • Watering is carried out once a week, and on dry soils 2-3 times. It is best to make a hole in each bush and pour a bucket of water under it. The best time to water is early morning.

    After watering and rain, the soil loosens up to 5 cm deep. Regular top dressing (up to 7 per season) is very beneficial for roses, it is recommended to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers. You should constantly monitor the absence of diseases and carry out preventive treatment.

In order to create your own rose garden does not require special skills, just take into account all the necessary factors, choose the right plants and take care of them regularly. Regardless of the choice of planting option, rose bushes will delight not only the owners, but also the guests. Beautiful arbors, decorated walls and simply magnificent flowerbeds - this is something small, it can be arranged in the yard during the formation of the rosary.

Watch the video: How to Dry Rosemary - Two Ways - Quick and Simple (October 2024).

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